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I think I may be onto something!

Accordn2L's picture

So many of us SM's dread when it comes time for our "precious" Skids to return and our spouses who are usually normal and logical people to turn into total and complete idiots. We disengage, we work late, we schedule appointments, ANYTHING so we don't have to go home and be around them. Well I was thinking, what if there was an extended stay type place/hotel that is totally affordable that was just for us, where we could escape to when the skids are coming? Let the Disney Dads of the world have their spawns all to themselves to pick up after, not discipline, listen to whining, smell the ungodly smells of pre-teen and teen children who are too stupid to wash, the pick ups and drops offs with the lovely BM's, and the constant sweet voices of the children yelling out DAAAAAAAAAAAAADDDDDDDDDYYYYYYYYY. A place where we could escape until the skids left, our bio kids of course coudl come to and hang out with each other and have fun. This place should have relaxing stuff for us, painting classes, cooking classes, movies, LOTS of wine! What do you guys think????

Ready for Freedom's picture

LOLOL "Oh, Ramon....another 'Sex on the Beach' drink, please." Wink Count me! When and where, ladies?"

Accordn2L's picture

No matter the age of your SKIDS or if you don't have Bios. I just think the SM's should have a safe haven skid free!

askYOURdad's picture

For those of us with bios- a water park/gym/basketball courts

For those of us without bios- a wine bar with Jacuzzi tubs, pedicures and hot waiters!

Accordn2L's picture

I would be totally willing to pay for a nanny service so I can sit and drink with my fellow stepmoms and stepdads and talk shit about our skids and laugh HARD

Accordn2L's picture

When you say somewhere like this but not as fun, do you mean like jail or survival camp? Because I could also be cool with that.

frustratedstepdad's picture

I just love how everyone thinks its only stepmoms who have to put up with things. Most bio moms are just as bad as the disney dads.

hereiam's picture

I don't think she means it that way, it's just that most on this board are step moms. I'm sure you would be allowed. Smile

Accordn2L's picture


I'm so sorry I left you guys out. You know you are MORE than welcome to come and enjoy normal life with the rest of us and leave your Disney mom at home with her kids!

frustratedstepdad's picture

LOL it's all good. I know the majority of you are dealing with piss poor DH's....LOL.

Ready for Freedom's picture

Frustratedstepdad.....You can have "Maria" the cabana girl! I'm sure she would be more than willing to bring you a "Sex on the Beacah" drink, too! Smile

Accordn2L's picture

I am so sorry! SD8 just came back yesterday at 4 for her 7 day stint and BM has been harrassing SO all day. I can't imagine if she lived with us full time.

unwillingparticipant's picture

In all seriousness, dh and I literally talked about this last year. I was at my wits end, threatened to divorce him and move out. Dh and I talked about a strategy where he and I would stay married but I'd move out so I could have my own space when ss12 was around (we have full-time custody; he attends school in our town. Bm lives in a different town). I actually considered it and it's still an option so - NOT A BAD IDEA!

gemini08's picture

Me too - I fantasise about this - my own place where me and bios live - DH can come and be there whenever he wants, along with SS17 but when SS20 wants to come and hangout with dad all weekend they can just stay at DH's batchelor pad. It is like a win-win for everyone - DH/SS = total freedom, me/DH when my BK are at their dads = total freedom and then when I have BKs and DH has no SS he can choose whether or not he feels like coming to "my place". Must go buy that lottery ticket.