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Crazy reasons you SKs "hate" you

Queencow's picture

AKA - the BS* that these BM's convince and PA their kids with...

- Our car was of an insufficient size/quality/value - albeit virtually exactly like HERS....
- They had to share a room at our house - the 4-5 days/month they are there
- they have no tv/video game in their room - they do at moms of course
- Their little sister bugs them and we don't stop, ok.

Anyone else?

Happydays22's picture

Mine hate me because I tell them it is unacceptable to not bathe every day, brush ur hair every day, brush ur teeth every day, wear clean clothes to school ( and match and not the ones u wore yesterday) put deodorant on, and the final winner is ...... Bm says I'm trying to take her place.....

LONGTIME SM's picture

I was informed by my adult sd that I was horrible and just awful because I controlled things in my home. When I asked for examples I was told that their FATHER used to make them come tell me goodbye when they left to,go home after their weekend visit. Yep I kid you not. This so called adult couldn't find anything better than to complain that she was asked by her FATHER to show common courtesy!!!!!!!!!

I wasn't even the one who ask them to do it!!!!!!

That's the best they could come up with. Sick sick sick.

ocs's picture

1.Our house 'scares' her.

ummmmm- why? Because it is big and comfortable? Not the hovel you're used to?

2.I ignore her.

Cause I don't roll out the red carpet when snowflake decides to visit once or twice a month?

SugarSpice's picture

this one the adults skids came up with on their own.

they hate me because they are the minis who selfishly want dh for themselves.

Needalifeboat's picture

I'm too happy. I'm always happy and smiling and apparently that's extremely annoying.

One Step Back's picture

1. I was born.
2. I make him entertain his baby sister (like hell I do)
3. I make him eat his dinner as he's underweight.
4. I make my partner bath him as at almost 8 he can't even wash his own hair and doesn't at home, neither does his mother.
5. I won't let him eat dessert if he refuses to eat his dinner and whines like a baby.
6. I won't take him talking to me like I'm crap on his shoe.
7. He feels uncomfortable around me.
8. I make my partner make him wash his pants out when he shits them as I refuse to do it anymore.
9. I won't let him have my bed with his father.
10. I get annoyed when he cries for his mummy over stupid things - like me not allowing him to lick his spoon and dip it into food.

The list goes on and on and on...