SheSloth barely passed this last grading period. Quite the difference from being on the A/B honor roll the grading period prior! And she already is missing assignments in math...didn't turn in anything that was due yesterday.
SheSloth is also screwed when it comes to mid-terms! Our high school lets you exempt mid-terms or finals as long as you have at least an 80% for the semester in the class you want to exempt with your 3 period grades, and you have no more than 2 days absent. But there is another requirement that SheSloth has screwed herself cannot have more than 8 tardies TOTAL for 1 semester, or you forfeit your ability to exempt ANY exam! She already has 12 for the semester, and the 3rd grading period just started! SheSloth's test grades have not been the best in a couple of classes, so it should be interesting to see what happens when she has to take the mid-term for 1/4 of the semester grade.
She is going to be one unhappy camper when she comes home today. I know I wasn't going to look at her grades, but I'm so tired of her planting herself on my couch in front of my TV that I've set up a new rule she doesn't know about yet. If there are any zeros for missing work, there is no TV when she comes home! I won't say a word...just take the remote and hide it in my office. I'll tell DH where it is for when he comes home. I already mentioned to DH when I got the email about her missing English project that I was going to start hiding the remote so she can't plant herself in front of the TV after school, and he did not I take that as an agreement to the plan! I'll let him explain to her that zeros = no TV. I want her out of here! To accomplish that, I know a diploma is kinda a requirement. It won't be said that I contributed to her laziness with regards to school! I've locked down her phone during school hours (which I'm sure she has been hating), and now I take away TV use so that MAYBE she will be bored enough to do her homework when she gets home.
Here, if you have a 90, you
Here, if you have a 90, you can have up to 3 absences. If you have an 80-89, you have to have one less absence to exempt. They also cannot have more than 3 tardies for the class they want to exempt, but if they have 8 TOTAL tardies across classes, they lose their ability to exempt anything. SWEET! I'm sure SheSloth didn't think about this while she was late to class because she was flirting with some guy or something.
I forgot to point out, this
I forgot to point out, this isn't just about grades. It is also about SheSloth doing everything on "SheSloth Time". I'm done with that! I'm tired of sitting around waiting for her when we are ready to leave. I'm tired of DH telling SheSloth to do something, and MAYBE she will get to it an hour later. She is a big time procrastinator! She has been told many, many times homework comes before TV...but she will come home and straight to the couch! Then, MAYBE around 9:00 p.m., if she feels like it, she will get to her homework.
HEHE...and the fun starts! She is home, and I can hear her in the kitchen. Next she will go looking for the remote, which isn't there! Am I having too much fun with this?
Oooooh evil SP! You
Oooooh evil SP! }:) You know what would be even worse? Does your TV have the ability to be programmed with a passcode? You can lock the TV down during certain hours, and only the passcode will unlock it for viewing. Parental controls on the TV! I am thinking about doing this over winter break when SD19 is home from college. As soon as 430pm rolls around, TV goes into lockdown mode. She will have been on the couch all day, and when DH is home its his time to watch.
Are you really on THIRD term already or was that a typo? We just started 2nd on 11/3/14.
~ Moon
Ours are 6-week periods, so
Ours are 6-week periods, so our 3rd just started yesterday, and she already has 3 zeros in math.
Yes our TV has controls, but SheSloth is too lazy to try to work the TV without the remote...don't know if she could even figure it out! It is easier just to bring the remote into my office, which I lock when I leave.
DH called to see if SheSloth made it home. I told him yes...and he then asked if she was doing her homework. I told him, "I don't know, but if you want the TV remote when you get home, it's in the usual place in my office." He asked why, and I told him about the 3 zeros in math, and that I'm done with her planting her back side in front of the TV every day after school. He was not happy...not because I hid the remote from her, but because he just got on her butt last week about doing her homework!
The other concern I have about our TV is that it is rear projection, and those bulbs do have only so many hours. Girl does not have the money to replace that bulb because she burns 3-4+ hours a day off of the bulb life, watching things that only serve to rot one's brain anyway (like Teen Mom, Real World, etc.).
