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Any SM have experience with SK playing you & DH against each other?

grievingsm0184's picture

New to this site...
I've been married to DH for almost 3 years, been together for 5.
He has 3 children from a previous marriage 1 boy-11yo and 2 girls-10yo (twins). I never had ANY problems with SK when we were dating.
We actually had a great relationship which DH was thrilled about. Everything changed when we got married! They started using the famous "you are not my mom" phrase. Anytime I tried to bond with them they would brush me off and say hurtful things. They started being very clingy to DH on the weekends they were here (We work shift work so he gets them ever other weekend which is the ONLY weekend we are off of work) they would sit on his lap or hold his hand saying "my daddy".
DH was completely unaware of what was going on because I always had a great relationship with them. When I told him, he made sure to stop it immediately. The next time one of the SD said "my daddy" he would say "yes I am your daddy but I'm her husband too"
After they realized DH wasn't having it, they decided to only do things or say things when he wasn't around. For example.. One morning SD made cereal and left milk out. I told her to remember to pick it up when she was done pouring it. She looked at me, straight into my eyes and went right back to eating.
I asked her if she heard me, waiting for her to reply and she did not even look up at me (I was 5 feet away and she has no hearing problems). On the 3rd time I asked her I used her name and she snapped back with an attitude "I heard you!"
When DH woke up, I told him about her behavior and he disciplined her and made her apologize. She apologized very nicely and said she didn't hear me. The other SD said I looked horrible and needed to put makeup on.
The next day, the same brat was watching TV with DH and when I walked in the room said.. you look so beautiful today!
This is on going.. I've been spending every weekend they visit in my bedroom. DH is very supportive but doesn't see what they are doing so he tells me that they love me and are acting like that because I ignore them now. I'm not mean to them what so ever.. They are very deceitful children and have nasty habits like BM. Just last week we found large boogers on the wall of our BRAND new home that we just built at the end of last year.. they are caught in lies constantly but I really do not believe my husband believes they are capable of doing what they are doing.
To make matters worse we have been TTC for the past few moments after he got a reversal for me. I know the possibility of getting pregnant is slimmer if you are stressed and every weekend they are there I cry.. I feel like an outsider and DH says I am making it that way. But how can he see when the SK only are evil when he's not in the same room. When he walks in they are prefect angels. DH is my soul mate. . I love him so much but I hate his children and feel do horrible. . How can someone hate a child? I feel like completely crap and just want to hide or curl up in a ball and cry. Has anyone had this happen and could offer some advice..? I don't know what to do anymore....!!!

Rags's picture

There are not many parents of any flavor that have not had to deal with a kid playing both sides against the middle.

Going to one parent when the other has already said no, etc.......

This is not the Skid's playing daddy against you. This is pure cluelessness from your DH and the kids taking advantage of DH keeping his head up his own butt regarding his daughters and their manipulations.

Time to give daddy some clarity. Buy web cams and put them in the areas where the girls play their evil games when DH is out of the room. There is nothing like video to give clarity to the clueless parent of evil spawn.

If you wish to deal with this yourself and deal with it directly get a paddle. Light some little girl ass up and that tends to deal with the evil crap very effectively. It works well for evil little boys too.

IMHO of course.

Good luck.

grievingsm0184's picture

Not purposely awake for them, just happening to be up to get a glass of water or something.
But we have had the talk where he has told me if I had brought sk into his life he would love him like they were his own.
I said it is easier to say one thing and another to be living it!
He wants me to treat them like they are my own, but they are not and they make that very clear to me.
So often I wish I would have had one of my own before coming into this relationship. . Maybe I would have a better understanding? Idk

katielee's picture

My SD12 does the same thing...perfect little angel when Daddyyyy's around, perfect little brat when he's not. Drives me up the wall. I am living with a little minion that reports EVERYTHING back to her BM. It is a nightmare.

She's been gone to BM's this weekend but is coming home tonight:( I can already feel the weight coming to rest on my shoulders and neck. Constant headache for the next two weeks until the little minion is gone again.

grievingsm0184's picture

How do you deal with it?
What do you tell DH and does it even make a difference?

fedupstep's picture

This is my SD15. She can switch it on and off like a pro. DH knows, tells her to stop, I get an apology followed by a glare. I love the nanny cam idea Smile

grievingsm0184's picture

I know what you mean.
It's very frustrating. .
I also giggled a little bit at the truth in your "signature"

moeilijk's picture

The problem with the nanny-cam idea is that it does mean that the SM is now 'proving' to the DH that the skid is/isn't doing whatever.

