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I'm So Angry I Just Need To Vent

DMHLA's picture

If someone were to ask me about 6 months ago if I knew of a place to get advice or vent for being a stepparent, I would have looked at the person like they had lost their mind. Glad I found this forum tonight though.

I have literally spent the last few days allowing my anger to eat away at me until I am just literally drained.

I am a SM with a two teenage skids, the SS is a wonderful child of 15 and he is always happy. The SD happens to be a 17 old new mother.

I cannot tell you how ticked off I was initially to find out she was pregnant. Especially since she had access to birth control. But, what was done was done. I knew instantly that eventually she would attempt to use me as a babysitter and her BF as an income provider. I felt guilty initially about feeling that way, but unfortunately I was so right.

Here is the deal, her mother has serious issues of her own and cannot support the SD a good deal of the time, so she came to stay with
us for awhile, just as I feared. Pretty soon she was working and I was babysitting. The hours at work got longer and longer and my
babysitting hours got longer and longer (like over 50 hours a week.) I said nothing because I knew she was getting ready to go live with her aunt who was going to train and hire her to work in her company and oh how I prayed for that day to come soon. Did I mention she wanted some weekends to go out too? Needless to say she is finally out.

When her BF left 6 weeks ago to work in another state, as far as everyone knew I went with him because I needed time to myself and did not want to be put in the babysitting position again for a good long while, so I could recuperate from the initial lengthy experience. I felt bad about being deceitful in a way by hiding the fact I was home and of course eventually she did find out. Lucky me.

Last week she asked me by text if she could have some money because she was low, I had just paid our bills and had nothing left over but $6 in the bank and you cannot send a MoneyGram for less than $20. I told her that I did not have it and her reply was WTF ever back at me. ah? Not!

She informed me that she felt it was here BF's job to be helping her and I informed her that it was not his JOB! That she is not entitled to anything. She also informed me that the baby's father had not paid child support that month and did I realize she was raising a baby alone?

Seriously? She has not lived alone since she has had the child. She does not know the meaning of the word raising the baby on her own. I
believe she meant, no one else she found would put in the hours I did for her with the baby, so she could have going out time. Guess that was a shocking reality to her.

I wanted to tell her that the help she received and any she receives in the future comes from a place of sincere love from both of us and if she has that attitude about being entitled and ungrateful, she could do it on her own in the future as far as our household is concerned. The BF feels the same way. But, I am waiting for her BF to get home from working out of state to have a sit down with her and tell her that himself.

I really honestly do not look forward to seeing her face to face anytime soon as I feel the real her stood up and kicked her BF and myself in the face. She has never acted like this in the past 7 years that I have known her and it completely shocked me after all the time I put in to help her with the baby.

Trust me when I say, it took a lot out of me, because I am not a baby type of person any more. I like to hold little children and send them home with their mothers and fathers, not be their second mother. I have two grown sons of my own, so no more babies for me on a full time basis.

Also, we do provide a iPhone and pay the bill as well as child support from her BF that she had direct access to until she gave the child support card to her BM.

I honestly do not know how to approach this situation when we eventually do have to see her again. I'm not one for sweeping this kind of
thing under the rug and pretending everything is just peachy and I seriously can't ever see myself going that far out of the way for her
ever again knowing that she can simply chalk my hospitality up as owed to her.

Any advice for me would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance. Smile

P.S. I took the time to read others stories in here as well, so I feel better that I am not the only one who feels this way.

BarkAtTheMoon's picture


I agree with the posters above. SD17 is desperate because her teen years have been cut short. She will have to grow up fast and make sacrifices for her baby. HER baby. She made the mistake of getting pregnant (I'm assuming it wasn't planned) at 16 or 17. She needs to figure out a way to make it work.

