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Funny how they will defend the skids to the end of the earth!

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Just had to share a funny argument with DH last night. DH was telling SD15 goodnight, and she was whining that her calves hurt because of color guard practice. DH was trying to tell her that she needed to stretch more before practice, and she was arguing that she does stretch...a lot!

When DH comes into the bedroom, I ask what all the whining was about, and he told me about SD15's calves hurting. I pointed out that wouldn't be an issue if she didn't lay around all the time...that her legs aren't accustomed to actually doing work for any sustained amount of time. DH tries to argue with me that all she needs to do is stretch more...that she isn't stretching enough. Really? Mr. "I've never been in any sports or on any kind of regular exercise plan" is going to argue with me, a personal fitness trainer, about what is causing SD15's muscle soreness? REALLY? I tried to explain to him that stretching does not prevent muscle soreness...only regular use of the muscles in said fashion which caused the soreness will reduce soreness. It has been proven that stretching before exercise really doesn't benefit muscle performance, but really only helps with tighter tissues as to prevent injury in the moving joints! DH just gets flustered and says he isn't going to argue fitness with me!

Seriously, he will defend SD15 to the ends of the earth even if he knows what he is saying is flat out wrong or ridiculous! He simply cannot admit that SD15 is lazy! Seriously, I've said before that I can't understand how she gets through a school day, because she can't simply sit. When she is at home, she always has to be laying down. Even in church, she is practically laying down in the seats the entire service.

Oh, and you could tell she wasn't happy last night! BS19 was home since he had a day off, and was sitting in the living room watching TV with us. SD15 decided that she wanted to watch TV, and there was no place on the couch for her to sprawl out, so she had to lay on the floor! OMG...poor thing! She kept raising her head and looking at BS19 like "don't you have somewhere to go, or some video game to play in your room". It was priceless. Now, if she could actually sit, there was room on the couch for her to sit between DH and BS19, but nooooooooo....remember, she has to lay down all the time!

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

LOL...I've thought that when she complains! It is always something that hurts! I sit there and think, "If you can't handle it, quit!" I mean, would BS19 be the football player he is today if he gave in to every little pain? SD15 claims that dance is her passion, and that is why she does guard, for the dance aspect of it. However, I never see her do any of the work a dancer does outside of the normal practices! She just lays around, and doesn't eat right. She is never going to make it in dance that way! Real dancers don't whine! No...they love their art so much that they push through the pain! She obviously hasn't seen the feet of a real dancer! They aren't the pretty, pedicured things she has...a real dancer's feet are rough! Blisters, etc. I personally do not think SD15 had the drive or the tolerance to be what she thinks she is in her mind.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

EXACTLY, but even that won't eliminate soreness if she is immobile most of the time! DH tried to say, "She's 15! She doesn't have to worry about that kind of muscle soreness!" Yeah, trying to say that because she is young, she should be able to be as lazy as she wants and not have to worry about any kind of muscle deterioration! FACE PALM!!! The use it or lose it philosophy does not discriminate based on age! She hardly eats any proteins, doesn't eat any veggies, and loads up on simple carbs, when she does eat. Add that being in the laying position most of the time...yup, she is going to lose muscle!

I can make myself have muscle soreness, but I have to push myself to total muscle fatigue in my workouts to do so (and the more I work out, the harder I have to push to get to that point). I call it the "screw you" point, because I can literally work a muscle to the point where I'm trying to send all the messages from my brain as I can for the muscle to move, and it just won't do that last it is responding back to me with a big "SCREW YOU!" LOL Of course, that is because of the type of training I do for my particular goal (I train for power and tone...not trying for brute strength or to be big). Yes, when I push myself to that point, I will have muscle soreness. If I do a standard set just for tone, no pain at all.

At 15, for a normal, healthy, active teen (not even talking about an athlete here), they should be able to be active for the day and not have muscle soreness. If she can't do that, then she has issues! Sounds like when this practice is over, SD15 needs to be made to get up every morning and go for at least a 30 minute walk around the neighborhood, and then add 5 minutes to that walk every week for the rest of the summer. Of course, DH would never back me on that...just let her continue to be lazy, not eat right, and deteriorate her body. Hate to see her when she is 25.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

And refuse to admit it...LOL! Or they know, but because it is with regards to their princesses, they have to put up a good front in their defense. I mean, don't want to say anything negative about the poor girls! Lazy? Liars? Stuck up? Spoiled? No...not their will give them a bad self image or hurt their feelings.

thinkthrice's picture

Funny you should mention this. SD in my case is also 15 and is deemed by all (all idiots) to be "athletic." This is the way she sees herself as well.

Problem is that "athletic" is defined by her relatives and friends as "huge for her age." She's nearly six feet tall like her mother yet she is headed over the 200 lb mark with no end in site.

She has a TERRIBLE diet... openly makes fun of her friends that eat salad. She HATES all vegs and fruit. She eats strictly chicken nuggets and fries, fatty foods and sweets. Period.

She has cellulite, a spare tire and arms like a 50 year old woman that's terribly out of shape. Yet she's enrolled in all the lacrosse, soccer, etc. etc. extra curriculars (despite the fact that she's crater failing like her older brother)

Her 300 lb boyfriend posted a photo of a bean bag with built in pillow and blanket and suggested that this would be PERFECT for SD 15 as she's always sitting/lying around and snoozing.

