Yup...it's almost Christmas
Anyone else know that the skids get suddenly super sweet and nice this time of year? To the point you want to puke? Yup...it has started in my house! All of a sudden, SheSloth wants to be super nice and helpful! Trying to get those points in for presents at the last minute...you know, kinda like the grading periods in school (i.e., turn in all that homework the last few days of the 6-weeks)! It is like we are supposed to forget that she has been a stuck up brat the rest of the year...like we are supposed to forget the lies (and the "lost" yearbook), etc.
It was too funny...she was caught in a lie yesterday, though DH didn't call her to the mat on it because "it wasn't news"! The lie? Just the day before, my BIL asked her if she had a boyfriend! SheSloth...in front of everyone...insisted she didn't! DH told her, "Really? No boyfriend?" Again...she insisted no. Well, we went out to brave the crowds yesterday as BS19 needed shoes and jeans. Figured while we had to be at the mall, might as well get some of my Christmas shopping done if I found anything that actually was a good buy. Of course...SheSloth laid it on to get DH to buy her a couple of things (a sweater and some new gauges which are a size up from the ones she has...though, she wasn't going to go any bigger...ever). Everyone was out and about, and BS19 and his best friend were with us. BS19 was running into all kinds of people he knew...all excited to see him home and stopping to talk to him. Sure enough, one girl blurts out, "So, you know your sister is dating ______!" Yup...we were standing right there! BS19 looked at SheSloth as he said, "Oh, really?!" SheSloth started turning white!!! Unfortunately, that is when DH looked at her and simply said, "Why even lie about it? Seriously...you think this is news?" (Note...before getting grounded, SheSloth was on the phone with this guy constantly, so yeah...it wasn't news...a guy will not spend that much time on the phone with a girl unless he is gay, or dating her...and one look at his Facebook, and you know he isn't gay).
Seriously...DH should have called her to the mat on it, because it was yet ANOTHER lie in as many weeks! I don't care if he already figured they were dating...fact of the matter is that she said she didn't have a boyfriend when she did...she lied! I don't care what the lie is about, a lie is a lie, and they float out of this girl's mouth as easily as she breathes!
As for the sweater she got yesterday, let's see if she even wears it. Why? Well, DH wanted her to get something that would help her "bond" with me. We were at Hot Topic (yes...I buy things there...don't judge...can't help if I'm still into punk), and I pick out this Misfits sweater. She claims to like punk, but whenever I hear music coming from her room, it is country or rap...so yeah. It will be interesting to see if she wears something I picked out, and that has the name of a band I listen to on it. Not that I care, but DH is insisting we try to find some common ground! Problem is, I don't care how many things we may have common interest in, as long as SheSloth lies, manipulates, and treats people like crap, I can't find myself getting close to her! I don't like having toxic people in my life!
I've bought a few Iron Maiden
I've bought a few Iron Maiden t-shirts at Hot Topic, lol. I'm all 80's Metal here.....don't judge lol!
SD13 has been lying out of her ass lately and it's been little white lies. She had the nerve to push her Christmas List under the door last night. I put in the bottom of the clothes hamper. DH has no clue! I have just been amusing myself at her expense! LMAO
I showed DH a picture of SD13's bottle of ACT rinse from over 3 weeks ago and told him to check in her bathroom. He immediately started telling me to stop and I told him to stop enabling her. We both went over to her bathroom and showed her the picture. The bottle was a few millimeters from where is was at the beginning of the month. SD13 even admitted that she didn't brush her teeth yesterday. I asked her if she knew why no one wanted to talk to her? "Because you stink and you still have food in your teeth."
I am having DH return the nice $60 shoes he bought SD13 to wear to a wedding, as well as a few shirts. Skid is a waste of space.
~ Moon
"White lies" are still lies
"White lies" are still lies in my book! I keep saying...if they can lie so easily and readily about the little stuff, they WILL lie about the big stuff!
Ugh...and the Christmas lists! DH made SheSloth an Amazon account so she can simply add the things she wants to her wish list. I haven't looked at it, but I can only imagine!
