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shouldn't parents KNOW when school starts? Neither parent knew

Mentalgirl48's picture

BM was responsible for getting skids to school today..older boy drove himself..younger boy was picked up on school bus and taken to his school..however his school doesn't start until next week! How does this happen.
How do two parents not know the dates their kid goes back to baffled...unbelievable! ! So daddy had to go and pick up boy cause bm mamma was too busy I guess..good thing he's home today from work or who knows how skid would have got home because mamma was busy.

hereiam's picture

What stellar parents. My niece doesn't even live with me and I knew when her first day of school was.

libra2libra83's picture

Could be a public transit bus. Where I live, students who need a bus get it through the public bus systems.

Journey1982's picture

Where I live, elementary 6th and 9th graders start on the first day of school. 7th, 8th, 10th, 11th and 12th graders start the next day. This system allows the kids starting a new school an opportunely to become familiar with the school with a much smaller crowd. The school bus driver would have no clue what grade each child was entering in order to know who should start when - however, the parents should definitely know.

Orange County Ca's picture

Some people are just oblivious. We need people like that to work the otherwise boring jobs like assembly lines where more alert people quickly go bonkers.

amber3902's picture

Every year I get a phone call from the school district to let me know that the last day of school is such and such. And then another in the fall to let me know that school starts on such and such date.

I'm like, seriously? You have to call to tell parents when school starts?

Mentalgirl48's picture

I know...he goes to a "SPECIAL BEHAVIORAL" school in the mornino then a tech school in the afternoon.
Apparently the school bus driver drove him to the tech school as usual..not knowing it doesn't start until next week. But neither parent knew that