I used to have a major
I used to have a major problem with my DH and his alleged BD playing non educational video games for hours on end. I wouldn't have such a problem with it if she wasn't lazy and failing in school. So I confiscated the WII and all the games and methodically removed every TV from my house with the exception of the one in our bedroom in which NO KIDS ARE ALLOWED. Now the poor thing actually has time to clean her room, read a book, or entertain herself. My next move will be to move the community computer to my office down stairs. AHHH HA HA HA HA HA HA!
My next step is turning the
My next step is turning the Internet router off! I have a work-provided hot spot, so won't bother me any!
If she is doing so bad per
If she is doing so bad per the progress report, how come she has not lost her spot in the show? Does this also affect her spot on the Winterguard?
She is barely passing. Again,
She is barely passing. Again, pulled the grade out off her ass last days of grade period. They don't monitor the grades through the period, and they don't lose their spot over a progress report. I personally think all extras should do what our football coaches do. Every player on the football team has to get a sign off from every teacher every week that they are passing, or they don't play. It isn't required by UIL, just something our coaches do to make sure the players keep up on their work.
Sally did hit the nail on the
Sally did hit the nail on the head...and it is still being disengaged.
I'm tired of the poor grades because she lays (remember...she can't sit) on MY couch in front of MY TV watchin MY cable after school. I don't have to provide any of these things to her! Now, if I were engaged, I would march my butt out there and tell her to get off of her back side and do her homework, as engaging means actually engaging in contact with the child for sure. Instead, I choose to hide the remote away to make it so she cannot watch MY TV. If she does her homework, that is great! That is a step toward getting out of my house! If she doesn't, then DH can't blame me for not going out there and telling her to get off the TV and on to her homework. Trust me, I would get blamed, "You just sat there and let her lay around on the couch and watch TV knowing she probably had homework!" Remember, I work from DH doesn't get home until about 3 hours after SheSloth does. By hiding the remote, I'm not enabling her, nor am I really parenting her. I'm taking away an option, and what she does while holed up in her room is not my concern at that point.
Not to mention, the other thing I mentioned above. The TV is a rear projection. The bulbs on those things only have a certain number of hours, and are not cheap to replace. Even if you can figure out how to replace it yourself, you are still spending about $500 for a bulb! I'm done with her burning away 3-4 hours a day on MY know the girl doesn't have the money to replace that bulb!
And I have let DH know...many, many times that I'm tired of living on "SheSloth time", that I'm concerned that she will not launch and he needs to make sure she does, that I am done with her attitude toward me and everyone else in the house, that I'm done with her not cleaning up after herself, etc. He doesn't do anything but talk to her...there are never any consequences. So, now he is relegated to cleaning up after her, being her personal taxi service, and all around kissing her back side!
Rather than hide the remote
Rather than hide the remote buy a very small key pad accessed safe and put the remotes in there right next to the TV. Tell her the rule and if she can't find the remote she will know why. She never gets the code. Ever, for any reason. If you suspect she may have it, change it.
We used this with my Skid. We also put small travel locks through the holes in the TV power cord plugs and the game system plugs. Keys for the locks went in the safe with the remotes. We added the plug locks mainly because SS figure out he could control the TV and Cable box from the TV and box directly.
Never forget that old age and creative treachery will win out over youth and inexperience every time. }:)
Proud? Probably not.
Proud? Probably not. Shocked...oh hell ya! Without the remotes, these kids are useless when it comes to the TV. What? You mean they put a power on button and channel changers ON the TV?
SD19 can't even be bothered
SD19 can't even be bothered to turn down the volume when the blaring commercials come on. That's with the remote laying on her stomach while she is laying on MY couch. I get territorial as well, because SD19 lays around and doesn't do much when she's home from college. She'll go work out at the gym at 5pm after sitting around all day, and then lay her sweaty self back on my couch. She only worked 3 days a week this past summer so she wouldn't get stressed out. I've found her laying in her fast food uniform on my couch, smelling like onion after her shift is over.
