I'll find out if BM comes in house to pick up boys...
Boys are sleeping in because daddy doesn't want to wake them when he leaves to take them back to 'mammas". She is coming to pick them up in a bit.. I have left the house for work.. And rigged something to prove she's been in my house..
I warned bf she had better wait outside for boys.. No stepping foot in the door..
I'll know the second I get home if my request was not respected...
I'm curious as to what/how
I'm curious as to what/how you "rigged something"...
I guess rigging was a bad
I guess rigging was a bad word...my neighbor keeps an eye out for me and can see who is coming in...

I understand why you want her
I understand why you want her to stay out. She's practically a stranger, can she be trusted to not steal, go through your personal stuff, who knows what?
I guess the real question is since you can't stay at home until she arrives can you make Daddy take the kids back before he leaves for work. And my real question is it worth starting a war over?
If you do find she has been in the house what I would do is put a lock on your bedroom door. The same sort of lock that would go on the front door. Use a different key if the kids have a key to the front door otherwise it can be keyed to match. When she may come over you can lock your personal stuff up in your bedroom.
After all who cares if she looks in your cabinet and finds Cheerio's or Kellogg's?
Its not a matter of stealing
Its not a matter of stealing anything..ITs the matter of respecting BOUNDARIES...DH is NOT allowed to come into her house, and I have NEVER stepped foot into hers without being invited.
She however has been invited into my house by the boys because they can't seem to get their crap together quick enough and mamma has to help them when they leave..
and also one of the boys likes to invite her in to see the kitty cat and so on..(again 16 and 17)
Again its a matter of respecting boundaries..I already had a talk with BF to have the talk with the boys to NOT invite mamma into the house...
Its my house..I can make that rule...
BM is def not allowed in our
BM is def not allowed in our house. I don't even like her coming to the door, which she doesn't. She waits until SO brings SD3 outside. NO way in hell is cray cray BM ever coming into my home. Like you said, she doesn't want you coming into her house so why should she come into yours.
Excellent idea!!! I WILL
Excellent idea!!! I WILL DEFINATELY LOOK INTO THAT OPTION.I would try it in the house as well..Yup she makes him wait in the car and sends the boys out...yet she comes to our door and even comes in sometimes...pisses me off big time..