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SS Changed My Radio Station

jam's picture

My dh has someone working for him. We are doing some remodeling on a rental. The person helping with the work will be renting the house from us. One day the hired hand was not working for us and so I was at the rental helping with the remodel and my dh tells me that the house is ours and the decisions for remodeling are ours. He then goes on to say that it just really annoyed him that his hired hand had changed his radio station. I say "Well!, now you know how it feels" and went on to tell him how I would have the radio on in our home while I am running around cleaning. Told him that when I would step into the laundry room ss would change my station and do it either to annoy me or to show dominance since I felt I could not change the channel back. That was a few years ago. Just brought back the memory of how helpless I felt. Today there would be a confrontation. Not gonna put up with treatment like that again. Just thought I would share.

jam's picture

Oh that is hard to explain. I understand how stupid it sounds but I felt I could not. Mainly because my dh wanted to be the one that handle all & any problems. As time went by I found that I could and would take care of a situation because I had so much anger building up. The more I would say nothing and allow dh to take care of what ever it was the worse things got.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Oh no she di-ent!

SheSloth did that to me once in the car. Got in and started changing the music to find something that suited her. I changed the channel back to my music, and told her to get her butt back and her hands off MY dashboard! Next day, I got a text from BM telling me to stop being a b***h to her daughter! Showed DH the text, and told him I wasn't even going to respond! He needed to handle the both of them!

thinkthrice's picture

All three skids used to mess with my car radio. YSS used to BLAST the radio in the truck and think it was funny. To the point of deafness! His grubby little fingers would turn the volume all the way up and then he would laugh. Chef wouldn't say one thing about it.

I started locking my car doors (we live in the sticks; something we don't normally do) when YSS was around. This pissed Chef off to no end, but I couldn't stand the thought of "Prince Hygiene" climbing into my car, turning all the knobs, pressing all the buttons, etc. etc. Something I wouldn't let my OWN bios do when they were kids.

Rags's picture

Some of the things that people tolerate or think of as drama sometimes amazes me. If someone changes the radio without asking, change it back and tell them to leave the radio alone. End of issue.

If they make a game of it slap the piss out of their hand and tell them if they do it again the consequences will escalate. If they do it, escalate the consequences. No muss, no fuss, no worries.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Pretty much. In my case, SheSloth never tried that crap again, but partially because I now refuse to be in the car alone with her. If I'm stuck home alone with her, I try to avoid her at all cost. I'm not going to be accused of crap, and I can PROMISE you SheSloth blew up the radio thing to something more than it was to BM for BM text me with that crap. I didn't even bother responding to BM...let DH deal with her AND SheSloth!

jam's picture

Oh its not JUST changing the radio station. That is just one of many little deliberate annoying things done to make sm miserable. Compound the problem when dh is blind to the gazillion annoying tactics played on her. Took me years but.... now Rags i say I totally agree with you. I will get in ss face now if he pulled that crap!

intrinsicmemory's picture

Exactly this. I do a healthy mixture of Opera and classical. I was raised on it (my parents were... strict), so I find it soothing.

Sometimes I sing along... (To the opera)

intrinsicmemory's picture

Right, and it annoys the piss out of my SD. And if I am annoyed/angry enough to want others to suffer with me... Let's just say DH is super nice to me when I ask for my Mozart CD...

Rags's picture

One of the few notable behaviors that my bride and I differ on is channel surfing. In the car listening to the radio I am a leave it alone guy. I listen to mostly the same station any time I am driving. My bride will hit a dozen of more channels per mile of driving. If she does not like the song, news topic, or a commercial comes on she hops stations constantly. That drives me insane and leaving the station alone drives her insane.

When watching TV she hates channel surfing while I will have multiple panes open and flip between stations during commercials. }:) When she gets irritated I play the "See, now you know how I feel when we are driving." card. Not smart Rags ... but oh so much fun!!!!!!

Fortunately when it comes to music we both like it all ..... for the most part. Some rap I can't stand but my bride is 12 years younger and was for the most part in the first group of kids to be raised with rap on the Top 40 pop music stations. Most of it makes me cringe. So, when we were on road trips as a family before the Skid launched I usually lost the battle for the radio station. Sigh. The Skid generally left the radio alone and either slept when we were in the car or he had his IPod cranked up.

My bride and I both like classical music, classic rock, pop ,country, etc... but rap is the one area where we differ notably when it comes to music. For years we belonged to the symphony and had season tickets. My bride harasses me to this day saying that I napped through countless symphony seasons. I prefer to view it as listening with my eyes clothed so that I can focus on the nuances of the music and beauty of the performance. She says that snoring is not appreciating and since I do not snore along with the music that I am full of shit. :? :jawdrop: