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Choosing your child or your partner??

CAZMAZ1's picture

I just had the best relationship of my life come to a close because my partner's teenaged daughter became difficult because of my presence in their lives. To the point that she said his behavior changed because of me and she began having a serious arttitude problem, so much so he felt it was too disruptive to his relationship with his daughter to continue seeing me no matter how much he loved me, how happy we were, and how good i tried to be to his daughter.
I have tried to suggest a balance if he loves me we can find a balance and all sit down and go. i asked then to be friends because our connection was so close and wonderful i am missing his friendship. he said we could remain friends but says baby steps? its been three days since i have heard from him. and these three days have been so so hard on me. how can he stay away so easily? i am very upset i can go from having a soul absolutely nothing now and it was so black and white of an issue for him. he felt he had to choose to stop the disruption it was causing his daughter because she will always come first. at what stage is this being a good parent or just letting your 18yo teen ruin your own chance of happiness? im at a loss how to feel about this. Any contribution would be appreciated.

ctnmom's picture

He let you dodge a very big bullet. Let it go. He will always put her first. His "happiness" is cowtowing to her. That's what he chose. Please leave this alone and move on. This would be nothing but heartache- for any woman.

Poodle's picture

Yes, even if he were to backtrack later he has shown his true feelings at this point and they would return. It does not necessarily equate to being a good parent (understatement of the year) but who cares? YOu don't need a parent, you need a soulmate and he is not that.

simifan's picture

Tanslation: the kid comes first, you're not even on the score board. But hey, He'd ike a booty call now and then.

He did you a huge favor by being up front. Believe him.

CAZMAZ1's picture

thanks for this...took the time to send a length reply. i appreciate it. as i do all comments. thanks everyone.

CAZMAZ1's picture

also for the record i never insisted on anything to be my way. i often defended his daughter against his critism and only ever suggested helpful solutions. i kept my distance, i did voice my opinion to him on how things wouldnt be acceptable in my house with my own, but he always told me to be open and honest with him. this was just a subject matter i should not have been.
i wanted nothing but to sit down together and talk...together. but he wud never include me in hushed conversations he had and even felt uncomfortable to the point of not being able to say he loved me aloud on the phone or in person with skids in the room.
really sad if you ask me. but i seem to attract tragic men.

Shaman29's picture

Thank your lucky stars this happened BEFORE marriage.

Many of us found this out afterwards and have paid a very heavy price.

You will miss him at first, you need to grieve the loss of the relationship. Take that time to grieve but under no circumstances should you email, text or call him. Nor should you return any emails, texts or calls from him.

Make this a clean break. He did you a favor. He does not value you as a person or life partner. His daughter is going to make his life hell and she will be competitive with any woman that crosses her father's path.

Please grieve over the loss and move on with your life. Gather your good friends around you, have a good cry. Have some wine. Toast your freedom to find a man that will treat your love as the precious thing it is.

Hugs and I toast your future.

Midwest Stepmom's picture

I've been in one of these relationships. His translation: I'm too chicken shit to dump you for my own reasons so I will use a reason that that cannot be argued with (insert skid).

Let this relationship go. He will never come back to you, at most you will be a booty call and feel bad about it afterwards. Then you will feel horrible when you haven't moved on and you find out he is dating someone else.

Seriously. Move on. Or your heart will be broken even more.

Rags's picture

Look, this is a bullshit excuse by a weasely non-man of no character to end a relationship that he is done with. He just is not man enough and does not have enough balls to end it with character and honor.

Even if this guy has an epiphany and comes crawling back begging to go back to the way it was, block his number and let him slime around pining for you.

Move on.

You do not want a man who allows his 18yo daughter to keep his man sack in her purse and allows her to take priority over his adult relationships.

Seriously, you don't want this guy.


AllySkoo's picture

^^^^^ What Rags and Midwest Stepmom said. He blamed his 18 year old daughter for the end of your relationship? This is NOT a guy you want long term, honestly!

lili77's picture

it may be painful,but trust me sometime in the future you will be thankful he asked yout leave, he did a favor to you, so now do yourself a favor and find a man with no kids please, it is the best thing you can do

CAZMAZ1's picture

Thanks everyone for your replies.
I have my closure now. and i indeed dodged a bullet. absolutely no more men with kids..hell no more men again for a long time. after this my trust is completely gone.
He wont ever do better, i know that much. i loved his daughter regardless of her behavior and simply asked for us all to sit down and work thru things as a family...he wudnt allow that. i realized how low i was on the todem. it hurts like hell cuz it was an amazing relationship, or i thought it was, and im a really loving unique sexy gal. have mercy on any woman that even dares enter his life...more failures or a life of loneliness or settling for a woman far less wonderful is defo in his future. i almost feel bad for him.
thanks everyone. i appreciate it so much.

Frustr8d1's picture

YOU ARE SO LUCKY. You're right to feel sorry for him. He will have a very hard time finding a decent woman who is also willing to be SM. Always keep this rule in the future: Do not even entertain the idea of dating a man with kids!!

