Dealing with rude SD19 and DH's anger
So I spoke with DH Saturday night and told him I was going to ask SD19 where one of my good beach towels was. I told him I was concerned she would get snippy with me and have and attitude, and that I would appreciate his support.
On Sunday the three of us were in the kitchen and I asked SD19 if she had taken a beach towel (from my room, in my closet, in there for a reason...). SD19 immediately hops up to go get the beach towel and leaves it on the washing machine, returns to the kitchen.
I was gentle, and DH was right there....
ME: Why didn't you ask if you could take a towel?
SD19: Well..SD13 told me where they were (not answering my question)
ME: All you had to do was ask, I would've said "yes." I don't appreciate you just going into my closet and taking things. Don't you think it would have been the right thing to do, to ask?
SD19: (very quietly, deer in headlights, not looking at me) Mmmmm.
Or whatever she managed to utter. Insert attitude. God forbid someone tell her to DO SOMETHING. SD19 left the room and I turned to DH, "It would've been nice if you had chimed in there, about having manners and respect." DH replied it wasn't needed. I go upstairs, once again I am "the bad guy" who does the parenting.
I come down to the kitchen 15 minutes later and DH is furious. I don't know if he and SD19 texted or something, because I don't think she came out of her hamper, I mean room, with underwear strewn all over the floor. I asked him what was wrong, and he's grabbing his backpack and going outside. I follow him and he exclaims that we could've had a nice dinner, but now I've gone and made SD19 feel like she's done something really wrong. I reply, "She went into our room uninvited and took something without asking. She acts very entitled and disrespectful. That's something YOU need to start dealing with." He stormed off and drove away.
I return to the kitchen and see that DH has left his cell phone and there is chicken cooking on the grill. I go flip the chicken and then his cell phone chimes. SD19 is texting from upstairs, asking where a flashdrive is. Get your own, you entitled disrespectful bitch, along with a few phone chargers (see my other posts, she can't take care of anything).
I look outside and not 2 minutes have passed. DH has appeared out of thin air and has landed on the back deck like Spiderman, checking the grill. He hopped the fence because he didn't have his garage opener, either. LMAO....I said, "Well that lasted about 94 seconds. What'd you do, just drive around the block, or did you come back to get your cell phone (that you can't live without, it runs in the family...)?" He said he needed to blow off steam, I am grinning at him at what an idiot he's being, and he was REALLY mad when he left. God forbid someone hurt his little DD19's feelings when she acts like a disrespectful ARSE.
So, I said it to DH again. "I need more respect around here. Your kids have treated me like a doormat for the past 1-1/2 years and you've done nothing about it." He said that the entire conversation didn't have to even happen, regarding the beach towel.
ME: She went into our closet and took something without asking. Or did she ask you?
DH: No, I was out of town. Everything you say to these kids is negative...Do this, do that, do this, do that.....
ME: It's called PARENTING. It's not easy, is it, DH? You should try it sometime....SD19 could've texted you, but no, she just marched right in there and helped herself.
DH: It's just a beach towel...
ME: Do you know how much WORK I've done for a year and a half parenting these kids when all they do is treat me like a doormat with no respect? YES, it's just a beach towel, but do you know WHY I keep the beach towels and bath towels in OUR closet?
DH: (duh-uhhh) Because there's no room in the linen closet.
ME: NO!!! Because every damn towel your daughter touches turns to shit. This started on weekends when she would come over before she even lived with us, years ago. I gave her make-up remover and everything. All she did was wipe her mascara off onto our good towels, that's why I started keeping them in our room! Go look in her bathroom. There are 3 towels in there that she hasn't washed since she returned home from college in May! One looks like a fucking cheetah print because her make-up spots are ALL OVER IT!
DH: Right....., that's not true.....
ME: How would you know?! You never did her damn laundry and now I don't do it, either. I haven't since the week her mother died and the Skids moved in with us. That was IT!
DH: *crickets* (He goes back out to check dinner on the grill.)
I go upstairs, lock the bathroom door and get in the shower. Fuck his nice dinner. Why would I want to sit there with those two morons? All I would've done was beat a dead horse with SD19 and tell her to stay out of my room already. She was in there snooping around for an iPod charger just last week after she broke 3 in a row. I have been bringing mine to work in my purse and I don't even have an iPhone, I have an iPad mini that I never use. Ten minutes go by and the bathroom door opens. DH used a straight key that we have to unlock it.
