Ah, the Know-It-All stage
PrinceSS15 is at the Know-It-All age. Everything that comes out of his mouth is in an "I'm better than you" tone of voice and he talks down to everyone. I find it absolutely hilarious that every time PrinceSS15 claims some history "fact", it is always WRONG. DH has a degree in history repeatedly points out PrinceSS15's errors. "Son, if you're going to state something as a fact, make sure it's a fact FIRST."
I asked DH why PrinceSS15 has started this "I know everything, I'm superior" thing.
DH: He's a nerd.
Me: So....we know that.
DH: He doesn't want to be known as a nerd.
Me: Okay.....I don't get it.
DH: He's trying to break the stereotype.
Me: By being a know-it-all with a bad attitude??
DH: Yeah (shakes his head).
Me: Um...doesn't that just make him a nerd who is a jerk?
DH: Exactly. He's going to p*ss off the wrong person and get punched before he figures it out. He won't listen. Not my problem.
PrinceSS15 is an absolute MARSHMALLOW. Actually, a marshmallow is probably tougher. If someone hit him, he'd probably cry.
Yeeeeeaaaaaahhhh.... and I
Yeeeeeaaaaaahhhh.... and I wonder if he'll even get it. :?
Just like my SS17. He's a
Just like my SS17. He's a mouthy, rude, "know-it-all" as well. I've said the same thing, that one of these days someone is going to just lay him out flat on his ass! Some of these kids just ask for it...so, they probably NEED it! My SS17 has the nerve to interrupt us when we're having a discussion with him. When we call him out on it, he says we're being "rude" to him and he's just treating us the way we treat him! Seriously?! What ever happened to "I'm the parent, you're the child...shut your mouth and listen?!" Kids these days are flat out RUDE jerks!
Both of my SDs are like this,
Both of my SDs are like this, SD13 and SD19. I tell them to just be quiet and listen, have been telling them that for 5 years. Nope, generation of Entitlement and doing what they want!
It disgusts me! Had I talked
It disgusts me! Had I talked to my parents the way these kids nowadays talk to us, I wouldn't be able to sit on my ass for a MONTH!
This is a stage? You mean
This is a stage? You mean they are supposed to grow out of it? Oh man someone needs to tell YSD12 because she has been in this stage since....ummm....forever!!
If he's anything like my
If he's anything like my SS16, he'll get punched and then think he's the victim, never once engaging in self-reflection to see how he was at fault. BM taught him that well.
It's like a defense mechanism, they want to be seen as smart and figure most people won't question the BS coming out of their mouth OR your SS may be trying to be like his dad and failing badly.
"I know..." turns into "I
"I know..." turns into "I forgot..." at age 12! LOL
The only thing S12 forgets is
The only thing S12 forgets is to empty his bladder before he goes to bed and wets it sometime during the night.
PrinceSS15 only fudges on the forgetting by saying "oh" or "uuuuuhhh" then walking away.
OMG! I get SO sick of hearing
OMG! I get SO sick of hearing "I forgot" as an excuse coming from my SS17! I can't wait to see what happens when he gets out into the real world and tells his employer "I forgot" every time they as him to do something and he doesn't do it!
"I forgot" was common with my
"I forgot" was common with my bios when they were younger...but when they were in high school, it stopped being one of their excuses. I used to tell BS19..."Oh, I tell you to take out the trash, and 5 minutes later you will forget I told you! I tell you on Monday we will go to the skate park on Saturday, and you will come jump on my bed to get me up to go first thing without being reminded!" Of course, he was only 10 when I used to tell him this. He stopped "forgetting" when he started playing football in middle school. Guess he didn't want to hear, "Oh you forget to take out the trash, but you can remember every play in the play book?" LOL
SheSloth regularly forgets! That is one of our problems...she forgets to tell DH things until the last minute...like about practices, or needing this or that. He always finds himself rushing around to do things for her!
What's really fun with
What's really fun with PrinceSS15 "knowing" everything is that he automatically ASSumes that anything that is brought up about "you kids need to do/not do this" is ALWAYS S12's fault.
DH: Aniki, why are you carrying all those water bottles?
Me: The skids left them in the living room.
PrinceSS15: S12!!!
Me: PrinceSS15! Two of these are yours. (PrinceSS15 huffs)
DH: PrinceSS15, everything is NOT your brother's fault. (PrinceSS15 huffs out onto the back porch)
Me: Well, if we're just going to throw it away, maybe they can just drink tap water.
DH: Let me see those. This one is almost full.
Me: Mmhmm...
DH: Where was it?
Me: On the couch.
DH: ON the couch?
Me: Mmhmm...
DH: PrinceSS15!!! (PrinceSS15 skulks back into the kitchen from the porch).
PrinceSS15: WHAT.
DH: We PAID for this. DRINK IT.
PrinceSS15: It's warm.
DH: Tough noogies. DRINK IT NOW or drink tap water from here on out.
I had to go down to the basement bathroom and bury my face in the handtowel to laugh.
Ha! I stopped buying the
Ha! I stopped buying the water bottles about a month ago! Oh...it has been so nice not finding them laying everywhere. It is almost time to buy DH another small pack to keep in our room. I don't know what she has been drinking, because I've also noticed only a couple of dirty cups...and no, she is not reusing the same one over and over, because DH has been picking up regularly after SheSloth. She hates the tap water so bad that she refuses to drink anything at all!
And the blame...been a little different without having BS19 around to blame. DH has been realizing all the mess that he use to believe was BS19's (because that is what SheSloth was telling him) is actually his dear princess'!
