I'm Building a Blended Bond
Hi - Father of 3 here married 5 years to 2nd wife. 8 year old girl (hers), 6 year old boy (mine) and 4 year old girl (ours). We have full custody of the 8 year old girl and week on week off with the boy. My wife absolutely hates my ex. I fiercely try to protect my boy from that but it is difficult. All I want is for all 3 of my children to have the absolutely unbreakable bond that I have with my brothers. Ex calls up and invites the 2 girls to the boy's birthday party at the skating rink. Girls want to go and mom says no. I go crazy. I say it sends the wrong message. I am raising them not as step anything but as bona-fide full blood siblings. It enrages me that my wife can't put her feelings aside and let the girls go to his party. She says we can do something with him on our time. I say they are brother and sisters all the time, I'm teaching them to have each others backs all the time, to do anything for each other anytime, regardless of whose week it is that week. She says I'm the one that doesn't get it. Am I wrong to think that these little silent lessons will take hold and undermine the values I'm trying to teach them? I feel like the collective age of the kids right now is ripe for shaping how they will feel about each other down the road. I can't stand the mixed message muddying the water. I put my foot down, refusing to back down on what I think is a critical issue, and took them anyway. We've been going round and round ever since. Am I wrong? I appreciate your thoughts.
My husband read this and said
My husband read this and said you're wrong.
I say if my husband took my daughter, the one that's MINE and not his, to this party against my express wishes, I'd cut him off at the short hairs. My husband is raising my DD as his own, but he would not pull a stunt like that.
Im afraid I wouldnt be
Im afraid I wouldnt be impressed by this either. If my OH took my daughter anywhere against my wishes, his bags would have been packed upon his return, and I can vouch that he would be exactly the same towards me. You simply DO NOT go against a Bio parent.
In had this happen myself, BM is a B***h. SD6 had a birthday party for her 4th Bday, and invited us all (OH, myself and my daughter) along to share it with all her family (who have all equally been B***hes too) . I flat point refused before my OH had even finished his sentence. He, admittedly, was not happy, accused me of second besting his daughter and putting a bad feeling on her Bday and that he would do anything for my daughter and he was disgusted I wouldnt put my ill feelings to one side for his daughter. HOWEVER.....after a few hours, he thought it through and agreed that for him to expect me and my daughter to go after what his Ex had put us through was the disgusting act, and not me refusing. He totally understood.
Has there been problems between your Ex and Current wife prior to this??
The thing you have to understand is, the Ex is nothing to do with your life and future, only your son. The Ex should play no part in your life, your plans nothing at all!!
Whilst its commendable to bring all three up to protect and be there for each other (I have BD6, SD6, SS17 and SS19 and planning a child of our own), this will probably happen naturally anyway, but it will not be as strong as you want it to be. They will be close, due to the ages and they will be their for each other, but the kind of relationship you want is not possible simply because they are not blood siblings. Most of us have bio kids and step kids, and whilst some all get on some dont. You cannot force the this, they are children and not everyone gets along, you have to realise that.
Unless you adopted the SD,
Unless you adopted the SD, you were wrong to take her A Ffgafter her mother told you she didn't want her to go. No matter what lessons you're trying to teach the kids, when it's all said and done, that is not your child.
I agree here.......we do
I agree here.......we do everything separate too.
Blended families to NOT include the EX! lol
You overstepped...You should
You overstepped...You should not have done it unless you were in agreement...It's a principal of marriage...you should have sat down as a married couple and discussed it until an agreement could be reached...Being able to successfully communicate through these tough issues is the key to making your marriage strong...a great book to help with communication issues in your marriage is called an everlasting promise, by daniels is the last name...May be she doesn't understand you goals with the kids...maybe she doesn't agree with them...sounds like you came into agreement with your ex and not her...(I'm sure she felt threatened by that, since it was a decision regarding her daughter)...so, now she probably doesn't trust you at the moment, and that will have to heal...What you did had noble intentions...it was the way you went about doing it that won't contribute to a healthy relationship with your present wife...i would be livid if you pulled a stunt like that...You need to send your present wife the message that she matters in all of the decisions regarding her family...After all, she sits in a seat of authority next to you...ordained by God...and the children and everyone else falls under that authority...or there will eventually be chaos...What you did was undermined her authority when it comes to her children...if she has not given you permission with the authority over her own children...(That will require extra trust in a second marriage...where in your first marriage it was a given...Now she has to choose to let you play that role....What you did was, in essence take away her choice in the matter.....Great book read it. Hope it helps you both...
