Teen daughter hypochondriac driving me NUTS!
Hi everyone, I'm new here and I am SO GRATEFUL that I stumbled upon this site! It's nice to have some place to vent my frustrations regarding my stepdaughter. This post may be a bit long, because I've been bottling this up inside of me for so long!
Let me give you a little background: My stepdaughter is 17, about to be 18, and she came to live with my husband and I in September of 2013, after her she and her mother got into a huge fight and her mother kicked her out of their house. Prior to this, she did visit us for extended periods of time during breaks from school, such as Christmas or summer vacation, so her and I have an established relationship of several years. Ever since she was younger (I came into her life when she was about 10 or 11) she has always had what I considered to be an unhealthy obsession with negativity. She complains all the time, everything she thinks and says is always pessimistic, and she has more ailments than an 83 year old woman.
Since she has been living with us, she has whined nonstop about a different illness or injury quite frequently. When she first moved here, she suddenly proclaimed that she had Restless Leg Syndrome, and it was affecting her sleep. I believed her because both her father and his mother have RLS, and I gave her my bottle of valerian root to take at night so she could sleep through the discomfort. She polished off my bottle, and hounded me to get her another one, which I did. Then she went to visit her mom for Christmas break, and when she returned, there was absolutely no mention of RLS bothering her anymore, and her second bottle of valerian root sits untouched. To this day I am uncertain if she really has RLS or not.
Next, she decided to mimic one of my ailments. From time to time, I break out in horrible, hot, itchy hives all over my body. Sometimes they make my hands and feet swell up, get really hot, and hurt. I mentioned this in passing to her one day when my hands were swollen and aching, and not two days later she texted me while she was at school, saying her hands were swollen, hot, and that they hurt. I gave her some of my Allegra, which helps me to alleviate the symptoms of the hives, and I have not ever heard her mention it again. A few days later, she complained of an itchy rash, and wanted more of my precious Allegra (I really, really need it when my hives come around, they are miserable!) for her itching, and when I inspected her "rash", it was nothing more than a few little bumps in an very small area on her back. I rubbed her "rash" down with Calamine lotion, which she confiscated from me afterwards, and I have never heard of the "rash" again, and the Calamine lotion sits in her room, untouched.
Next, it was her back that was hurting her. I told her to take the valerian root, which I don't think she did. Then it was constant headaches, which I bought her a bottle of Excedrin for. Then it was allergies and she needed nasal spray, which I bought for her, she used it up, I bought her another one, and she still has it, and I have never heard her mention anything about allergies again. Then it was her ankle was hurting her, and she limped around for about half a day. One day last week, she walked a couple of blocks with her friends and complained for three days afterwards that her legs were hurting her. And the "I don't feel good" is almost a daily statement.
For the life of me, I cannot figure out why she would fake like she is sick or injured, because she does not receive any attention from us anymore about it. This, too, bothers me, because if she ever truly gets sick or hurt, we wouldn't be inclined to believe her. I have emptied my medicine cabinet and my wallet for these mystery ailments, and quite frankly, I'm getting sick of it. It's getting to the point that it's becoming annoying, and expensive. Her father works a lot, so she spends most of her time with me, driving me bonkers with her almost daily afflictions that magically go away after a few days. I can hear her whining to her friends when she talks to them on the phone, too, so perhaps they are giving her the attention that keeps driving this behavior, because it certainly isn't coming from us. I don't know what to do. I have tried talking to her about it time and time again, but with no progress.
I'm very frustrated that she is behaving this way, especially since it costs us money for nothing, and her birth mother is never in a hurry to send us back the child support money she still receives, despite her and my husband both calling the child support offices and telling them to cease the child support deductions from my husband's paychecks because the kid is now living with us.
All of SD15's life, she has
All of SD15's life, she has faked illness, or has over exaggerated injuries. Lucky you that you have been able to get past these episode by just handing her something...SD15 always thinks she needs a trip to the ER for everything! DH is still paying off ER bills from when SD15 lived with BM, because BM would play into this crap (I personally think SD15 gets it from BM). I do know that it is all for attention.
Now, SD15 these days always has something wrong with her...headache, tired, back hurts, knee hurts, etc. Of course, in her case, it is all related to her not eating right or not eating at all.
