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already sick of it

lil_lady's picture

Took the skids to the fair they got all day ride passes and spent $20 each that BM had given them. DS who just had his shots yesterday spent 80% of his day in his stroller and got nothing. I get that he is young (3 months) but he still plays with toys. I feel like every first that I should get to have with my son is being completely stripped away.

lil_lady's picture

SO got mad when I brought it up saying that he is to young for anything. So when will your youngest son matter to you?!

lil_lady's picture

SO got mad when I brought it up saying that he is to young for anything. So when will your youngest son matter to you?!

lil_lady's picture

We just went at it again while the kids where gone I bought our son a bumbo chair and he told me I should have bought the skids something. Thats the first and only thing I have bought my son since he was born. Because we are so broke due to extremely high cs we pay.

lil_lady's picture

We should except every single time we go do something fun ds gets completely forgotten. Even SOs mother got the skids a blowup toy each then said to me I guess there isnt really a point in getting ds one. At least she recognized and thought of him.

lil_lady's picture

I dont know I dissagree there was also tons of tents where a toy could have been won or bought. Which by the way the skids went to and got stuff from. Ds sits on his own and plays with toys so no I dont think there was "nothing" there for him. And your right it is my first and my partner should recognize that. It is also our first... that doesnt mean that every single time he is home and has the skids we go out and do something for them and ds gets put on the back burner.

lil_lady's picture

Its a long road ahead if I am always the one that has to recognize we have a son together. He was the one spending money yesterday not me. He is always the one spending money. This has happened 4 to 5 times its not the only occasion.

AllySkoo's picture

You seem to be arguing that because you two now have a child together, that his older 2 kids shouldn't get to do things. I'm pretty sure (I hope!) that's not what you actually mean, but could it be that that's what your DH is hearing in your argument as well?

Leave the skids out of it - his relationship with them is irrelevant. How do you think he's failing in his relationship with you or with your son? If you can stop comparing how he treats the kids and focus just on his treatment of your son, he might be more open to hearing you.

OMG_Why_Me's picture

I would be very careful to pick the fight's I'm willing to fight about. The fair was just a fair, nothing major. But if you want to buy something for your son you should be allowed. You don't always have to buy for his kids too, he needs to be told that. They aren't your children, you don't have any say in matters involving them, so you shouldn't be responsible to make sure everything is kept even. The kids had the fair and the rides, your son now has a bumbo chair. Seems even to me!

lili77's picture

people would be telling is no big well guess what I'm the prove what he did will go on forever my husband gave me that stupid excuse when our daughter was a baby she is now 2 the same thing keeps happening I just asked for a divorce yesterday BC of that crap and a lot more