Oh and she does ZERO chores at the BM's house too as the BM will actually note in HER FB account.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Yup...mirror images...except in the size department. SD15 is shorter than I am, and I'm short! She is about an inch shorter (she is 5'1", and I'm 5'2"). SD15 goes through periods of starvation and bingeing/purging...or just flat out bingeing. Since she and the now-ex broke up, she has been going through a cycle of starvation days and bingeing days...depends on her level of depression. When she does eat...same thing... strictly chicken nuggets and fries, pizza, mac & cheese, PB&J sandwiches, other fatty foods, and sweets. DH denies that SD15 has any kind of eating disorder, saying that since she isn't super skinny, it isn't possible! UGH! He doesn't realize that purgers are often still overweight, because they don't take into consideration sugary drinks, or realize that any time from the moment they swallow that food until they purge the body can absorb calories. They often eat way too many calories at one sitting, and the body still absorbs at least 1/3 of that before purging, and it isn't the good calories out of that!

You try to get SD15 to eat vegetables, and now she will tell you to stop trying to force her to eat vegetables! "Kids don't like vegetables, and I'm still a kid!" If you try to point out the error in her statement, that there are plenty of kids who like vegetables, she gets mad because you are comparing her to someone else! Really? And making a generalized statement like that in defense of you not eating vegetables isn't comparing yourself to others?

Aniki-Moderator's picture

What a crock! I LOVE vegetables and have my entire life. Probably one of the few who will admit to loving spinach and brussel sprouts. IMO, it's a matter of what the parents do. My DH makes the skids eat veggies. They won't try new things but will at least eat broccoli, corn, and carrots. BM thinks that potatoes in the form of french fries are the only veggies they need.

Amber Miller's picture

I love roasted Brussels sprouts even though when I was 5 my mom made me eat them and I hated them. I can still remember sitting at the table in the kitchen alone, crying while staring at a plate of cold Brussels sprouts. Apparently I wasn't so traumatized that I couldn't grow up and enjoy them as an adult. They are fabulous when they are served roasted.

Aniki-Moderator's picture

Yes - yummy! I also have a very tasty recipe for them with chili pepper flakes. My DH cannot stand the smell of them so I only eat them when he has to travel.

JingerVZ's picture

I love brussel sprouts - aka stink bombs. I am the only one in my home who eats them. DH is Dutch and refuses to bow to the Belgians - aka Netherland South. LOL!

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Same here. Dad used to have a garden every year, and I remember picking stuff, washing it off with the hose, and just eating it right there! No need to drown in ranch like the kids do today to force em down!

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Tell me about it! I think the only food I ever drown is eggs. I never quite acquired a taste for eggs, though I still eat them because I know they are a great source of protein for those of us who work out. If I don't have eggs for breakfast, I find myself getting the munchies during the day. When I was real little, dad got me to eat my eggs by putting ketchup on them...put them between two slices of toast with some ketchup...breakfast sandwich. When we moved to Texas, I discovered hot sauce! Yeah!!!

I mean, I get that no one likes to eat everything! I like black beans, refried beans, and charro beans...oh, and the rosemary white beans at Zoe's Kitchen...but other than that, I'm really not that in to beans. I can't stand liver, unless it has been made into liverwurst! I'm not a big fan of bell peppers...but I will cook with them and pull them out because I like the flavor they add to something like steak/fajitas.

But to cut out entire food groups like the way people do today...especially teens. Like all the people who cut out are hurting yourself! Yes, I cut wheat out of my diet, but only after I found out I was allergic to it, and it was actually causing me to feel sick. Something like that I can understand. But especially teens and kids these days...such a jacked up way of eating! And with some of the research I've been doing lately? Some scary stuff about the processed foods and fast foods out there! All these people who say, "It doesn't hurt me!" They don't realize that continued consumption over time IS hurting them.

Just a few principles I live by:

1. If it doesn't have a mother, or come from the ground...don't eat it.
2. If it has more than 6 ingredients, and/or you can't read any of them, don't eat it.
3. If it can go bad, it's good for you...if it can't go bad, it's bad for you (hint hint Twinkies...LOL).

In general, I buy organic as much as possible. It is getting much more affordable these days (again...some recent research I've done with regards to what they are doing with crops is scary). Retailers like Trader Joes and Sprouts are helping there. I also try to buy from local, trusted growers as much as keep the little guys in business over big food.

It's sad...people have so much more information available to them today than they ever had, yet they still choose crap food, and they still feed their kids crap food! Add to that the inactivity of kids/teens because they can entertain themselves all day lying games, movies, the internet on tablet/handheld computers, cell phones, etc. When I was younger, the only thing you really could do lying down was read, and as much as I love reading...not something I could do all day long! I still have this need to get up and move around during the day!

Rags's picture

I am telling you. It is the Gene Goggles. They are inherent eyewear for BioParents when their children are idiots. Gotta be blind to their spawn's bullshit in order to feel good about themselves instead of actually parenting and using their brains to raise their crotch dribbles to be viable adults of character.

The theory has to be funded for research to prove what any SParent knows as absolute fact.
