BM wants to homeschool SS6
First of all, I need to say that everything BM does is about BM although it can sometimes seem as though she cares, ultimately it is about making her look like she is a good mom when in reality she is incapable of this.
SS6 just graduated kindergarten last week from a private Baptist school that neither my DH nor myself were pleased with. I never expressed my displeasure because that tends to have the opposite effect and she proceeds out od spite. DH did say he wanted SS to go to the local public school. It is a good small school district. But BM believes and I quote "Satan is in our public school systems, and as a parent I (she) will do everything in my power to protect my innocent child from this evil." Ok so you see what I'm working with here.
I need to also state that BM was never book smart and by that I mean we graduated together and she did not walk because of a sex scandel between her and a teacher. She was almost unable to graduate and has failed two grades throughout her entire school years.
During graduation, SS teacher informs us of how much he struggled through kindergarten but at least he was persistant and stayed the course. This was news to DH and I because everything we had heard from BM were nothing but positives and good report card pictures. Here these pictures were fabricated. When asked to see report cards she would forget, conveniently. He also tested 50% and below on his kindergarten end of the year comprehension test. Big shocker when BM also lied about this and said he scored high but didn't show anyone until I grabbed the paper while she was helping herself to the complimentary buffet.
Her husband will not pay the tuition to send him to this school next year as it is nearly $400/month and she will not work. Cs is paid monthly but I feel we don't pay much and frequently try to supplement by peurchasing anything else he may need or paying more than our share of medical. She has now decided homeschooling is the only way to go and DH and I are worried about how far ss will fall behind. Due to the court order, he has no say on schooling until ss fails or becomes truant from public school.
Is there anyone else that has dealt with such a situation?!
As a veteran homeschooler
As a veteran homeschooler (graduated with honors and I have a teaching degree) I have read enough statistics showing that homeschooled kids still do better than public schooled kids no matter the education level of the parent. During the younger years, only literally SLOW people couldn't teach the basics. By the time the level increases with age, students are primarly self-taught and can even out grow their parent and still do well. BM would have to be retarded or on drugs to not be able to do as well or better than what he would get at school.
The bigger issue is her lack of integrity and honesty. I wouldn't trust her to be honest about what he is learning, and if he is even doing school at all. Depending on your state, he may have to be tested regularly so Dad can see how he is doing. But if she follows through with her plan, please know that if Dad gets any time with him at all, he can do "school" type stuff with him in a very short amount of time to make sure he is getting what he needs. There are computer games for both reading and math, and lots of fun things you can do for science around the house.
Another thing I think I
Another thing I think I should add is that all of the kindergarteners in his class read the BOOK IT book of the month and at the end of the school year every child was awarded a trophy for the BOOK IT challeneve except for ss.
Also, I am in no way stating homeschooling is inferior only that I believe BM is slow. Once during a conversation regarding medical bills I told her I had paid $200 to the total balance of let's say $430. She could not figure out what the remaining balance is. She has literally been fired from every cashier position she has ever had and failed two grades. I don't know specifically if she is cognitively impaired but seriously... She's incapable of teaching and my ss is struggling with one on one time with a teacher teaching him.
It is very possible she is
It is very possible she is cognitively impaired, and that would be an issue. THAT would be something that could be brought up and actually tested for. Not participating in the BOOK IT program does demonstrate lack of initiative and willingness to help at home (which could account for his low scores or he got a low IQ from Mommy
How does she have decision making power over Dad?
She is residential and
She is residential and although they have a shared parenting co with him being the non residential, the only legal power we have over her would be if he failed his annual test to pass him to the next grade or if she weere to enroll him in public school and then not send him. Either seems totally plausible and bound to happen in my opinion. What pisses me off the most is that I am easily more upset by this than dh. It's like he's thrown up his hands and said " she's crazy what can I do" and here I am ready to jump across the table and beat some sense into her before she screws ss up irreparably.
OMG that's a typical man
OMG that's a typical man reaction. I'd be freakin too LOL. If she's stupid enough, she should be able to be manipulated one way or the other. Make her take a competency test or bribe her into sending him to school. Maybe an extra $100 per month? LOL He's still coming out $300 ahead from this past year!
what does the decree say? is
what does the decree say? is this even an option?
my fiance's degree states that parents must agree on where the child will go to school, and in the absence of agreement, then the local public school trumps.
I just found out today his
I just found out today his first grade schedule is: missionary teachings, Lego, animal science, and art. That is his first grade curriculum.
And the co states she can do what she wants as long as he passes his comprehensive test annually. She is residential so it doesn't matter. And shacklefordgribble that is a good idea I never thought of that! Thanks! We are in Ohio so I will definitely be looking into it.
religious instruction is
religious instruction is often a part of homeschooling as more often than not it is usually people of strong faith who choose to homeschool(although not always).
homeschooling is often just 2-3 hours per day of solid instruction. the typical 6 hour day isnt needed because the teacher is working one-on-on one and isnt controlling and handling the demands and various learning abilities of 20 children in one room.
my niece and nephews are homeschooled. this is similar to their days. morning Mass, followed by schooling, and then the afternoons they learn either with trips to museums, working with their dad in the family business, and things like that. Or they work on papers/projects and learn how to manage their time doing so around their chores. My oldest nephew is 18 and seems to have turned out ok.
SD started kindergarten this
SD started kindergarten this past year & BM had been saying she was going to homeschool her but thank god she's too stupid and lazy to have followed through with that idea. See, bm is an uneducated unemployed drug addict & is the worst possible person to be teaching a child. Hopefully in your case bm will just drop it. My DH just kept telling bm she's crazy & sd is not being homeschooled & finally the subject was dropped lol