Just venting
It is SOOOOOOOOO frustrating dating a Guilty Daddy. Where do I always find them?! Our relationship is awesome MOST of the time. We get along VERY well. But it just tears me up that it doesn't matter what the kidshit does, HE is the one always getting accommodated. I am the one always having to understand. HE is the one getting away with murder because Daddy has to make up for the awful life kidshit has at his mom's. He's not a bad kid, he's just a kid who has learned to take advantage of Daddy because Daddy lets him. On the bright side...
-We do not live together, nor do we plan to
-I've got my own kids to focus on
-I have a life
-I'm still pretty LOL
-My kids are old enough to play tennis with now, what do I need HIM for?!
Anyway, I know TONS of you have things worse. I am grateful I don't. God bless you people stuck living with/married to these fathers. I hope I don't see you on "SNAPPED!"
I thank all my comrades here
I thank all my comrades here for keeping me single! I'm serious, I come here regularly to set myself straight whenever I start thinking we can get married now. I have said things to him here and there, but have never let him have it about his son. I save things up and let them out slowly when the timing is appropriate. If it's something that directly affects me, I say something then. But the problem is that the bm is crazy, and he really does think he's doing the kid favors by trying to make his life perfect on his time. I know for a fact the kid lies, so I'm pretty sure he is exacerbating and exxagerating his mom's behavior when he complains to his dad because he knows he will get something out of it. My son decided pretty early on he didn't want to have anything to do with his son, and to me that's very telling. Kids often pick up on things that parents don't find out until later. And I've learned my son was dead on. Of course as parents, we HAVE to forgive our kids' crappy behavior and move on, but after we have disciplined and taught them right from wrong. Dad just doesn't see the kid's fault in anything. It's usually the bm's fault in his eyes, but you know how that is...even as he's telling me the story, I can see plain and clear it was the kid's fault. My bf doesn't tell me much at all (thank God!) and I'm largely disengaged, but when it's "my week," dangit, it's MY WEEK! LOL
I understand the guilty
I understand the guilty parenting. I have been waiting months for my husband to contribute into our household. All his money goes to his kids and all their needs and wants. That's how I feel. I get left covers while it takes every bit for me to pay bills and take care of my kids. My frustrations have been many since we have his children 50% of the time. I am the more hard ass parent. I grew up earning the things I wanted. I don't go out and spend money on my kids left and right. I don't take them out to eat $50 a pop every time they ask. They are not spoiled. I feel like I get left overs.
OMG, that's another thing! He
OMG, that's another thing! He would go to the ends of the earth to do/buy for his kid. He's pretty thrifty, but not if it's for his kid. On top of that, he has to work tons of over time so he has more to spend. And of course he works all that over time on "my week." So annoying. I can't imagine being in your situation. You need to put a stop to that before your resentment builds up and it explodes.
So glad I'm not alone in any
So glad I'm not alone in any of this. The amount of money we have spent when we have his kids so we can go out to eat every day and buy them every single little thing their hearts desire just blows my hair back. And yeah, I often feel like I get leftovers and have gone without too often.
There are times the resentment is completely overwhelming.
Good on you for not shacking
Good on you for not shacking up and giving the kids that example.
Snoop around Amazon.com under books and find one on child raising which hopefully will have a chapter on why its not in the child's interest to have everything go their way.
Do I put it in the bathroom
Do I put it in the bathroom with his name on it, and pages marked with sticky notes?!
Oh, it's not his son's
Oh, it's not his son's behavior that is keeping us from moving forward. I was a stepmom for 8 years. And in a relationship for 2 years with a dysfunctional dad w/ 3 kids where I learned a LOT about meeting my own needs and my kids' needs. I don't think I would marry Prince Charming if he came around and had a kid. Not that that doesn't suck, because it does, but the alternative would suck even more, and I know this. I lived it and I read here a lot. I can't remember the last time I saw his son. Christmas maybe? We have talked about getting married but living separately. Or just being engaged for a long time, because we both feel stupid calling each other "boyfriend" or "girlfriend." We are committed, but neither wants to live in hell LOL.
Regarding "finding the right
Regarding "finding the right moment," it really isn't tiring, because I don't give it a second thought until the topic of him comes up. We hardly talk about him. My time with him is limited, so the last thing I want to do is talk about his kid!
I do want things to change
I do want things to change because it's affecting our time together. When I first posted, it was only about that. But now it's also that he's messing up his son. But since I'm largely disengaged, should I even care? If I'm only thinking about me, I see in the future a kid who will always be an issue. ALLLLLLLLWAYS. And that's not what I want... I have mostly learned not to tell anyone what to do with their child. It took me a LONG time to learn that. Even though I have been right
Trust me, I'm headed to the library! LOL I've got TONS of parenting books here, though, and I bring up topics here and there, and people in denial of what they are doing are...in denial...
He is in the process of
He is in the process of getting his son full time because bm is diagnosed borderline personality disorder. I knew this in the beginning, so it's not like it's been sprung on me. What's so stupid is that bm failed TWO psych evals and in this case, she still got 50/50 custody (12 years ago!) She has another son only EOW/one day per week. I don't think judges understand what BPD is and how it affects children.
But yeah, I'd lose my marbles if we were living together, especially if things got worse. I actually think things are worse than I even know, since my bf doesn't tell me everything (bc I don't want to hear it) but I see things on facebook that the kid or his friends post. I've got really mixed feelings because I want to support my bf, but not at my expense. I want his son to end up okay, but again, not at my expense. I have a feeling before long he's going to need full time supervision. But I'm sure my bf won't see it...
I am right there with you. I
I am right there with you. I have a very sizable rock on my left hand but not setting the date until I have a clue if the failure to launch child will ever launch. My fiancée won't even talk about it and so I am in a holding pattern. The fact is I have no plans to move on I am hoping he will work it out and we can say I do. I have my own place my own money and no kids. Don't really want any kids of my own. The only time we don't get along is on the subject so I am done talking about it. Still hard not to get angry and impatient over the guilt of a wonderful man who is also not helping his son. I hate the fact that I seem selfish but he doesn't want my opinion so hard to give any emotional support. I guess we both lucky we have a little out of sight out of mind. I know if he was in my sight 24x7 it would end up being 24x2 because that is how long it would last!
The holding pattern sucks!
The holding pattern sucks! But ya gotta do what ya gotta do... How many years does he have till he should launch?
In my case, I've had to
In my case, I've had to change my expectations and wants to survive the limbo. I've never been in a relationship without going forward or back. It's irritating. But I love him and cherish the times we are together and that allows me to overlook a lot. But there is a line that I have to protect, and my bf tends to walk it a lot. Recently he has gone over it and that's what made me post. Four years is like a blink in the grand scheme of things; that's what I keep telling myself. But I'm also bitter because we just get older and older and the years are critical right now! LOL I've got friends who have already died...so waiting sucks.
^^^^^^^^EXACTLY!^^^^^^^^^^ Every.single.word. I haven't spoken to my bf since Friday night and I couldn't care less. We get along SO well when we're together, but what's the point if I see him so little and feel like such a low priority when we're apart? What is normal? LOL