Had to cut the last post
Had to cut the last post short, DH was around. I can't believe SD13 pushed her damn Christmas List under the door. She was downstairs with DH for awhile, and the list had been on the table all day. She waits until we are settling in, and then knocks on the door. DH didn't hear and I didn't say anything. But then she pushes a piece of paper under the door. I knew what it was, and since I did laundry yesterday, my tall hamper had nothing in it. I just let the list float to the bottom. Then I put my socks in the hamper on top of the list this morning. This is what SD13 gets for lying and lying and lying, and then playing the dumb card in front of me and DH!
I told DH to keep the Skids out LATE at a movie and dinner tonight. Funny, my parents are taking my nephew to the same movie at the same theater. I'm not going because I despise movie theaters. My parents both think SD13 is ridiculous with this boy act. It's a kick in the teeth. DH told me that maybe SD13 needs a break from me? I told him she doesn't and that all the shit she is going through is called growing pains. She was so cute and pretty and confident as an 11yo, about two years ago. Now she is a lost soul, creepy and awkward and gross and.....
Well, you get it.
~ Moon
So...supposedly...SheSloth and her not-boyfriend broke up because BS19 scared him...at least that is what DH is saying. I asked DH, "How could they break up if they weren't together?" He gives me some crap that SheSloth told them that they were "dating but didn't want to put a label on it" (yeah, I know...sounds like booty call to me, right?). That posed my next question, "Um...how do you date without going out on a date?" DH says he brought up that point, but since they couldn't be alone together, he wasn't worried. Really? Can't be alone together? I told DH he was being quite naive. I told him, "Um...but what about the sudden needing to stay after school last week? And you know he was staying after school, too!" DH says that he doubted they had any time to hang out together..."Oh really? And when you were in high school, you never found a way to be alone with a girl on school grounds?" Yeah...that ended that conversation really quick!
I've said it before, and I'll say it again! I will NOT be grandma to that girl's irresponsible spawn if she gets preggers because DH is clueless! She will go back to BM's, or I'm out of here! I will not be taking care of any babies! Hope DH enjoys being a grandpa by himself if things keep up like this!
On the high note...SheSloth is going straight to BM's when DH picks her up this evening, so I don't have to deal with her tonight...and I leave to take BS19 back to school in the morning. I get at least another 24 hours skid-free!
Lies. Why is that acceptable
Lies. Why is that acceptable to parents? All I can imagine, is IF, SD ever gets a job, how will that work with the lying? Sure, daddy buys all the crap that comes out of her mouth, but a boss won't. This is why I've tried so hard the past few years to get DH to understand how he isn't doing her any favors by burying his head in the sand. If her boss tells her to do something, and she doesn't, then turns around and says she did it, she isn't going to last anywhere. DH will be supporting this lazy child forever.
Can't, I can relate to the nice act. After not speaking for months, SD put on a nice act for Thanksgiving. Maybe it was a show for our guests, or maybe it was because Christmas is coming. All I know is this girl is NEVER sincere. I won't be fooled by her, like her dad is. I prefer not speaking, because that way she can't lie, and twist my words around. As it is, I won't be going to anything on DH's side of the family. SD has lied about me, and DH supports her, by letting her get away with it. Then he wonders why I don't want to associate with his kid. When DH stops treating his daughter like a wife, I'll participate in family things. Right now, I don't even feel that I'm a part of THIS family, so why bother pretending? DH can escort his mini wife to the Christmas celebration. I'll go visit my kids.
If the opportunity for an affordable place comes up, I'll jump at it. I'd love to live somewhere else until SD leaves home...that could be forever.
DH thinks his daughter is such an upstanding person, and has learned so much. Well, after telling me he doesn't want to know everything she does, I've discovered another little interesting thing concerning SD. I won't be telling DH, as per instructions, but it only confirms my point about her being irresponsible, and untrustworthy.
Why are these men such fools?
Well, there is so much lying
Well, there is so much lying going on around this non-boyfriend thing, I wonder what is really going on!
