which papers does she have to follow?
We went to court in December and had modifications made but have been unable to fully agree and sign the new papers although we both have the new papers. But she is being picky choosy of which circumstances she wants to use which papers. Example: my new weekend pick up time changed from 4 pm to 3 pm. So now she doesn't want to follow the new papers because we haven't officially signed them and she doesn't have to. So im sitting on the side of the road at our half way meeting spot waiting on 4 so she'll bring me my kid. 2weeks ago she was here at 3. I guess its just at her convenience. Fyi some of the new papers specify "starting in January 2014".
I would say the modifications
I would say the modifications are not in effect yet since they have not been agreed upon and signed by all parties. But it depends.
Did a judge sign them? Have they been filed with the court? Sometimes, even if not signed by the parties, if a certain amount of time goes by without anybody officially appealing, it's final. You need to find out.
There is precedence (another
There is precedence (another court already ruled on the same thing) in California that if the person was in the courtroom when the judge ordered what the papers reflect then the order is in effect. It's not necessary to serve or sign. She heard the judge - that's it.
You could have your attorney write her a letter stating that it is contempt of court if she doesn't either sign or object to the wording in a timely manner and if she doesn't do one or the other s/he (attorney) has been instructed (by you) to initiate criminal contempt of court proceedings.
Both parties have been
Both parties have been following the new orders since December (until she didn't this weekend). They might not be signed yet, but both parties mostly agree with what is stated in them, there is just a few wording issues lawyers are suppose to fix before I agree to sign. I don't know why she hasn't signed yet. But after this issue she shot herself in the foot. In court it was covered she Would get even year Easter day now. But the new papers only cover me getting odd years easter day, and it just so happens that Easter typically falls on my weekend. I was fully prepared to be cooperative and give her the same visitation time on even years during my weekend, but after this.... not a chance in hell. The old papers don't cover Easter at all, the new papers don't say anything about her getting Easter on even years and what time, so..... She just screwed herself now. And if she's not smart enough to catch it in the new papers ill just keep keeping my daughter on Easter regardless of year if its on my weekend and she'll have to take it back to court to change it, giving me perfect opportunity to bring up all my documented things she has done against the papers and against the best interest of my daughter since 2009 when this all began. I would really like to push the issue enough to see if I could get her psycho evaluated. I am never the one causing issues. I just want to follow the papers and see my kid, and have as little involvement with my ex as possible. Its her that is unwilling to abide by the papers and constantly using the wording to keep my kid from me even if it is 1extra hour. The funny thing about her not wanting to abide by the new papers for drop off is that she is willing to follow them when it comes to me dropping her off at school monday per the new papers. So she is just picking and choosing which parts she wants to follow.