This past weekend, when we went to a family wedding, SD19 "boasted" that she only has a 44% in her chemistry class. That's because she thinks she has brains like her BoyF, and she does not. She is taking two science courses at the same time. Faux pas unless you are crazy smart, and she is NOT. DH didn't offer any feedback when SD19 mentioned how low her grade was.
SD13 got a 50% posted for an English grade today. In my county, where everyone is a winner, that tells me that SD13 didn't do her assignment. If it's not turned in (or if you truly bomb it), then the lowest you can get is a 50/100. I have been following this assignment since the first week of October, out of curiosity. The students had 5 weeks to read 5 chapters and take notes on characters. I knew she would bomb it. I never saw her reading, she can't plan a half hour ahead, how can she plan a month ahead? I came home and she was studying for a History test (first time for everything), but no English book notes.
I didn't utter a word about the English. Her grade in that class is a 59%. I learned my lesson in September, don't mention anything because it will only serve as a reminder. I will sit back and watch, right Sally? LOL
Then she forgot to shower. Whatever. DH returns tomorrow from business on my birthday. Yay!
~ Moon
OMG it MUST be space aliens,
OMG it MUST be space aliens, Sally.
The nerve of that rot to blame it on you. Like you would help her with anything! Great job on DH's part, though! Little bag of wind snot Fungus is gonna fail....
Bwahahahahahahaha (insert sinister laugh here) }:) }:) }:)
Okay...this one is sad and
Okay...this one is sad and funny all at the same time!
So, with all that is going on with the yearbook and lying, it was discovered that SheSloth is now also failing world history! She got a 43% on the last test! So DH is laying into her about paying attention and studying, etc. He says, "Come on! It's world history! It's not that hard! You pay attention to the lecture in class and take notes, you read the chapter, you do the chapter work, you review notes and said chapter work, you take your test!" SheSloth starts going on and on that it is more complicated than we NEITHER of us ever took world history before! Hello, dear! It is the same dang crap we learned with a few extra events added at the end of the book to cover the last 20 years! They may have changed how they teach math, but they have not changed how they teach world history! But, no...she kept arguing that DH didn't history is so much more complicated since the time we were in high school! Oh my word! Um, honey...if it is so much more complicated, how is it you hardly ever have any homework, and we had history homework at least every other night?
Since DH is still letting me have my 2 cents with SheSloth after the yearbook thing, I had to tell her last night, "And you want to go to college? At this point and time, I don't have any confidence that you would even make it through the first semester!" Now, this was not only in relation to grades, but with regards to managing herself. She got an earful last night from DH because when she came home from school, she couldn't find her key in her purse, and had to interrupt me on a conference call to get in the house. I thought about leaving her outside, but seeing it was near freezing, I didn't want to get blamed for her getting sick or something. Turns out it wasn't that she couldn't find her key...she didn't feel like looking for it in the cold, because she cannot bring it upon herself to clip it in a spot in her purse for easy access. At that point, I did tell her that the next time, I was leaving her butt outside, with DH sitting right there, and he didn't argue! But that brought up that she can't seem to organize when her school assignments are due, she can't get herself out of bed in the morning, she has to be reminded constantly about her chores, etc...and of course I wanted to say, "And she doesn't even wipe her ass"...but I want to keep one to myself so I can continue to have something to laugh about. That's when I told her that I couldn't see her making it through even the first semester of college...if anything, she would never get out of bed! That, and she would constantly be locking herself out of her dorm room!
I am seriously wondering how
I am seriously wondering how the hell SheSloth has gotten as far as she has, and how she EVER managed to get on the A/B honor roll in ANY grading period! Either the school systems around here really suck that bad (considering SheSloth spent K-8th in a school district different than the one we live in, and my bios graduated from), or they get so sick of SheSloth instantly, that they just want to pass her out!
