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Do you give keys to skids?

ocs's picture

I used to be in a FB group about stepmoms. I left it because it was too ridiculous and the stories and drama were too much to handle. I mean really? One had 11 skids and 7 (!!!) BM's... but I digress...

One of the stories had me thinking about giving skid house keys. DH has never mentioned it, and skid is an annoyingly immature 15, but what have you guys done?

I figure she'll never be here without one of us, and typically she is with DH.

I guess my concern is two fold,

1. SD15 brings her nasty friends here
2. what if BM were to think she could use them and sneak in?

Would you ever give skid the keys to your house? She is EOWE- she doesn't live here.

Krissy09's picture

I read this question before even clicking on the comments I said "Helllllllllllll No!" then clicked on the comments and "Hell No" was the first comment. Love it! My steps are 6 & 8, no reason for them to have a key right now but just the thought of them being able to freely come and go from my house makes me mad! Plus what if crazy Baby Mamma gets her hands on it and helps herself into our home while we are out of town. No thank you!

AllySkoo's picture

Not at that age, not if they're EOWE.

That said, when my SD17 (briefly) lived with us, she had a key. And we've given a key to my SD23 because she's come over to feed the cat when we were away. Although I should say that we actually made SD17 give her key to SD23. SD17 has a nasty, abusive, loser boyfriend, and I started to notice a couple things going missing when they came over (which they haven't done in a while, thank goodness), so I don't want her having a key at this point!

notsurehowtodeal's picture

For EOWE at that age - no. When my SD was older and w/us full time we gave her the code to the garage door opener. She could get in the house that way and we could easily rescind the privilege by changing the code, which is way easier and cheaper than changing the locks. If I had a kid I couldn't trust - no code and no key.

hereiam's picture

Nope. Absolutely no reason to for EOWE. Why would she need one?

I would not have even let my SD stay in my house for 5 minutes by herself, much less let her have a key.

Glassslipper's picture

my skids have the code to get in the garage, they come everyday after school, BM picks them up from our place 2 days a week.
I wish I had not agreed to that...
BM has driven to our house and demanded the kids go inside/open the door so she can get things.

I now have installed a "deer" / "hunting" camera that takes still photos of our driveway to determine who is there and who is "in/out" of the car during pick ups.

I would advise anyone who can avoid giving a avoid it

Teas83's picture

As long as SD only comes EOWE, she'll never get a house key. There would be no need for it. If she were to live with us full time for some crazy reason, we'd have to re-evaluate it.

intrinsicmemory's picture

Nooo... I had an all out panic attack when I thought SD took the mail keys (which has a house key) to BM's. Like paper bag rocking back and forth panic attack. No keys to the step kids... EVER. I would do a biometric scanner before I handed out keys!

ocs's picture

Thank you for all the responses! I feel the same way as you too. My instinct tells me she would abuse and/or f up the situation. She is and only will ever be here WITH DH, so no need for a key...

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Not just no, but HELL NO. DH is adamant about the fact that he and I have the only keys. If we are not home, no skids should be in our home. Period. If DH was possessed and gave a key to a skid, you can bet your bottom dollar that BioMonster would find out, manage to get hold of the key, and go snooping in our house to steal whatever she could. Or send the skid inside to do it for her. This is the same beeyotch who took faucets, sinks, and light fixtures from the house she and DH had before he got home from work and found an empty house. BM is forever playing the "you love DH more than me" card so I wouldn't put it past her to ask a skid to help her get in our home.

Calypso1977's picture

i would never let my SD14 have a key to our home. honestly, she's not with us enough to even need one.

once she starts driving, i still doubt she'd get a key as i assume visits will cease altogether or when she does come over her father will be home.

i dont like leaving her home alone now for more than 20 or 30 minutes. she's not destructive or anything, but she's just so stupid and leaves lights, etc. on.

ocs's picture

Haha Calypso!


A while back we got a new puppy. SD13 at the time, was over and was in her room. DH and I decided to take the pup outside and see if she understood leash walking and SD decided she'd rather stay in and do nothing.... meh.... no skin off my nose. About 10 minutes later, SD came skipping out to the park,(very close to our house), and I returned home to use the washroom.

Garage door wide open, and indoor entry into the house WIDE OPEN. Complete moron.

Aswang- what happened??

Calypso1977's picture

this is what happens when parents do everything for their kids. im sure her whole life she walked first out of the house and someone else had to shut the door!

ill never forget this, i was so pissed. we came back from a trip to see my mom and my fiance bought some pumpkin butter he wanted to try. we put it in the cupboard because we werent ready to open it and use it.

well SD14 (13 at time) see it and says, "oh, what is this?" i said "its pumpkin butter". instead of readign the label or asking questions she POPS OPEN THE LID and smells it, adn puts the lid back on. I said, "um, why did you do that? now it was to be refridgerated and eaten right away". she of course shrugs and says "oh, sorry". It was like $6! Idiot!!!!!!!!!!!!!