As much as I've tried to
As much as I've tried to minimize the blurred lines of a blended family, it just doesn't work. As much as I wish the step-siblings could all be like it was with my siblings growing up, it doesn't work. It just plain sucks.
To address the original topic, I would never let my BD go within 10 miles of my husband's ex.
All good points that were
All good points that were made here and im thankful for the perspective. I dont make a habit of this kind of stunt, but i calculated that this was a hill worth dying on. If i took only my bd, and not the sd, that would undermine the message too.
Its also reasonable to address the underlying reasons behind the hatred my wife feels about the ex, some justified some not but none are a result of anything sinister on my part. Additionally i make the point to the wife that there are only a couple days out of the year she would need to be out of the comfort zone . We are definitely not talking about a common event here. There was no socializing with the ex there, only watching my babies have a good time.
While i disagree with the general feeling here im so thankful for the comments. I will soften my stance. Yes frust8ed, it plain sucks.
I am the gf of a man who has
I am the gf of a man who has two children from 2 different women and I think it is VERY IMPORTANT that ALL of the kids be raised TOGETHER! (my bf does the same thing with his two children)
I salute you for taking the risk and keeping your family together!
Oh boy- if you were my
Oh boy- if you were my husband and did that with my girls I would want to knock you outside the head with my oxygen tank
And BM and I get along to the point where she will watch the girls for the afternoon if I am at the doctor/hospital and her kids are going to be here so she and her husband can go out for their anniversary! You can't trample your wife's wishes like that without huge difficulties later. Like divorce if you keep it up.
Taushalove, i would not let
Taushalove, i would not let any oersonal feekings of mine get in the way of my childrens relationships so if sd was having an event at bds house and she was bs to go then i would be for it. Over indulgence is a big issue for me so i wouldnt have a second party. I put in plenty of effort on the topic i assure you but i do have a no gift rule. They get stuff everytime they turn around from somebody but from me they just get love and a security that ill be there for them.
StepAside thanks for those
StepAside thanks for those insights. I just told the wife that i will back off the issue. Shes happy now and ill just have to chock this up as another consequence i guess. Plain sucks.
I really have to agree with a
I really have to agree with a lot of what has already been said. For the past couple years my bkids and I have attended bday parties for skids at bm's house. Well, in the past 6 months she's made our lives very difficult and so has her family. I no longer care to be around any of them. I told my SO we'd be having our own party for skids here. If he wants to stop by BM's party fine, but it'll be without us.
There is also a school event coming up for sd14 and I told him I won't be attending that either. I refuse to put my kids in that uncomfortable situation or myself. He said he's sad but respects my decision.
You have to respect each other's choices even if you don't agree. Mutual respect is key.
I don't think anyone hit on
I don't think anyone hit on this, so I want to. You should be more concerned about the example the adults are setting as far as marriage/divorce rather than worrying about a bond between the step-siblings. If you get along with your ex and want to do everything together "for the kids," it sets the example for kids that either you didn't take your marriage seriously or just didn't care enough about the kids (or your son) to make it work out. Even adults ask the question, "If you can get along that well after divorce, why couldn't you make it work out?" So don't fake anything. And don't even open the door to that example. Just be done with the ex. If I were your son in the stage that you want to set, I would think you are going to get back together OR it was my fault you divorced.
also...if your children see
also...if your children see you and your wife disagreeing and you disrespecting her freedom to have input in the decision making...You just revealed to them a division in your marriage, and trust me...when they get older...if they even sniff an opportunity to divide you and your wife...they are going to try..You have to present a united front...It gives them security, and will be a foundation for the strength your marriage is going to need to face the challenges that await you later...