SheSloth said she needed help with her homework last night, so DH said he'd help. It was some English homework. OMG! The girl has NO deductive reasoning skills! She sat there and had no clue what she was supposed to be doing! The question was something like "How did Brutus and Marc Anthony try to persuade the crowd in their funeral speeches?" She had the text of the two funeral speeches right there in front of her, and she just kept flipping the pages back and forth in frustration saying that she didn't get it! Seriously, this girl needs to forget about college if she can't figure out this kind of question!
So, anyway...DH points out in the speeches the information she needs...practically gives her the answer! As he is reading over her work...OMG, SheSloth's handwriting is about illegible as it can be! I have bad handwriting, but people can at least read mine! DH was struggling to read her stuff, and if he was struggling like that, could you imagine what a teacher has to go through? I didn't try to read the paper, but DH kept saying that SheSloth's S's were all sideways. Her R's looked like V's...O's looked like A's. I was BAD! DH tried to bring it up, and SheSloth got all b***hy with him..."That's just how I write! Why do you have to sit there and criticize my handwriting!" She was being so b***hy, it started an argument between she and DH!
And this was just an English assignment! No wonder the girl thinks World History is so much more complicated than DH and I thought it was. Sheesh...BD23 had a learning disability, and didn't have this much trouble with these classes! Yes, BD23 was in main stream classes with her disability...a hearing impairment...and when she wanted to do the work, had no problem doing it! WITH A DISABILITY!
Of course, I also think it is just back to the laziness! I mean...especially the handwriting. Most of what DH described in her handwriting, sounds like someone being lazy!
Can't~ You can't expect her
Can't~ You can't expect her to know how to write her letters correctly if she's never tried before.
Also, last summer and the summer before, SD13 would be dropped off from Girl Scouts and would knock on the door. I showed her the little hook in her backpack where she could keep the key. One time she was being dropped off and was too lazy to get her key from the bottom of her backpack. I have not opened the door for her since and have told her I might not always be available (I make sure that I'm not).
She still might be able to fit through the dog door. SD19 has done this before, too, when she has forgotten her key. She probably won't bring it home for Thanksgiving break, either. Dipshit doesn't even carry a purse, just a wristlet that she hangs on her keychain. I've told her about that, too, unhooking everything when your key is in the ignition so the starter doesn't get messed up. She drives one of the cars that has a recall on it. When she learned of this her first statement was that her wristlet and items on the keychain "weren't that heavy," so the starter should be ok. I'm so glad she's the expert....DH held her keychain in her hand and said, "Yeah you need to unclip everything when driving your car." SD19's response, "Well gosh! HURRY UP and fix my car already!"
Meh, she took it to school with her...... }:)
~ Moon
I've been around car geeks my
I've been around car geeks my whole life...spent a lot of time in an auto part store that my mom worked in when she couldn't get a baby sitter on the weekends she had to work. When I was 16 and the starter went out on my car, my stepdad came home with the part and the Hayes manual...handed them to me, and told me his tools were in the garage! I looked at him like I he was crazy, but I get now what he was doing, because I've never been totally stranded! DH even gets mad at me sometimes because I want to fix my car instead of letting him do it. That said, I've ALWAYS been told to keep your keychain light, because weight can mess up the ignition! I could so see SheSloth trying to argue the same thing!
But, yeah...SheSloth has a clip on her keychain, and DH has told her how to clip it to her purse so her keys are easy to get to...even showed her how mine are clipped in my purse. That was probably his mistake...he showed her that is the way I do it, so there is no way in hell SheSloth will do it now!