DH: Hi.
ME: Yes?! }:)
DH: Hi.
ME: What is SO damn important that you have to bust the door down? I'm in the shower!
DH: Um, well what are you doing about dinner? Do you want anything?
ME: No, I'm fine, I'm not having dinner.
...Because my blood sugar is through the damn roof because of all of the stress and pain that I'm in from Skids and fibromyalgia, so get the fuck OUT of the bathroom already! I felt like screaming that at him, but calmly said I wouldn't be joining him and SD19 for any dining experience at this particular juncture.
DH basically kissed my ass the rest of the night. SD13 (Thing #2) came in later and was trying to bargain with DH and I about having her iPod Touch in her room overnight. She needed the music to fall asleep to. told her too bad and put his foot down. I reminded SD13 that she had only been back from camp for TWO nights, TWO, 2 - 2 - 2, ...and already on night #2 she had broken the "honor code" with DH. She had kept her iPod in her room last night when she was told by DH not to. "But how will I email you my birthday list of things I want?"
Seriously, Skid, get the fuck outta my room.
I told her, "Maybe DH and I are already DONE shopping for you. Consider living until age 13 OUR GIFT to YOU." Sarcasm everywhere. DH told her to move it and leave the room. She kept trying to talk like a mature adult, this coming from a 12yo. I told her there would be homework and stuff she would have to do well on, stop the lying, learn to be responsible. She exclaimed that she DOES do well on her homework. I told her that was LAST year and she's not going to be able to prove herself overnight. DH and I were basically laughing at her antics at this point.
Enough already. DH goes out of town AGAIN Wed - Friday this week. I hope the Skids fucking starve. I am off duty. Thanks for the vent.
~ Moon
I've got the JOY of my Skids
I've got the JOY of my Skids FT, but thank goodness the older one is book smart and goes to college in a week. She has zero common sense, though. Yes, I have seriously considered putting locks on the doors (we have two doors). If it happens the next time SD19 is home from school, I will do it. She was basically warned last night when I questioned her just going into our room without asking.
And then to hold the beach towel in her room for an entire week? She hasn't even unpacked her suitcase. Thats ok, DH will get to deal with her spazing out this weekend, trying to get everything packed for school.
I'm telling him I don't want her home every damn weekend, either, just because she's taking her car this year. She's only doing that because her boyfriend will be OFF-campus this year and not just a block away. She is so desperate for attention. What a mess she is. Give her a padded room already. Oh wait, I suggested counseling, but she doesn't need it.
Oh, my bad.
~ Moon
Barkatthemoon, I don’t know
Barkatthemoon, I don’t know what I would have done! My SD 14 aka princess piglet done the same thing. I found pictures on her phone (dumbass!) which she took in my bedroom standing on my bed , in my dressingroom, in my bathroom! I waited for my husband to return from his business trip. Told her off in his presence about lying , privacy and boundaries. Then proceeded to remove her bedroom door. If you cannot respect my privacy then best you learn what it is by having NONE in my home.
Thank you all, it's good to
Thank you all, it's good to know I'm not alone and that Skids are assholes everywhere you go!
I like your idea, Miz, about getting a big trunk. I could put it in my closet and just say all of my winter stuff is in there, put my shoes on top of it. I will have to look into one of those.....Sally, I thought about replying to SD19 from DH's cell phone. But Spiderman was back in a flash and I saw no need. Now I know what DH can get SD19 for Christmas.....BLACK bath towels (we got her brown washcloths last year for stocking stuffers, she didn't like that), iPod chargers (plural, because they only last a week), and a 3-pack of cheap flash drives because she is always losing them.
I already told DH that if SD19's car is vandalized on campus or if anything happens to it, SHE can pay the fucking deductible on the insurance.
Today I am getting more emails from Verizon saying our data usage is at 80% even though DH has upped it from 12G/month to 18G. My Verizon post was about SD19 turning off her WiFi by accident and constantly watching Vine videos while at the beach. I already told him I am transferring the extra charges from her savings to our checking when the bill comes in. Right now we are at $25 extra charges with 9 more days to go.