We use bottled water to make
We use bottled water to make ice cubes - our tap water is very chemical tasting - and serve it to our guests, so it is always in the refrigerator. I wish DH would make the skids drink Kool-Aid and make them use the same cup all weekend (they are NOT allowed to use glass - DH knows it would end up broken).
I get upset with DH if he picks up after the boys. He works long hours at a physically taxing job (desk job for me). Because he works so hard physically and I do not, I have no problem at all removing/replacing his water bottle, filling his coffee mug, etc. These snots are 12 and 15 and perfectly capable of 1) picking up after themselves, and 2) REMEMBERING to do it. S12 I can sort of understand because the boy is ADHD and the minute you say "we're leaving" everything flies out of his head. However, whenever asked to do something, S12 always readily complies. PrinceSS15, the Laziest Boy in the World, always hems and haws and grumbles. I honestly believe God could strike his lazy butt with lightning and he'd STILL sit on his butt griping.
Yup...seems to be a common
Yup...seems to be a common theme with the ones we here have to deal with. SheSloth is an expert about just about everything...at least the way she tells it. Oh, and the narcissism? I was reading somewhere when TGIHB and I were discussing it one time that it is estimated that 1% of the population has narcissistic personality disorder. I really think with these, that number is increasing! They tend to act better than everyone else, thinks everyone is jealous of them (SheSloth has often claimed girls at school were jealous of her because of this or that), expects constant attention, expects to be treated superior, etc. Sound familiar?
DH was telling me yesterday that everyone supposedly is saying that SheSloth should be part of the Belles (our drill team) because she "dances so well". Yeah, any wonder who is telling DH this? Can't be the other people at school, because he doesn't talk to them! Maybe the girls in guard are telling her she should be in the Belles because they don't want her in guard, and she acts as stuck up as the rest of the Belles do (or at least as stuck up as they have the reputation of being)!
Maybe they want her in the
Maybe they want her in the Belles because a) they don't want her and b) she'll fail?
That's my thinking. SheSloth
That's my thinking. SheSloth always goes on and on and on about what a great dancer she is...how she is soooooooo much better than the other girls in the color guard. I'm thinking the other girls are so tired of hearing it, they are trying to convince her to go to the drill team...LOL.
Oh, and SheSloth is going on and on and on about how awesome she is at rifle...that this is what the coach keeps saying and she is only one of 3 girls doing rifle this season. I'm thinking maybe it is because she keeps smacking herself in the face with the flag! Seriously...all last season she had to wear heavy makeup to cover the bruises on her face from smacking herself with the flag...several times!
SS17 does the same. Brags
SS17 does the same. Brags himself up really well when it comes to playing basketball...and, even at his work in a local grocery store. Until WE actually see him play, and see how he's basically just a bench warmer...and, WE talk to some of his co-workers and they say how he complains all of the time. Yeah...keep talking, boy! What a mess!
Smacking herself in the face
Smacking herself in the face with the flag?? OMG... LOL!!
Oh yeah...it's been
Oh yeah...it's been priceless! I'm really shocked she hasn't broken her nose! And because she doesn't eat right, the bruise sticks around forever. Coach must have gotten tired of seeing the poor girl walking around with a black and blue face...LOL. "Yeah...I'll push her toward rifle, and tell her she is really good at it!" That is probably what he was thinking. At least since she has been on rifle, DH no longer has to explain over and over again why SheSloth's face looks like she was in a fight!
I find it amazing she isn't
I find it amazing she isn't smacking herself in the face with the rifle!
Where do these kids come up
Where do these kids come up with idea ~
Respect is give/take n you need to respect me !
Ummmm listen here my child ~ I am your mother n you will respect me plain & simple.
Their statement is so self righteous n entitled attitude to which I loath.
Okay...this one is
Okay...this one is scary...and SheSloth was in full know-it-all mode!
SheSloth was telling us that her ASL teacher (who is only like 25) is staying with SheSloth's ex-boyfriend's family...living there. Why I don't know. SheSloth goes on to say that the teacher is staying in the ex-boyfriend's room...and so is SheSloth's ex boyfriend! How she knows this, I don't know. DH and I look at each other like "what the hell"!!! DH says there is so much wrong with that situation, and SheSloth goes into argument mode of "there is nothing between them so there is nothing wrong with it". DH said that if ANYONE says anything, the teacher's career is over! Know-it-all SheSloth argues no one will say anything, yada, yada...hello, small town, oh, and here is SheSloth in the back seat blabbing away about it! Yeah, sure...no one will find out or say anything!
This teacher makes me uneasy anyway. This is the teacher that took SheSloth for a mani/pedi when she and the ex broke up, SheSloth is on a first name basis with her and they text and talk on the phone all the time like a couple of girlfriends! Yeah, know of at least 1 A SheSloth will have on her report card! DH SHOULD say something, but won't!
My kid did not do well during
My kid did not do well during the know it all stage. I am a trivia, history, science, and current events buff. He struggled with having to deal with me during his know it all phase.
I enjoyed it though. }:)
Believe me, Rags, I am
Believe me, Rags, I am enjoying it! IMHO, a know-it-all needs someone to bring them down a notch or 4 and prove they have more to learn.
DH is also current events and trivia buff. When we play trivia with our friends, he correctly answers all the history questions. I'm frequently amazed at the depth of his knowledge. DH and my Dad are constantly gabbing about historical events - especially wars. I swear, if neither of them knows the answer, it's an obscure fact.