Drove BS19 back to school today. I asked him, "So, you scared away SheSloth's boyfriend I hear!" BS19 seemed confused. He said that at the game yesterday, the guy came up to him to say hey...since they know each other from football. When BS19 mentioned that he heard the guy was interested in his sister, the guy told him, "What? No...we are just friends!" BS19 said the guys friends looked at him like "yeah...right"!
So...here is what I'm thinking...and we all remember these guys and girls from high school! I'm thinking that this guy and SheSloth have been making out after school. SheSloth is probably following him around like a puppy during school, but he is wanting to keep it on the down low because he really doesn't want anyone to know he is getting "favors" from her. She is making everyone think they are going steady...he sees it as "friends with bennies"...just using her for whatever. Because everyone now thinks they are an item, he is now trying to push away...and told her at the game to back off...hence SheSloth saying that BS19 chased him away to make herself look like the victim big time, but not admitting to what was going on.
What do y'all think? Sound plausible? I mean...I had a friend in high school go through this exact kind of thing...she wasn't the prettiest girl, but the guy told her the right things to get what he wanted...she had to keep quiet because he didn't want anyone to know, but he somehow made her think he loved her! In reality...she was just a booty call to him. That game I'm sure is still being played!
SheSloth gets home at 9 pm
SheSloth gets home at 9 pm from BM's last night. She FINALLY starts her homework when she gets home!!! Supposedly, she had two chapters in English to read and a unit to do for ASL. DH acted like it was no big deal. WTH!!! Girl sat on her back side all day on Wednesday and did NOTHING when she was home at our house. She also did NOTHING but sit around and watch TV at BM's on Friday and Sunday. Gotta love how this girl procrastinates! Had to go in to pay her lunch account today (again, don't trust DH to do it, because he will over pay the account to allow her to buy junk food instead of just enough for the standard plate). I took a peek at her stuff...more 0's and more tardies. Oh, but she is trying, all right! Whatever! Yeah, all those days she stayed after school the last couple of weeks that were last minute, supposedly working on homework? Yeah...see above post!
Oh, trust me...I'm certain
Oh, trust me...I'm certain she lies to the people at school! Lies just flow off of her tongue too easy for her not to!
DH is supposed to go to a color guard parents meeting tonight to discuss winter guard...fundraisers and the like. I'm not going, and I'm making it clear he better not volunteer me for anything! If he wants to volunteer, he can go for it! It will be interesting to see if the coach pulls him aside and says anything about the drama last month...since she never called DH, and he never called her. If it were me? I would be getting there a bit early, go right up to her, and ask if SheSloth ever told her to call him, and I would bring the whole thing up! I'm betting SheSloth lied to DH when she said she told the coach to call him about it all, and she knew he wasn't going to initiate the contact. Make the coach look bad and keep dad out of the loop of what really happened!
And you are right...she has to be the victim in EVERY situation! It is never her fault! A 0 in the gradebook? I don't know how many times I've heard her say that she turned it in and the teacher lost it! Really? And I can always tell the parents of and friends/acquaintances of SheSloth's that don't have older children...they always give me this look that tells me SheSloth is telling people I'm the most evil person on the planet! Those who have older kids who went to school with my bios know better, as they have known me a while and heard what my bios had to say about me. Like the mom of SheSloth's ex-boyfriend from last school year...SheSloth spent a lot of time at their house over the few months they were dating. At the end of the school year, the guy's mom was elected the president of Project Grad for this year's class...I was on the board for last year's class. We had to have a meeting to officially bring in the next year's board per the bylaws, so this mom was there. She gave me such stink eye the entire meeting!! Seriously! I never knew this woman before SheSloth went out with her son, and I never said or did anything to this woman to make her look at me that way. I knew at that point SheSloth had to have been at her house telling her what an evil witch I am!
Oh, I HATE taking SheSloth
Oh, I HATE taking SheSloth with me shopping, and I usually avoid it at all cost! Friday ended up being a "family" outing...I'm just shocked she only walked away with the sweater and the gauges, and the stuff she needed for guard, to tell the truth. But DH is always trying to convince me to take SheSloth shopping with me as a "bonding experience"...puke! Girl will ask for everything under the sun, and when she is told no, I'm so evil...because, you know, I bought something for myself and not her! Never mind I actually have a job and make money, and I'm not obligated to buy for her!
