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Therapist making me crazy -- please share your experiences

ChiefGrownup's picture

We need advice and I'm hoping to show this thread to my DH. SD15 has been in therapy now for 4 months. This week therapist called DH and BM in for an appt without their daughter. I babysat the other child so they could do this. I was eager to hear what the therapist had to say by now, believing she would have something solid to say, an insight, a game plan, a parenting strategy.

Instead, DH reports BM talked on and on, giving a fictional account of a recent run-in with one of the kid's school teachers, interrupting DH, talking over him. He said it felt like a replay of their marriage counseling they had had in the long ago before divorce. BTW, that counselor, the marriage one, advised him to give up on her.

But this one had precious little advice and no insights. DH showed the counselor these vicious texts that SD15 had sent him a few days ago. The counselor did notice the texts were "very disrepectful," but in the next breath said, "did you talk to her about those things she said?"

I blew my stack when I heard that bit. NO! We do not respond to venom spewed like a fire hose. No way, no how. What the child needs to learn is how to handle her emotions APPROPRIATELY, not to be rewarded for typing out commands to her dad like, "stop pretending you're in charge," "you're only good for computer stuff," "stop trying to be so assertive." Oh, and one of my favorites, "I have no regrets and I never will."

So I suggested DH call the therapist separately, without BM's participation, and ask for a progress report and a prognosis. Under this lady's watch, the girl has worse grades than when she started with her. Why on earth drag the parents in without giving them any insight or instructions? We see no evidence of SD15 practicing any exercises or phraseology or anything that might be traced to the therapy.

I told DH he was paying for this service, it's completely reasonable within the course of business to ask for a progress report for the past four months and a gameplan for the future.

DH has not had much good experience with therapy so he wondered if this is as good as it got. I very definitely have had much, much better experience with therapy and I find this chick to be appalling.

So, friends, to me, therapy is about getting specific suggestions from a professional. Suggestions you can try out to see if they help you cope with your issue better. It is also for getting insights from the professional, who can help you understand why the people you are dealing with act the way they do and how better to interact with them. And insights about your own feelings, too. But it all must add up to real, actual, help. Not endless blathering that goes no where.

Will you STalkers share with us your vision of what therapy is supposed to be about? Some stories? I understand teen therapy may be different because she's a kid, but shouldn't it end up helping somehow? Shouldn't the parents be given some new tools to use?

To recap: At the end of this session A) husband received brief remark to talk to kid about her insults to him Dirol BM received no advice at all C) therapist received a completely fictional account of school issue. Kid is still failing school -- the only improvement has been due to Dad's interventions at school and threats to BM about SD15 going to school in our district.

just.his.wife's picture

My BS (now grown and out of the house) had significant issues and was in therapy for a LONG time. I will PM you the info.

misSTEP's picture

My therapist suggested things to try and books to read. Very VERY helpful.

Unfortunately, a therapist cannot do the work that the patient needs to do.

Think of it this way, you can come to this site, read and take away advice that applies to you and will improve the situation in your life. Or, you can look at all the negative things and use it as proof that you SHOULD feel like crap about your life!

ChiefGrownup's picture

Yes. And if you came to STalk and no one was speaking at all, you wouldn't get any help from the place!

ChiefGrownup's picture

Yeah, kind of sounds like the "no therapy going on" with SD15's therapist right now. He did not need to pay $XX dollars out of pocket to listen to his x-wife make up stories about how wonderful a mother she is.

ChiefGrownup's picture

BTW, part of the wonderful story BM told was how fabulously creative SD15 is so the teacher told BM that all the deadlines and scores and things don't apply to SD15. She learned this by picking up the phone and initiating a call to the teacher.

How come the girl is getting an "F" then? Is it a magical "F" that disappears when GPA is calculated? How come it was the teacher who initiated the call to BM because teacher was worried about SD FAILING, not the other way around? How come BM's only contribution was to brow-beat the teacher into allowing extra time for the assignments (ALL the assignments - skid hadn't done a thing since school began)?

How come when DH DID initiate contact to the teacher, said teacher poured forth her concern that SD15 was "sad, withdrawn, and unmotivated?" We have that in WRITING. How come when DH notified teacher he had been insisting SD approach teacher for help but was refusing to do so and he hoped teacher would approach kid instead, the teacher JUMPED at the chance to keep kid in class at lunch.

With a BM who could do nothing but come up with excuses and whine for extra time, the teacher could do nothing. But when she found out there was a concerned dad involved who actually is trying to get the kid to comply, she could spring into action? Teachers can't do anything that parents won't back up.

Just love that grades and deadlines don't count for SD. And therapist sat there listening to that with nothing more than a smile.