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Adult Stepchild Horror

ladybug90's picture

Wow, where to begin. I've found this site and hope that some of you have advice or just some support for me. I married a man about 16 years ago who has one daughter. She actually went to high school with my daughter, so they were "friends" when my husband and I met. They were about 20 years old at the time. Since then, my daughter has finished college, has a great job and bought her own house last year. Then there's the sd. When my dh and I married she had one child - a toddler. No husband. Then she started running around with a guy and took off with him to another state with her daughter - and then, of course, ended up pregnant with his child - but left him shortly after finding out. So then she had two kids. She moved again to yet another state and met up with a friend of a friend - and married him. Called us a few weeks/months later to tell us that she was married. Turns out - this is a great guy! He's got a high security clearance with the US Government and makes good money. They bought a house and she has had two children with him. Now there are 4 kids with 3 different men. This is all abbreviated so far - but here comes the punch - she is a hypochondriac and drove herself or her kids to the doctor or the hospital at least 2-4 times a month. She finally got a doctor (quack) to agree that she has fibromyalgia and that she needs to be on drugs! Go figure. So...she started that up and her husband was deeply upset about her drug use and tried to put a stop to it, so the sd started making up abuse stories about him and calling the police and putting a restraining order on him. Once she got him out of the house, she had her 17 year old lover (yes, she's 37) move in, and guess what - the state they live in allows pot smoking - so now she got her doctor to allow her to get a medical marijuana license. So she sits around the house all day stoned, making up stories about her husband - who is now her ex-husband - and now claims that she is "common law" married to this now 19-year old boyfriend. She "can't" work because she's in so much pain all the time and so lives in a basement apartment someplace with her 4 kids sleeping on the floor. In the meantime, her ex-husband - who we absolutely adore and feel so badly about - lost his high security clearance because of the lies and claims she made about him.

This has been just a horror story for both her father and me. She calls and tells us lie upon lie upon lie and everything is all about her and how poor she is and what a great mom she is, etc. etc. Her father does not know how to turn her off. I don't answer the phone or talk to her at all any more. He just sits and listens, says ah huh a few times and then says Ok, love you, bye. So I get upset because he is NOT being honest with her. He is just as disgusted with her behavior as I am, but just can't tell her how disappointed in her he is. I refuse to send her any money. She has made her choices and now has to live with them - I'm not supporting her lifestyle. We do send gifts, etc. to the children, but never any money or anything she can use to get her drugs with.

There is so much more to the story, but I really am at a point now where I no longer want her to call us, or anything. Every time she does, I get upset, my husband gets upset, and it has a negative impact on our relationship. What do I do? I have absolutely no respect for this girl, and I don't care if I never see her again. I'm not sure that is a healthy feeling to have when I'm married to her father. Ugh.

Anyway....thanks for at least letting me vent. I don't talk about this to anyone in my family or any of my friends. It is just too embarrassing and ugly.

whatamess's picture

What a nightmare. Sounds like she's a royal POS and it's so sad that she's dragging those innocent kids down with her. My main concern would be the kids. Are they being taken care of? Are they really sleeping on the floor? If that's the case, social services needs to be involved. This is not a good environment for these kids to be living in. Is anyone in the family willing to take these kids in? Such a sad situation. Wish I had better advice on how to handle it.

ladybug90's picture

The ex-husband is trying to get custody of the two girls. The last court session seemed to go fairly well for him. Both myself and her father, as well as her biological mother and stepfather have stood up for the ex-husband in court and wrote letters to the judge explaining her situation and that he (the father) really needs to have the kids.

And yes, they really do sleep on mattresses on the floor. It just makes us sick. Both her biological mother and I have offered to take the kids, but she will have nothing to do with that. If she gave the kids up, she wouldn't be eligible for as much welfare and child support as she is getting - and food stamps. She's a parasite on society and I'm truly ashamed to say I have any relation with her at all. It just really irks me that she continues to try to pursue a relationship with us when really neither of us want anything to do with her - but her father feels all the guilt, I guess. I'm not sure how I would handle it if it were my own daughter. I'm just lost.

Poodle's picture

Hi, this woman is too far gone for any family member to help. She needs professional, medical, treatment. Anyone else trying to help will not only fail but could make matters worse for her kids and her. You have to get this point over to your DH so as to help him get over the guilt that's going to be part and parcel of this situation for him. Though it was really magnanimous of you to offer to take the kids, my advice would be never to do that again bearing in mind the BM is ready to do it. So she's got a safety net, she doesn't need you. Anyone who takes on the kids is also in for terrible heartache from the sound of how your husband's grandson is already going. And that person would be duty bound to stay in touch with your SD -- so please, don't let this be you as it will only get you more enmeshed in the situation.

Orange County Ca's picture

Specific phone numbers can be blocked. Your phone won't even ring. Call your phone provider for information. Would it be a good idea to get your husbands OK on that? Daddy can call her if he desires - tell him to go outside on those occasions.

ladybug90's picture

I couldn't agree more Iluvmykids! I've been saying for years that she needs mental help but of course she denies anything is wrong and blames everything on someone else. It's never her fault. The son, our grandson, is 12 and has already smoked pot! He was such a sweet, kind boy, involved in boy scouts, etc. while she was married. Now he has been arrested for breaking into apartments and stealing guns, money, etc. This is just not the boy we knew. It's all going so badly and we are at a loss. Thanks everyone for your suggestions - I think I will talk to dh about blocking her calls. That should go well. :O Or not.