DH is getting SheSloth a necklace with color guard stuff on it for Christmas. Yay him for coming up with something all by himself! That is about all she is getting! If she gets anything else, it will be some eyeliner and stuff like that, since I know she is about to ask for more anyway...and it WILL be the grocery store stuff!
I know it is evil, but I'm
I know it is evil, but I'm hoping that the coach pulls DH aside and asks if he heard about last month's drama, and he finds out she lied about asking the coach to call him...and hopefully he finds out that SheSloth WAS main instigator and not the victim! Maybe he would make her quit guard! Wouldn't it be evil if she had to quit guard, but the ONLY gift she was getting was a reminder of guard?
Oh, no...she would find some
Oh, no...she would find some other excuse to stay after school and make out with some guy like she already does on the days she doesn't have actual guard practice.
Homework, art club, ASL club. She would probably join some other club just to have something.
And, it would mean she could go to BM's EVERY weekend, since she won't have competitions or anything screwing that up. OR...without guard, maybe she will actually move back to BM's and stay there. I know, the SF won't allow it...but, I can hope, right?
DH is so not wanting to go to
DH is so not wanting to go to this guard meeting! Maybe he knows...like I do...that he will be the only dad there among these overbearing moms! Some of these guard moms can be like pageant moms...lol. I can see DH in there already...
My name is surely going to be mud around the guard circle after tonight because I'm not going. The mom I mentioned earlier that gives me all the stink eye? Yeah, her daughter is in guard, and I'm certain she will be there. And she IS one of those moms! Woman was in drill team in high school (went to school with DH), but she let herself go after she graduated. So now, she is living through her daughter.
Not a word volunteered after
Not a word volunteered after the color guard meeting last night! That probably means that neither DH nor the coach even brought up the drama of last month! If the drama was brought up, DH would have been mumbling and griping all evening.
I have an unexpected day off (missed that I was off today on the work schedule...if you ever saw they way they do the schedule, it is so confusing sometimes), so I think I'm going out! I came up with another gift idea for SheSloth...instead of makeup. I think she should get a robe for Christmas! Tired of seeing her go from the bathroom to her room in a towel, though she has been told about a billion times to put her PJs on while in the bathroom. DH told her to use a robe, and she said she didn't have one...so that sounds like a perfect present, right? Something she doesn't really want, but something that means I don't have to see her butt hanging out of the bottom of a towel should I happen to be walking toward my room just as she is coming out of the bathroom! And trust me...it will not be anything fancy or cute.
Sounds similar to SheSloth.
Sounds similar to SheSloth. When she is "going out" with a guy, she will find a way to steal something of his...guess she claims she is cold or something at school in her hoochie clothes. She will come home with a hoodie, jacket, etc. of the guys, and from that point on, she wears it constantly...even to sleep...until they break up and the guy demands it back. If he doesn't demand it back, DH makes her hand it over because she is "wallowing". Bad thing is, the entire time, she never washes it. Seriously...if I were the guy, I wouldn't want it back, as the item could probably walk on it's own!!
Took a peek in SheSloth's room the other day. Do that every now and then, so I have ammo every time she asks to move into the dogs' room, which is bigger. UGH, the room smells like poop...seriously! I don't know how anyone can live in that! And, it is trashed as usual. All those poopy undies...YUCK!
LOL...when I told DH he said,
LOL...when I told DH he said, "Oh...well make it something fun!" HA! She got whatever they had at Target in her size! LOL...and it was slim pickins!
I was in the kitchen doing
I was in the kitchen doing some stuff, when BM called. SheSloth has her phone up so loud, I can hear both sides of the conversation. Seems since I won't allow big gifts this year due to SheSloth "losing" BS20's yearbook, she is bugging her mom for a color guard saber. This means that her stepdad really is the one who will be buying it, because BM doesn't work! $150 for a piece of color guard equipment that she will probably never get to use in performance! Why do I say that? Her guard isn't using sabers! They ONLY do flags and rifles. SheSloth only wants it to show off...seriously. Like she isn't causing enough drama and friction within the guard, now she is going to get BM and stepdad to get her this saber, she is going to take it to school, and be all snooty and demand that she be allowed to use it in the show! Considering how clumsy she is with her flag and rifle, this should be fun to watch!