This puts DH in the power-role of the family.

I think it did work well in Dtzy's situation, and I'm now trying to figure out why. Possibly because SS was doing stuff to her BS's as well, and her 'proof' was also to protect her kids.

What bothers me most about having to prove that you, his partner and an adult, are telling the truth is that it makes it seem that you and he are not a team at all. That he's willing to allow his kids the control in the home is not going to get solved quickly.

I guess he has made a choice - to be his kids' friend above all else. If he's not aware of this choice, or if he hasn't considered the consequences, I think it's time you talked to him about it. Definitely before you have kids together. Being a good dad is so much more than buying stuff for a kid, and I think you want a good dad for your kid.

And in the meantime, the only way to deal with his kids is to treat them as though you are their teacher. Limited authority, limited expectations.

How do you think a teacher at school would handle such rude behaviour? For one thing, the teacher is not worried about hurting a rude child's feelings, nor the feelings of her parent. So you need to just take care of you, set your boundaries, and interact as you see fit.

grievingsm0184's picture

He has told me that he believes what I am saying but he feels the reason they do it is because I ignore them.
He tell me that he knows they are not perfect angels but words and actions are 2 different things. My thing is, if I tell him, he does take care of it but when I have a heart to heart with him about it that's when it comes out that if my attitude changed then theirs wood. It's very frustrating.
They have told BM and MIL that I don't like them because I'm always in the bedroom and he asked me to spend some time with them on the weekend to show that's not the case. I decided to stay at my mom's house for the weekend to clear my head and he comes over with them!! I just am at wits end. I LOVE DH WITH ALL MY HEART but I don't know how much more I have in me to fight. He asked me to support him and come pick up the kids with him at their normal meeting spot, which I have not done in a while to avoid confrontation. Well we get there and talks to BM for 30 minutes while I'm in the car with the 3 SK kicking my seat and messing around even though I asked them nicely to stop. Don't you know, when he gets back in the car they are calm as can be. HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE? I literally cried the entire ride home. I hate feeling this way.. absolutely hate the position I am in. My purpose here is really to vent and get insight, which many of you have gave some very good insight! I just feel like I have no one else that understands me Sad
Thanks guys for the advice and making me realize I'm not alone...
I feel like a horrible human being right now.

Modernworld1011's picture

You have to love them. Mine sends cards with pictures of women that look the opposite of me and always pens in some comments like "Dad I'm sending you this so can have a look at a woman who is your type." or "She looks like that girl you said was hot." Husband sighs, but keeps the cards. Sometimes he changes the tactic and sends card with pictures of women more like me and draws a mustache or blackens the teeth. No need for a penned comment on those.

I am so sorry that they made you ill these kids.

Sadly, I doubt any of them will look back and feel much remorse. Same here, was always kind, never tried to be a parent, let their father discipline. No caring or kindness from them ever.

We all have to learn not to care, and society has to stop expecting us to be heroines and bend over backwards for people who are indifferent or hostile.

Poodle's picture

I think you're in a real bind here because your DH has already moved to phase two in the step-spousal "game", which comes after denial that the skid is being nasty. That is, that DH has moved onto reversal of causation, ie that you are the cause of their abuse of you. Which means that even if you record something nasty on the webcam, DH will manage to convince himself that you provoked this conduct and are the cause of it. Hell, he's so keen to make it work from his pov between you and them that he allowed a situation whereby he drove you along crying whilst they were in the back of the family car and just treated this as normal. This is highly dysfunctional. And how about going over to your own mom's house with them and besieging you there? He must for sure have known that they none of them were welcome at that point? Had I been your mom I would have stopped them at the door and said you had a migraine and were not to be disturbed.
I feel you have a great need to draw up some of your own limits here, and perhaps what is stopping you is fear that your DH will withdraw his love from you -- punish you for not loving these kids who are abusing you/testing you to the hilt. I suspect that subconsciously he is playing along with that so as to keep you serving him emotionally. None of this is healthy for either of you. I would do two things in your shoes. One, the next time one of these skids does anything discourteous whatsoever to you you point it out calmly and objectively, without animus. Describe what they have done, why it is wrong and what they should have done. Then walk away emotionally. So for example, one pulls a snitchy face. You simply say, "You are making an unpleasant expression right now. That is not acceptable given I have just handed you a drink. How you thank someone who hands you a drink is to smile politely." And then secondly, I would tell him you are at the end of your tether and want to go into counseling with him. A good counselor will notice the imbalance of power in your relationship and will work on it together with the both of you.