I told DH it was HIS choice whether to tell her or not. Let her bitch at him.
~ Moon }:)
OMG! Sounds like
OMG! Sounds like conversations I have with DH! I will bring something up to DH that SD15 did or didn't do that affects me, and he tells me to bring it up to SD15. The whole while, he just sits there letting SD15 have attitude with me, and not saying a word. Then, when SD15 is no longer around and I bring up that 1) some support would be nice, and 2) his child, he should have said something to her, I get the who thing like you do..."You are always getting on her case"..."She's afraid of you"..."She thinks she doesn't like you"! It's not my job to make the girl like me, and I'm on her case because she is always breaking house rules!
DH just texted that he added
DH just texted that he added two books to my Amazon Prime account for SD13's birthday gifts. He wants me to order them so they will arrive quickly. I wrote back that we could just wrap the set of 6 that I bought her last year that she hasn't read yetand give them to her all over again. }:)
Seriously, SCHOOL starts next week. She's not going to have time for free reading. Now DH wants to go and buy fun books to distract her from schoolwork.
~ Moon
ETA: These are manga books, "Attack on the Titans." Full of gore. Great reading for a young girl. :?
LOL, that's a good one! DH
LOL, that's a good one! DH just called and sarcastically told me NOT to order them. I said he was trying to pick a fight with me (and we have never argued, really, we haven't). Now he says it upsets him the way I talk about his kids. I never have anything nice to say. I told DH that I am constantly "parenting" where the common areas of the house are concerned. I just want the Skids to clean up after themselves. I asked if he had seen their bathroom? I told him SD19 was unapproachable, entitled and disrespectful, and she can't be asked to do anything. Why does he think that we get on SD13 to do chores and walk on eggshells around SD19?
Because she's an entitled bitch. Well, I didn't say "bitch" while talking to DH.
I said she doesn't think she has to DO anything. I understand with their bedrooms, leave the door shut, but they share a bathroom and it is disgusting because YOU don't ask them to do anything and I am DONE monitoting everything and getting shit on.
He listened and said that SD19 and I are a lot alike. We are not. I actually work hard every day and think about other people besides myself. I also raise the bar higher than most....
He wants me to start working out and getting healthier and he just can't understand that with the stress of two moronic SDs and chronic pain from fibromyalgia (injured neck and back from stupid people), along with diabetes and an auto-immune disorder.....I am F-ing TIRED when I get home. My window for getting anything done M-F is slim. I am planning on doing better for myself in a few weeks, because I am weaning myself off of Lyrica. I imagine there will be more pain as a result of less meds, so more exercise will help to alleviate that. Hopefully.
Anyway, we ended on a civil note and he said he loved me. I know he is calling SD19 now to get her ass in gear and to have her start cleaning the house before she leaves for college next week. He wanted to make sure I knew he was doing that. And it's only 9am. Ha ha!
Score big points for the evil SM here! }:) }:)
~ Full Moon
Sally I like the idea of
Sally I like the idea of asking for help from DH right when SD19 needs something, lol. TGIHB...You go, girl, looking for that gas leak all the way under your car. I changed a light bulb yesterday all by myself!
SD19 can't even do that in her room, too much effort so her fan light has been out for over a month. And she gets creeped out so she sleeps with her light on! My lightbulb was outside for my pups and I did it all by myself!!!!
Yippee woo-hoooo!
DH called SD19 to have her do some things for him and she said "she had her own agenda" this morning. :jawdrop: I'm sure it only involved watching TV and taking up space on the couch. DH told her that she needed to tackle HIS agenda. She got snippy and had an attitude with DH but he handed her the smackdown.
Now see what I mean, DH, about SD19 being unapproachable and entitled? I told him she should contribute around the house like the rest of us do, SD13 can even manage that. When prompted. DH is trying to please me and parent his problem child, so I am breathing a sigh of relief this morning. Finally. Finally. FINALLY.
~ Moon
And that's for a HORSE,
And that's for a HORSE, Sally!!! SD should be making sure the animal is taken care of! The poor thing. I am with you on caring for the animals.
SD13 hasn't showered since Saturday, so I don't know how proud I can be.
We'll see, lol.
~ Moon