But even on the phone, SheSloth is being all, "Well, dad won't get it for me!" all snooty. You're right...dad won't get it for you. Maybe if you didn't EXPECT things all the time...like expensive makeup, gauges, clothing that you really don't need because you have more than you could ever wash, etc...and if you didn't "lose" BS20's yearbook requiring us to pay twice as much for a replacement. Yeah, then maybe you could expect nicer gifts. Oh...and I forgot...that would also mean that you didn't treat the people in this house like crap!
I almost want BM to get her
I almost want BM to get her the saber. I KNOW what is going to happen! Like I said...SheSloth will show off and act all better than everyone else..."I have a saber...y'all don't...coach, you HAVE TO let me have a saber solo!" Let her make a total fool of herself, and cause even more distance between her and the other guard girls! Not to mention, I'm certain she is going to beat herself to hell with it!
SD wants a camera for
SD wants a camera for Christmas, "you know to take pictures of nature and stuff."
The girls never sees nature. If she's not in her room, she's out with friends having fun with the money daddy keeps dishing out.
I'm interested in what you ladies think she wants a camera for. I'm pretty sure I know...
For no good! Or, to let it
For no good! Or, to let it sit around and collect dust. That is what SheSloth's camera does! I'm into photography. When my company got bought out and I got paid out on my stocks, I bought myself a nice DSLR for about $2500. DH later found himself a used DSLR for around $500, and sometimes we will go out just to take pictures...drive into the city, visit the graffiti garden, walk around downtown, etc. We usually do this just the two of us. When SheSloth moved in, and stopped going to BM's as much, DH started wanting to take her with us. UGH! DH would let her use his point and click camera, but she would always complain it was boring. However, every single time we go to Best Buy, or it is getting close to Christmas, she starts bugging for an expensive DSLR!!! One year, we got her a low end DSLR...just as a test of if she actually wanted to get into photography or if she just wanted the expensive DSLR for the sake of having it. DH told her if she really showed interest, then maybe he would consider a nicer camera...the one we got her was only like $150. It has sat collecting dust for 2 years now!
"Does it piss you off when DH
"Does it piss you off when DH wants to include his brat in things you use to do on your own, adult time for bonding?"
To high heaven! We don't even go on photography outings any longer, because SheSloth always has to come (seeing as she rarely goes to BM's anymore...she is here like 4/5 weekends). Miss "I Wanna Do Photography" gripes and complains the whole time...just takes me out of my zone, if you know what I mean. When you are an artist of any kind, your best work is when you are in a certain zone, and nagging and complaining is something that can take one out of that zone really quick! She doesn't get truly being a photographer. She thinks a photography outing should be a 20 minute trip to the botanical gardens (because she ONLY takes pretty pictures), lunch at some fun place, and then shopping! Me? I like to spend the day wandering around places and just seeing what catches my eye. It isn't about "pretty pictures"...it's about capturing emotion! This is the reason I took BS20's senior pictures, because I wanted the emotion...seeing him through the eye of his loving mom...not some person who didn't know him, and was taking the same shots of every senior that paid them! The best pictures I got of him was when he wasn't trying to be a picture...if that makes sense. That day, we went to fun locations, and he just wandered around, and I was able to capture pictures that really spoke what was in his heart at the time...so much so that he took one of the pictures and posted it to his Facebook with a little essay about how happy AND scared he was about the new journey he was about to take in his life!
I seriously like going out and looking for people I don't know...why I like downtown so much. Since the pictures are just for me, anyway. I love catching that emotion when people don't even realize a camera is on them!
When SheSloth ever takes pictures? "Oooo...look...flower!"