It is just a kick in the teeth what she texted back to you..."WTF ever." Typical snotty teen attitude that we all get from our Skids. They want what they want and they want it NOW. Even if you had $100 in your bank account, you shouldn't send one red cent to this Skid. You become an enabler if you do that. You already "paid" her by watching that infant for so many hours. Let her BM who has the CS card provide the babysitting while SD17 works. When will she be 18? The CS from DH will soon run out. Do NOT put this on you or DH to take care of. I would take her off of your phone plan, too, when she turns 18.

She needs to grow up QUICK. She has no one to thank but herself for being in this position. It's a shame for the baby.

~ Moon

Orange County Ca's picture

Like an alcoholic kids like this need to be left to their own devices. If her aunt is willing to help then so much the better but the sooner you make it clear that your vision of the next few years does not include babysitting or writing checks the better.

Any softness on your part will be exploited as much as possible. Don't let her do it.

frustratedstepdad's picture

Yes, do NOT be the babysitter. So many of these damn young kids (like my stepdaughters) think that just because they have a kid, everybody is supposed to pitch in and help. Screw that. HER kid, HER responsibility. I'm sick of seeing grandparents being used as free babysitters.

Do NOT help enable your SD.

DMHLA's picture

Thank you for all of your kind replies, it has made a world of difference to me mentally. I guess I just needed to hear that I was not being the evil SM and that it was indeed O.K. to actually not feel the need to be obliging to here with our money and more time. I'd really like to just get out of our own debt and have some type of a peaceful life before we both leave this earth.

I totally agree with the enabling part and I expressed that concern with her BF as well. I'm very lucky to have the type of relationship with her BF where he looks at the realities of both sides and does not give in to her demands just because she is his BD.

I think I was really just struggling with the guilt on my part of bringing this situation into the light with her BF to begin with and the BF having to look his own BD in the eye when he gets home and tell her that he is not willing to step into the role of parent and provider to her baby either. They have always been extremely close and I'm sure it will give her quite the reality shock to hear it from him in person.

I never in my life would have imagined that there were so many others both (male and female) who are trying to deal with these same types of issues. I even tried to read a book on the subject before I came to this forum and got turned off to the parts about patience and understanding. I'd be locked up in a mental institution if I had to wait that long for the situation to be resolved. Lol

Once again, I appreciate every one of you for being there as a support network. I hope I can return the advice and support to someone else that may be struggling with the same issues one day.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

OMG...I totally feel for your situation, and fear it every day!

Like others said...stand strong! There is plenty of help out there if she truly wants it! Maybe she should look into some daycare assistance programs! I know that sending a child to daycare is not always the ideal solution, but you gotta do what you gotta do! I was 18 when BD23 was born, and her father was no where to be found (found out some things later that really made me glad he wasn't around). I worked full time and went to community college. My mom would only watch BD23 if I had an evening or weekend class. Otherwise, I had to depend on daycare assistance (which at first had me paying $0, then as low as $50/month when I was on sliding scale). I had my own apartment, paid my own bills.

Of course, this entitled generation is too weak to live the school of hard knocks! If they don't have it handed to them, they don't know what to do! They think us parents are supposed to do it all for them.

Rags's picture

My bride was a 16yo teen mom when she had SS. She was 18 and SS was 15mos old when we met and we married the week before SS turned 2yo. By the accounts of her DQ boss, friends, family, and teachers when she found out she was pregnant she had an instant epiphany, matured immediately, and became very focused and serious very quickly.

My ILs helped by pulling a small travel trailer next to their house for DW and SS to live in. DickeHead too for a while until DW caught him cheating and FIL put a bullet at DickHeads feet when he stepped in to the long farm driveway and informed him the next time he set foot on the farm the bullet would take off his balls.

Do not allow SD-17 to abdicate her responsibility as a parent to your so she can keep being an idiot teen. She steps up, she steps up now, and she immediately makes her kid her priority. She demonstrates this by focusing on graduating from HS, finishing college as quickly as possible, all so she can support her child.

My bride did it, any kid can do it. At least that is my brides opinion. She has zero tolerance for teen parents that do not step up.

All IMHO of course.

Good luck.