Poodle's picture

Also, NEVER put yourself in a position where you are held to ransom by minding the skids whilst DH talks to BM separately. This is outrageous and makes you subservient to them as a couple!!!!! Please don't put yourself in that position.

Pilgrim Soul's picture

Hello and welcome! I think you have been given very good advice on setting limits and getting respect. It has to be clear to everyone that there are adults and there are children in this family: adults act together ( you and DH) and set loving parameters for children to follow. No disrespect will be allowed - whatever the reason. You may have to drag your DH to a counselor to get him on the same page.

I agree with Moe and with Poodle about the power dynamics and roles in your family. They need to change. For you to be crying on the way back and for your DH to do nothing - not to stop the car, not to make the skids apologize or take their TV privileges away is outrageous. If they were mine and they made an adult cry, i would DIE of SHAME but not before making sure they regretted it very deeply.

I also have to tell you, it is so typical that things go south after the wedding - same here, and the skids were adults or in high school! It's the BM's influence. She began screeching, as soon as we decided to get married, that DH was abandoning his children. High-conflict, personality disordered women go out of their way to punish the exH for daring to be happy with someone else. Skids become BM's bots, as tog put it - they are collateral damage.

I will bet anything that BM sends non-verbal messages as to what kind of feedback she wants to hear from them when they come back - negative!!! In the Step-mom movie, the little boy says to Susan Sarandon, the BM ( who is conveniently dying of cancer), Mommy, if you want me to hate her ( Julia Roberts, the SM) I WILL!!!

Need I say more...

Good luck! This website will help empower you to demand better treatment. Your DH needs to step up to the plate and discipline his kids.

grievingsm0184's picture

He saw I was crying... of course I wasnt making one sound.
I didnt dare want to excite the skids over seeing me in pain.
I had my jacket on over my head but DH knows me all too well.
He tried to hold my hand to comfort me, but at that point I was just too upset.
Of course this felt like a "diss" to him and got up about that but at that point I didn't even care.
He says he wants to talk about this and that I cant keep ignoring it and just hiding away, but how do I talk about it when I feel like there is NEVER any resolution??? I do have to admit.. being able to vent this feelings and not be judged is starting to bring my stress level down.
I already have a stressful job as it is (supervisor in public safety) and as a human can only take so much.
I just sucks to feel like an outsider and that you are always the problem.
We never have any fights and are all lovely dovey until it comes to the weekend that they come over..
DH is an awesome man and I believe he has good intentions but is too easily manipulated by BM and skids!
WHY CANT ALL THIS JUST BE EASIER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

gemini08's picture

I know this probably doesn't help much but what I do is add up the days/hours of the year that I have to be with SK (ie. if just EOW then perhaps 52 nights x 24 hours = 1248 hours minus 9 hours of sleep each of those days = just 780 hours left and then I make a list of alone/family/friend things I can do to fill in as much as possible in those 780 hours ie. 5 x haircuts @ 2 hours away). It seems less overwhelming when you can narrow it down to the minimal amount of hours you have to spend in their company, think of it as time to do stuff that then frees you up to enjoy your other alone weekend with DH. That is my coping strategy anyway.

paige72's picture

I agree that a webcam is the best thing you can do to "PROVE" your point (sad that you are an adult and have to prove that); however, if you don't have a webcam or if you are somewhere the webcam isn't, break out the cellphone. just pretend like you are texting or surfing the web. you can hold it in such a way so it doesn't look obvious that you are videoing (you could even have it proped up charging or something while you record it). I have done this before in a pinch to prove my point. Again, as an adult I don't think I should have to prove anything, but I would much rather prove myself innocent than let my DH have doubts and wonder. The more a child gets away with this behavior and even has a posibility that Daddy might doubt you over him/her, the worse this will become (and the better they will get at it) so nip it in the bud now. I actually had a few recordings when I sat down with DH and showed him just to prove it wasn't a one time isolated incident. Good luck!