If she is a liar and
If she is a liar and manipulator why is DH taking her shopping? Why is she getting gauges for her ears at all? Yeah they are the cool thing but what is purpose, they are not practical. How will you stop her from going outrageously big with them? I am just curious. My sister had to have her ears fixed by a dr when she decided to get a real job. I think too many kids are experimenting with these and it is the parents who will pay for it later when they need them fixzed. Any adult who has them, hey good for them thats their choice. I mean they are kind of hot on artsy guys.
"If she is a liar and
"If she is a liar and manipulator why is DH taking her shopping?"
Because in DH's eyes, the girl is an angel! And because she IS a manipulator! When she first started doing the gauges, DH was against it. "But daddy....I PROMISE I'm not going any bigger than...." Yeah, she has about doubled that size already! Every time she gets new ones, she sneaks up a size...like NO ONE notices! Oh, and she has the beanie to go with it, which come to think of it, she hasn't been wearing. Yeah...100 degrees outside, and the girl has a beanie on her head every stinking day! It gets cold? No beanie!
My SS15's Christmas list left
My SS15's Christmas list left conveniently on the table included:
Long skins (exercise leggings that are scientifically designed to improve the circulation when exercising are are worth over $200)...note: this would be his third pair as he threw away his first pair because there was some zinc spilled on a leg(I was there to witness it)and his second pair got....lost??
Long sleeved skins (for the upper body...worth $150)
A personal trainer (!!!!!!!!!!!! WTF)
Supplements for his exercising program (when it starts)..yes..supplements. Don't worry about just eating nutritious meals!!
Track/running shoes ($200)
Gym membership (he is not even a gym member....so lord knows why he has to look the part before he even gets there)
So why not just slip on a pair of shorts, T-Shirt and a pair of jogging shoes and jog around the block? Oh that's right, it dosent look cool.
Why oh why do these children think they are entitled to adult like gifts without all the hard work from them....eg the supplements, personal trainers and gym gear....before even stepping into a gym for goodness sake!!
Sounds like your SS is one of
Sounds like your SS is one of my favorite people...NOT! I'm a personal trainer, and I just love these folks that want all the expensive "gear" and clothing. Then, because it is on Pintrest, they have to have that supplement, and this supplement...they don't even know what they are used for, but Pintrest says to use them! And personally, I would NEVER train a teenager! Oh hell no! Why? Too many teenagers think they know everything, and if they are spoiled enough to have their parents pay for a trainer? Probably my only exception would be if it was an overly obese child, and the parents were really concerned and didn't know where to start...but surely not some teenaged guy who comes in with fancy compression pants, $200 trainers, and supplements! Oh hell no! BS20 is an athlete, and you think he has all this fancy stuff? NOPE! Protein powder...yeah...that is about all I ever bought for him and only during his off-seasons when he was supposed to bulk, because it was the easiest way for him to get extra protein while at school (he would take a shaker with just the powder in it, and after his workout, he would add water and chug it). Even BS20's football cleats never cost us $200!
Tell your SS...he wants to get into shape? Get into boy's athletics, find a sport he enjoys, and eat healthy! He doesn't need all that expensive crap, and dealing with those coaches may knock him down a few notches!
my sd14 wants a computer that
my sd14 wants a computer that costs like 1000$. haha, no. she has been neglecting earning money and I am pretty sure it is because she thinks she is going to get that computer for christmas.
Yeah...what is it with asking
Yeah...what is it with asking for the most expensive stuff on the planet? Girl is already trying to get a car for her birthday. She thinks, "I'm turning 16...that means I MUST have a car and a drivers license!" HELLO! These things are earned...comes with trust. And there is NO trust! Not to mention, has she paid any attention to when drivers licenses and cars have been gotten in this house? Yeah...BD23 didn't get her license until she was 18...and got her own car. BS20 got his license about 2 months before his 18th birthday, and paid us back for his first car, and the one he has now (which unfortunately was in a wreck and he needs help fixing) was a "graduation/congrats on getting into college" present (poor kid...was in a wreck just weeks before leaving for school...we found a parts car, but he needs help putting his back together, as he REALLY loves his Blazer, and would rather fix it than get something different).