Be honest... Have you ever lost you Sh*t to your step kid?
Hi everyone!
This morning I have a very soar hearth, last nite I finally lost my sh*t, temper, I have had enough of her nasty sassy attitudes and her bullying towards my kids!
First of all I am Carossi (I received a friend request from someone in MFP (my fitness pal) and this lady said she recognized my user from this page (heck noooo) so I had to change my user name =/...
Anyway back to last nite, my DD6 goes to ballet every Tuesday, we did this on purpose because that is the one nigth a week SD9 comes for supper, my SD9 is a big girl, she is 4'5 and weights around 110 pounds (I have tried to talk to DH about this but he says "there is bigger kids" No my kid, no my problem.
Anyway, we came home, and SD9 was spread all over my couch (living room couches, in my house, have decorative pillows and are for visits, kids have a living room in the basement to play, sit, watch movies you name it.) so she was, again, breaking the rules, and DH was there... looking at it, doing nothing, FINE, I walked away and started to work on supper, I hear DH say "get your feet of the couch" to what she says "why? no" , he moved her legs down, and she laugh at him and goes back to putting them on top of the back of the couch, again I am not saying a word, even tho I know, my children would be barked at for doing that!...
DS4 and DD6 go to the basement to play, of course, the moment she sees that storms down the stairs, and takes over the game, I can hear everything from the kitchen but I am staying a side, then hell broke loose...
I hear my DD6 cry followed by SD9 screaming "you lost you cant play anymore!", my DD6 comes in the kitchen with a big ole red mark in her collar bone and she tells me how SD9 pushed her against the wall... there comes SD9 (usually she lies a lot so we are used to her coming right behind the little ones to "acuse them of lying") she yelled "I DIDNT DO ANYTHING" I turned around and said "I heard you" "you are lying to me" she stared a me and I saw her mom's crazy eyes coming trough, she was furious, she was hating me, and I told her "Dont you ever touch my kids again SD9, I dont care if your mom and dad allow you to act like a bully , in my house, my rules, and you will be send back home with all your shit!" she yelled at me, raising her eye brow "FINE" and I said "do not raise your voice at me, you are a brat!" she stormed to the bathroom and slammed the door, DH? standing there watching everything...
They left, I put my kids in bed, and I sat on the porche and cried my eyes out, lost my sh*t, called my BF and yelled at her all my anger lol (shes cool) but this, added to the weekend of the pictures and the bees... boiled my blood...
Have you ever had a moment where you just cannot take it? I cannot take her! this is becoming a chronic issue and my kids feel bullied in their own home!!!
please tell me I am not the only one, that has literately lost it to a child?
I have tried this before,
I have tried this before, when she is home, I usually lock my self in the room (in my own home!!!) and my DD and DS would come and cuddle in bed with me, but there she comes, its the weirdest thing, is like she thinks my kids are source of entertainment! I lost it to my husband this morning, I told him his behavior is pathetic and he needs to start getting ready, because I am a second and a half close to kick him out with that brat!
I would lose it on SD6 if she
I would lose it on SD6 if she did something like that to DD1. I don't blame you at all.
It's been happening more frequently lately where I leave the room for a minute and then hear DD start crying. When I come back into the room to see what happened, SD tells me that "she fell" or "she pushed me so I had to tell her not to" or something similar. I honestly don't know what to believe. DD can't tell me what happened, and it's a little too convenient that these things just happen as soon as I'm out of the room. I've also seen SD push DD away or avoid her when DD tries to touch her. I don't trust SD around DD anymore.
The worst part for me is that I don't think my husband will believe me if I tell him these things. He'll say that I hate SD, that she's a sweet little girl, that she's in a tough position, etc.
Haha! I agree. I was
Haha! I agree. I was thinking when I read the title of this - I've never lost my shit on a SKID because I kill 'em with my coolness.
But I have totally LOST IT on SO over his kids. He now knows that he better back me up at a moment's notice instead of standing there like a giant doofus.
O I know I am only waitng for
O I know I am only waitng for BM to create a shit storm... and yes..I am married to a wuss, my DH is mellow and calm and a complete wuss... I wear the pant in our home 100%, when we first met, I liked how he is soft, and nice, and helpful, but he is passive and had being feeded lies by BM for 8 years, let me tell you, she had him convinced that she could get a judge to take the SD from him because he filed for bankruptcy 10 years ago... SAY WHAT?! he used to be afraid of BM and she used to treath him like a freakin puppet... then I came a long and gave him some what of a back bone, but she kept SD9 from DH for almost 9 months (during the custody settlement period) and now his lame ass excuse is that "He is a fraid of loosing her again"...well I guess they can go live in a nasty apartment together and he can have her leaving dirty underwear and laying on the couch all day ALL by himself! ugh
O I know I am only waitng for
O I know I am only waitng for BM to create a shit storm... and yes..I am married to a wuss, my DH is mellow and calm and a complete wuss... I wear the pant in our home 100%, when we first met, I liked how he is soft, and nice, and helpful, but he is passive and had being feeded lies by BM for 8 years, let me tell you, she had him convinced that she could get a judge to take the SD from him because he filed for bankruptcy 10 years ago... SAY WHAT?! he used to be afraid of BM and she used to treath him like a freakin puppet... then I came a long and gave him some what of a back bone, but she kept SD9 from DH for almost 9 months (during the custody settlement period) and now his lame ass excuse is that "He is a fraid of loosing her again"...well I guess they can go live in a nasty apartment together and he can have her leaving dirty underwear and laying on the couch all day ALL by himself! ugh
Sounds like you had an
Sounds like you had an expected response to a ridiculous situation. Good for you for protecting your child!