Rags's picture

Why feel sorry for anyone who suffers due to their own actions and decisions? I would not feel sorry for this guy for one Pico second.

Meh ... good riddance IMHO.

You are absolutely right that the OP is fortunate. She should relish in enjoying her fresh start with this jackass and his incestuous mini wife relationship with his hell spawned daughter far in the rear view mirror.

Modernworld1011's picture

I dated a guy with daughters in their 30s who were married with kids of their own, and the same thing happened. They were still angry about their parents divorce 13 years ago. They came just short of telling him the the did not deserve to be happy again. They also made some intimations that he should be focusing on being a good grandparent rather than a husband. When we would dine together, they would not speak to me. Two grown women with their own lives....

I tell you this because if a parent is willing to be manipulated by his child(ren) at any age the kids advancing into adulthood is not likely going to change that tendency. I am sorry for your pain, but you are better off, and one day you will see.

I loved this man. He had bought an engagement ring for me. I thought he was my future. I see now that I am lucky he was not, but it sure hurt a heck of a lot for a good while. My advice is to forget the friendship. Who knows maybe one day he will see the error of his ways, change, and come begging you to take him back, but now you need to live for you!

My guy came back too, and he wanted to be friends. It did not work, and it just prolonged the pain. He did not have the strength to deal with his kids and stand up for us. To this day, he has not introduced any woman to his kids, and is unable to sustain a relationship for long. All of the longing I used to feel for him has been replaced with pity. I know this because he periodically writes to me, telling me that I was his great love.... Too bad he did not think he deserved happiness. He never has confronted his daughters about this, and those girls who wanted him to be a doting grandpa, well they both moved across the country, soon after we broke up, so he is now alone day in and day out.

Watchthe movie "All That Heaven Allows" I bet his daughter is some combination of the two kids in the movie.

CAZMAZ1's picture

Thanks Modernworld1011. i will check out that movie tonight....this movie...nails it. Just watched it. wow. i relate to that on so many levels.

I can't help thinking that there was some serious judging going on. I am not a conventional looking lassy and I swear like a sailor sometimes...crass and not classy has been hinted? Yet im old fashioned big time with a heart of gold and was always nice.
I also wonder if I was just his mid life crisis. Lonely? Get a pin up rock chick looking girlfriend and when your confidence is built up again and the loneliness is gone, the teens attitude is just the icing on the cake to erase me entirely. His words...he hasnt got the energy??
The hardest part is we were best friends and had everything in common so I never saw this coming or suspected he would be capable to cut ties completely and stay gone and quiet for weeks now.
I am still seeking closure and answers. I asked him for them but still havent heard a peep.
Cold, and defo am better off without a man capable of this kind of behavior. Let alone his inability to parent properly....ugh. still aching over here. Thanks for everyone's input really appreciate it.

Modernworld1011's picture

Oh no, it has nothing to do with you being a pin up or not! I am sure you are lovely in all ways anyway! If anything your slightly more relaxed tone and behavior would make most people feel at ease. It is about him, and you can forget him giving you your closure, that we usually have to do all by ourselves.

To this day, the guy who was the almost husband still will not hear a word about his daughters, even when it is blatantly obvious. There was the time he was in ICU after major surgery and his daughter was demanding, I expect you up and together for my wedding in three months without a drop of love in her voice. The doctor tried to stop her rant as he could see the blood pressure monitors skyrocketing, and what did my almost husband do he chided the doctor for speaking to his daughter like that!!! The guy who saved his life and was trying to save his life and he is the villain...

They don't want to acknowledge their children's flawsI think because they see their children as a replication of themselves. If their kids are horrible they must have been bad or were lousy parents. Mine was, divorce made him into a spineless man who took the blame for all continually. Believe me these kids would not behave this way if it was not permitted.

I am so sorry that you were pulled into their convoluted world. I hope you are feeling a bit better now! It is getting a bit easier I hope! Hugs lovely lady!

CAZMAZ1's picture

had to come on here and update everyone. i had to go onto a singles website and help my long time friend set up his account and write his profile for him to land the ladies and who did i see on the dating website??? yep...wanting to meet women ages 26-49. my guess is just for the bedroom action though because relationships are too much energy. or maybe he will keep dating around until his daughter approves of one he messes with. o i felt so sorry for those poor girls on that website. u shud b able to put warnings on people in those things. funny tho. and defo good closure. u ladies were right. total chicken excuse making sack of cowardly doo doo. any one of you that made it more about him being a lying coward, you all were right. it was me, not his daughter. or perhaps his daughter convinced him he could do better? at any rate...thats how it ended for me with my single dad.

TobinNZ's picture

In my honest opinion, he was using his daughter as an excuse.

If I'm wrong and it really is because of her, then you have dodged a massive bullet.

And I feel sorry for your ex when his baby girl flies the nest and he realises he lost a good thing. Hopefully you havemoved in to something more deserving of your awesomeness by then Smile don't let him come back and "settle" for you xx