Just looked at her grades again this morning. Yeah, I know...but DH is hinting that we need to let SheSloth go to RenFest because we got 2 free tickets. He thinks that now that we don't have to buy our tickets, we should take her, since we would only be spending money we would have spent on ourselves, anyway. I pointed out again that the point of her not going to send the message about the money spent on the yearbook...NO extras at all until the yearbook is considered paid off. Not to mention, going to RenFest is still a treat, and the fact of the matter is that she still lied...not just once, but multiple times over the course of a week or two about the yearbook (as she can't remember when she actually picked up the book). MULTIPLE TIMES! I didn't say that I still think she is lying about what happened to it...not about to start WWIII! So, this is why I'm looking at her grades. I need ammo to support her not going to RenFest, and I just got it! She is now failing 2 history (which is sooooo hard you know...because it is soooo much more complicated than when DH and I were in school) and English. She is barely passing chemistry! World history she is failing because of a 46 on her test. English? Attack of the 0's again...yup, missing assignments that are three days old now. Chemistry...same thing...missing assignments. So he pushes for her to go to RenFest, I will bring up the grades, and also point out how she was a total b***h to him the other night when he tried to help her with her homework! Yes, she has been grounded a week now, but obviously, this isn't getting through to her, because she is still having attitude and still not doing her school work. THAT by itself does not deserve to be rewarded!
DH makes SD13 bring her
DH makes SD13 bring her grades up and replace assignments before she can have her gadgets back. It's happened a few times.
But of course, no one is looking at the grades except me, and my lips are sealed!
Ahh...but remember, we are
Ahh...but remember, we are dealing with king mercy giver here! I mean, I'm seriously surprised her phone is still locked down and her internet still gone! "But she is trying..." If she is trying, why does she still have 0's? And he can't use the "oh, they were out that day for the game" excuse. They didn't leave for the game until 4:30 p.m. last Friday, so they didn't miss any classes! So I call B.S. on that excuse, which I know will try to be played! The attendance records don't even have them missing any class periods, so that means SheSloth was in English and got Friday's homework assignment!
Oh...he feels she has done
Oh...he feels she has done her time...remember, Mr. Mercy. So, yeah...I need the grades now! "She hasn't changed her ways at all in the week she has been grounded...and here is the proof! No RenFest!" She will have more 0's later for more ammo, and there will surely be another occasion to lie!
And, oh look! Someone is on wifi at school and posting to Instagram with potty fingers again (kinda like "potty mouth" which means lots of cursing, but "potty fingers"...typing lots of curse words in posts). "Oh, she said she wants to be good and do the right thing!" Yup...DH, she was just tellin' ya what ya wanted to hear again!
she was just tellin' ya what
she was just tellin' ya what ya wanted to hear again.
Yuppers...that is exactly
Yuppers...that is exactly what she did. Tell him what he wants to hear, and he will shut up and maybe let her have her way!
Supposedly stayed after
Supposedly stayed after school to work on math today. Anyone believe that? I don't! So...who is this new guy?
DH drove home 400 miles today
DH drove home 400 miles today from NY. Then he tells me he is going to take SD13 to her first support group which she is too young for anyway, which is 30 minutes away. We're eating dinner before they leave and SD13 is acting like a 7yo and she barely ate her dinner. I told her to eat and she made a cutesy frumpy sound. I looked at her and raised my voice, "EAT your dinner already." I looked at DH and told him THAT was how you parent lol. So, he repeats to SD13, "Yeah, eat your damn dinner," but he was light-hearted. Then SD13 says she's done and she has a plate full of veggies left. DH told her to finish.
While we were at the table SD13 was talking about college and what she might like to study. She wants to do things that require a lot of math and computer programming. She is aiming high and she's not that kind of student. She said she got a "C" on a test and she was going to take it over. There were 5 tests total and she got two A's and 3 C's.
She didn't mention a word about her English grade being a 59%. It was kind of comical, listening to her talk about college. I wanted to tell her she should work on her time management skills and forward thinking. And she should do something about the F she has in English. More grades should be posted tomorrow.
So now DH is wandering around, shopping in the next town until this 2 hour support group is over. Then he has a 30-minute drive home, so when he gets here the pups and I will be asleep.
So nice to see my DH. I am so tired of my life being for everyone else and this house. I just want to take my pups and run. Ugh.