Sometimes mini wives do
Sometimes mini wives do this.
I used to think if I had VD she'd want that too just BC I had it.
HAHA - my skids are always
HAHA - my skids are always sooooooo hoooooot. I think they are both menopausal women. One is a 14 yo boy and the other is a 12 yo girl! :?
SD15 is always freezing...I
SD15 is always freezing...I know it has to do with some sort of nutrition deficiency, between her periods of starvation and the fact that when she does eat, it is only crap.
SD15 has been wearing this
SD15 has been wearing this knee brace thing since about October of last year. I don't know where she got it...if someone bought it for her (like BM or someone) of if she got it off of someone else who had a knee issue at some point. About a year ago, SD15 twisted her knee doing turns on the carpet, where there is not enough slip for her feet. There was a very slight bit of swelling for a couple of days, but it went away, and she said it wasn't bothering her any more about mid-summer. This brace thing shows up in October (looks like something you just buy at CVS or Walgreens). She doesn't ask for any pain reliever at all, doesn't have any kind of limp without the brace, nothing like that...but she is constantly wearing the thing. I noticed it started about the time the captain of the color guard tore part of her knee, and started wearing a brace on a regular basis. DH has brought it up a couple of times, and she just says it bothers her every now and then...every now and then, but she wears this brace like every day (unless she is trying to wear something super cute...shorter skirt or shorts...then, no brace, and no indication that there is anything wrong with her knee).
SD15 walked into the TV room yesterday evening, and I noticed that she wasn't even wearing the brace correctly...it was all loose. There was no way it was providing any kind of support to the knee. I also notice she sleeps in the thing all the time. I seriously think she is faking the whole thing!
you may get the prize for the
you may get the prize for the weirdest SD on this site......
Oh...she has always played up
Oh...she has always played up injuries as long as she could! I remember one particular time when she was young (again, because it was so freakin' weird). She fell and put her hands out in front of her...you know how kids do. She sprained her right wrist. For MONTHS, she walked around holding her right wrist close to her body with her left hand saying that it hurt too much to use it...that she couldn't move it at all. Yet, if you caught her when she didn't know you were looking, she was using the hand/wrist like there wasn't a thing wrong with it! She especially played it up if she was told to do something like eat (and it wasn't chicken nuggets, as that is all she would eat back then), clean her room, or pick up something she had left on the floor. Any small bump or bruise she would act like this...you would think the child broke something every single time she fell down!
Yeah...she is pretty weird. She gets it from BM...seriously! BM is much the same way...any little thing, and it is so dramatic!
My SD is similar. Had the
My SD is similar. Had the same with a tensor bandage on the wrist for months. And then the ankle the next year. And not "sleeping" for FOUR years. (Right. Kid can't sleep each night, for 4 years? But never sleeps in, and never naps? Sure.)
Attention whores. Sad.
Ok.... your right. Just
Ok.... your right. Just hoping this blog may be viewed as a little odd.
Id be the first to stand up and cheer her thoughts if her ex were mistreating yhe new wife. But, im ni t too sure this is what I saw.
Has any of you been that new wife, while the BM tried to still get attention all the time from the ex? ( that was a question , thought)?
So deserves a question mark, ending with an exclamation point!!!
If I noticed any of you, who were the new wives, being made out to look lije a fool.. I'd be the first to question this!!
Wrong blog... sorry... I
Wrong blog... sorry...
I think my SD can take the prize!!!
Although, since she's got a great sense of humor, most everyone found her funny...
Too many to list!
Ha! SD15 was not wearing her
Ha! SD15 was not wearing her knee brace Saturday evening, and was limping with the wrong leg! Yesterday, she was wearing the brace, bit when it came to doing confetti eggs outside with her cousins, she was running and juking like there wasn't a single thing wrong with it! When BS19 joined us after he got off work, he asked her why she was wearing the brace, and she tried to tell him she messed up her knee in color guard dancing. He hadn't noticed her wearing the brace before...they hardly see each other! She immediately started limping around again after BS19 asked her about it! It hurts her so much, but she rarely says anything about it and never asks for ibuprophen (which she ALWAYS asks for if she really is in pain)? Yup, it's only for attention!!!