so let me see if i get this.....
my SD does not shower daily, often shows up to our house in PJs (she's 14!) on her Saturdays with us. she wears leggings as pants, and often pairs them with mesh pinneys and gigantic t-shirts tied with a hair twister to birthday parties and other public places.
her mother is taking her to get her eyebrows waxed.
why the heck would you get your kids eyebrows waxed when she doesnt bathe and doesnt dress properly for events/school/life? its sort of like buying a super expensive car when you live in a shack.
There is no understanding
There is no understanding stupid. Don't even try.
SD got eyebrows
SD got eyebrows looks like Spock.
An don't get me started on
An don't get me started on their male counterparts who could fertilize a stop sign by just walking past it while some truly good and kind men can't have children.
"male counterparts who could
"male counterparts who could fertilize a stop sign by just walking past it"..SHIT!! I about died laughing when I read this!!! hahahahaaaaaaa!!!!!!!
SheSloth wants to get her
SheSloth wants to get her eyebrows done because it is oh so much trouble to tweeze them! UGH! Girl hardly even has any eyebrows! And she has always tweezed from the bottom up instead of from the top down, so her eyebrows look like they are half-way up her forehead!
Exactly...try to get a
Exactly...try to get a teenage girl to wipe her butt, and you're a monster. :?
Try to get a teenaged girl to
Try to get a teenaged girl to do anything, and you are a monster! God forbid...wipe one's butt, wash one's clothes, dispose of pads properly, pick up after oneself....forget any of it!
I just don't understand why a
I just don't understand why a father would sit back and let a kid grow up like that. You'd think he'd want her to be the best she can be in every way. Who the heck doesn't use toilet paper, and for what reason are they doing this?
To save the trees? LOL
To save the trees? LOL

Yuck!! My dad is an evening
Yuck!! My dad is an evening shower guy. Mom, my brother and I are AM shower people unless it is a heavy labor/dirt/sweat day in which case showers are taken when the work is done and then again in the AM. My brother and I got mom’s oily hair so even if we shower in the evening we have to do it again in the AM or the hair is a greasy mess. Gross I know, but that is the truth of our biology.
Just the thought of your Skid crawling into bed without showering after a day of horseback riding, cleaning stables, and then going to sweat profusely at the gym just skeeves me out. :sick:
I like the au de toilet
I like the au de toilet moniker. As her fragrance science career takes off her first fragrance release can be called Midnight Pasture.
No credit necessary. Keep my
No credit necessary. Keep my share of the royalties to decon your house once she is out.
my ex husband would mow the
my ex husband would mow the lawn on occasion ( i did it 80% of the time) and would not shower after. our sheets were so gross on his side and i had to make sure i always made up the bed so that the stain was on his side. it was obvious which pillow case was his too.
Thank you for making my day.
Thank you for making my day. I couldn't agree me and laughed when I read "who the hell gets their eyebrows waxed when you don't take a shower?" Aaaaaah, the stuff we put up with is NUTS. Thanks for making me smile on a weekend when SS16 is here for the third weekend in a row because BM is always going out of town & dropping him at our house. grrrr