~ Moon
I know how you feel! DH
I know how you feel! DH drives all over town for his job, then in the evening has to play taxi for SheSloth. And isn't because she has anything as important as a support group. No, with her it is because she "needed" to go help one of the new guardies learn something, or had to go work on a project with this person, etc. It is always last minute...never planned ahead...and really has me wondering if she is telling the truth about what she is doing at all! But he blindly believes her, and will taxi her home from whatever location she ends up at after school!
Same here...always alone.
Same here...always alone.
I just love every time DH
I just love every time DH pulls the "no more last minute plans" speech on SheSloth! He does that finally when he is totally fed up or she does something stupid, but then slips right back into letting her run the show. And my run the show, I mean run the show. She doesn't ask if it is okay to do anything! She TELLS DH what she is doing...and that is that!
You know, last night was
You know, last night was really peaceful. Three hours without SD13 being stupid or DH not hearing me when I speak to him. I NEVER have alone time in the house and it was quite nice!
It's because SD13 was G-O-N-E for a few hours.......
DH can work on Christmas shopping in the next town while he takes SD13 to her weekly meeting. I was actually enjoying the thought and then wondered how it would be when SD19 was home for Winter Break. Her BoyF will be working FT so she will be sitting on her green pepper and onions stinking ass (she works at a sub shop, but not TOO many hours, TOOOOO stressful).
OK, any of you who are holy and pray, to whatever God is up there, PLEASE help a girl out and send up some prayers for Moon.......
DH just texted and said that SD19 wants to go to Disney with one of her sorority sisters' families over break! This is great news! #1) She will be in my house less time over break, and #2) She will almost surely deplete her savings account after airfare, etc, so she will have to WORK MORE this summer.
She still thinks she's going to get a paid intership related to her major.
Better start looking NOW, honeycakes or you will still remain a green pepper and onion wonder over the summer!
I actually looked up The Rosary and what prayers to recite this morning BEFORE I heard of the Disney news. DH went to Catholic school and we were discussing the prayers last week after niece got married in the same church where he was an alter boy in the Stone Age. I think God knows my angst and is blessing me with the very joy I am feeling at this moment! Thank you, Jesus! LOL (insert Happy Dance!)
~ Moon
So happy for you Moon!
So happy for you Moon!
Our Father, who art in
Our Father, who art in Heaven
Hallowed be thy name
Thy Kingdom come
Thy will be done.....
Oh please oh please oh please sweet Jesus I need a break from these college "breaks!" LMAO
Ooooo....does sound like
Ooooo....does sound like blessings your way!
Just saw my typo above for DH
Just saw my typo above for DH and too late to edit lol
"alter boy" bwahahahaha
News flash. SD13 got a 55%
News flash. SD13 got a 55% on an English assignment so her overall grade has gone from a 59% to a 61%. Cue the marching band. (Or SheSloth and the Guardies lol)
There have only been three assignments so far (bwahahahaha) , but they all stem back to this book that she didn't read throughout October.
Love it when this happens.
Ooooo...that is a major
Ooooo...that is a major improvement! SheSloth is still failing English and world history. Grade hasn't moved.
It was funny...last night SheSloth was arguing about ASL with DH. She couldn't get a DVD to work in her DVD player that she needed for class, so DH was trying it on his laptop. He was asking her what they were saying. The chapter was common questions. One of the questions was "Are you married?" but it is signed "" DH starts saying that all those duplicate signs...that he bets in the real world people shorten it. SheSloth starts arguing, "No they don't! That is proper ASL grammer!" DH was like, "Yeah, but I still bet they shorten it." SheSloth gets all uppity, "No, if you don't sign properly in deaf church you get in trouble!!!"
The whole time, I resisted the urge to tell her, "Well, if that is the case, then I expect you to use proper English from now on whenever you speak or write! That includes text messages! No more of this shorted text-speak!" Why? Because when DH always gets on to her for her text-speak, THEN her excuse is, "Well, that is just the way we text, okay!"