A couple of years ago, after spending an entire week mostly alone with skids (DH was working) taking them to water parks, bowling, tennis, etc. and lots of complaining, I was making exactly what SS11 had requested for dinner. He tells me he wants ranch dressing and when I tell him I don't have any ranch dressing but he can have A, B, C or D he lets out the most ridiculous almost cartoon-sounding whine. I lost it. Slammed the refrigerator door and said loudly "I can't fucking take it anymore!" Walked out of the room, took two deep breaths, walked back in and apologized thoroughly and profusely.
As a step, I am not allowed even this one mistake. DH tried to tell me I was abusive to his kids because of that incident and BM threatened to stop all visitation for the rest of time. Forget that I've heard both bio parents yell at the top of their lungs at these children. Grrrr!
I am not in a good place
I am not in a good place today, not with my Husband at all... I am angry at him for being such a wuss and such a doormat to a 9 year old! and I feel sick of my stomach for me, I cannot believe a 9 year old can get me of my game like this! I wanted to slap her across her chubby face once and for all! for all the pushing, the screaming, the whinning, the sassines, the nastiness, the lies! I am seriously about to pack my husband out of the house! ughhhhhhhh :sick:
The other day. After opening
The other day. After opening the dish washer for the hundredth time to see how it was ran essentially half full while the sink is still full of dirty dishes.... AND after being denied the full movement of the lower rack because someone had forced it into the washer jamming the taller utensils up into the bottom of the upper rack..... I paused, took a deep breath and yanked the bottom rack right out of the dish washer, onto the floor. SS13 was there and witnessed the whole thing. My voice rose to levels he had never heard before. "Learn to load the fucking dish washer or youll start washing and drying every GD dish by hand! Now get out of here and go to your room!" He ran to his room, sat on his bed, head lowered and waited for his mom for at least an hour. During that hour, however, I had cooled down and thought that I had possibly went too far. I didnt make that big of a deal about it with his mom. We all just went in, cleaned it up and he and his sister washed and dried dishes by hand that night.
Thats the first time I snapped with the skids..... of course this wasnt solely due to the dishwasher not being loaded correctly. Its partly because of that and because the rest of the dirty dishes were mostly theirs. Its partly because every time they get into any food in the kitchen, they leave it sitting out and open when theyre done. Theyre coats and shoes and school bags litter the dining room and they have to be told every single day to take them to their room so we can use the dining room... The list goes on...
and I just wanted a clean spoon to stir my coffee......
this honestly about made me
No I haven't but only because
No I haven't but only because of my super human Darth Vader mind power over myself.
If I lost my shit like I have wanted/needed to, you would probably see me on the news
I have endured, lies to my face when I have SEEN the truth, the truth of hitting their 2 year old brother, the truth of entirely wrapping the brother in thick mattress plastic, of shitting in the bathroom sink, of leaving USED sanitary napkins in the middle of their bedroom floor (we ALL have to walk towards and past this bedroom to get to ours) and they have survived back chatting and yelling at me along with surly looks and door slamming.
They are teenagers now, I am just waiting for the day they hit has already shouldered pushed me on the upstairs landing....when they actually strike me...all hell is going to be unleashed.
I can't wait
Yup. Sure have. No regrets!
Yup. Sure have.
No regrets! }:)
Yes I have. Many times. I
Yes I have. Many times. I may be female but SS11 can drive me to the point where I cuss like a sailor. The lies, whining. Been there, still there. DH is a widower so there is no crazy ex to worry about but sometimes he gets onto me for not being more understanding. I get that this kid has no mom but since when does this give him a license to be a little $#i+ all the time?
DH's adult daughter tried to
DH's adult daughter tried to get involved in a parenting/discipline issue a few years back that involved my then 3 year old and SD (her half sister) who was 7 at the time. Adult skid was accusing my little one of lying, DH and I were both telling her to butt out...I ended up chasing her up the stairs, DH trying to catch me and he did...if not, I probably would have beat her within an inch of her life for talking to my little one the way she did. Not my proudest moment as an adult. Most definitely not. That day set off a series of events from which I still suffer today. I should have left the moment that my then boyfriend allowed another person to get involved in how our family operates. He has seen the light,must it took far too long and there is so much damage that I can't pull myself up and rise above. I'm having a really bad life.
This is exactly the kind of
This is exactly the kind of shit that occurs when kids are allowed to get away with inappropriate behavior for extended periods of time and exactly why I have always had a zero tolerance standard for inappropriate behavior from any kid in my presence whether they are mine or not.
On many occasions I have asked for an incorrigible kid be to be removed from a restaurant I was eating at. “Excuse me Mr/Ms Server. Please have that child removed so that the rest of us with well behaved children can eat in peace. If you are uncomfortable dealing with it please bring your manager to my table. Thank you.” I have even been known to turn to a table of idiot parents with a kid or kids running amok around the restaurant and told them to deal with their bratty kid or I would. I am not talking about special needs kids. I am talking about kids with idiots for parents who insist on suffering the presence of their nastily behaved children on the public.
My parents did not tolerate their children pitching a fit in public and neither did my DW and I.
If I won’t accept that crap from my own kid/nieces/nephews I sure as shit will not tolerate it from anyone else’s spawn in my presence.
Instead of being upset to tears by this crap I suggest that you come down on this ill-behaved little shit like an ton of shit in a sandwich baggy. Each and every time she pulls this kind of crap. If DH does not like you dealing with his devil spawn tell him if he does not like how you are parenting his kid then he can step up and get it done before you have to or he can STFU.
Don't get me wrong. I have lost it on SS and I did feel bad about it a few times over the years. I worked through my feelings of guilt, reviewed the incident, adjusted a bit, and dealt with the next incident a bit differently but I did deal with each and every subsequent incident. I tolerated no bullshit.
Zero tolerance. Either DH deals with it to your satisfaction or you deal with it.
IMHO of course.