United front! Parents united,
United front! Parents united, kids united. Yes I agree with that. And we do usually keep our bickering in private.
Im really not talking about
Im really not talking about one ome big family. No backyard bbqs where everybody is there. I have no desire for any relationship beyond the minimum with the ex. I usually speak to her once a week regarding the exchange thats more than enough. She invited his sisters to the party and he asked me if they could come.
This is just a consequence of divorce, one of many. I guess since im down a kid 50 percent of the time so i try really hard to ingrain in them a sense of family when i have them all. This event was a rare opportunity in the margins to affirm the or full time sibling status. Its unfortunate that my wife doesnt place as high a priority on that but judging from the comments here shes not really out of line. So calming down a bit and hoping for the best seems like the lesser of two evils at the moment. This has been very helpful to me.
Jhorne2000, I agree with the
Jhorne2000, I agree with the comments of the others. My suggestion is for you to concentrate on making your home a happy home with your wife and all of the children when they are together instead of taking it outside of your home.
My DH has expected me to get along with his Ex/BM and I deeply resent it. Maybe his Ex/BM is not the worse person in the world but she is definitly not someone I want to hang around with socially or otherwise nor do I want my children around her.
The Ex/BM has done several things to undermine my authority and position within "our" family (DH, me, my kids, SS) and for DH to expect me to spend any time with her and PRETEND we all are one big happy family irritates me to no end.
I have had her in our home for meetings with my DH, I have tried to tolerate her but the more DH expects this of me the more I resent it. My family and my life should not have to include BM. DH doesn't understand this. DH thinks that I should have to tolerate her because they have a son together. I say hogwash!!!
There is plenty of divorced people that go on and raise healthy, happy children and don't have to socialize with their EX/BM.
Our children will grow up, they will have friends and have a social life and everyone they socialize or communicate with does not have to be MY friend.
IF he wanted a big happy family and wanted them to be together all of the time then he should have stayed with BM and left me alone because my idea of happiness and family does not include BM!!!
To be honest I can not even tolerate her voice and I hate it when she calls must less having to actually see her. I don't care whether he thinks my feelings are justified or not. If he thinks that much of her vs me then why didn't he talk her into staying...
So man, you are barking up the wrong tree and as others have said concentrate on making your wife feel happy and secure and the children will follow your example of a healthy, happy family with a strong loving bond!
Its unfortunate that my wife
Its unfortunate that my wife doesnt place as high a priority on that
^^^ Oh, and this comment is ridiculous. Just because your wife doesn't want her other children to attend a party at the EX's house you insinuate that she doesn't place having a blended/bonded family as a priority. :jawdrop:
Ha this is great. But it is
Ha this is great. But it is not as high of a priority. You camt have it both ways. Im willing to step back and put my wifes feelings ahead of my possibly absurd insistence of family bond, but i cant do it and not call it what it is. And its ok for it tobe that right? Thats what were talking about. The kids will be fine. I see that. But it is unfortunate that her hatred trumps the kids having a good day together. New second wife are you sure youre not my wife? Lol thanks for the comment it helps me understand how she feels.
New second wife are you sure
New second wife are you sure youre not my wife? Lol
^^^ Lol. You sound just like my DH!!! Everything for the good of the poor wittle children (from a broken home)! We have to co-parent for the sake of the children and so on and so forth. All to find out alot of this blended co-parenting garbage came straight out of BM's mouth. Sometimes I feel like only if he would take my words and feelings into consideration as much as he does BM and the kids we'd have so much more peace in our family. Ok, I am off my soap box now.... lol
BTW, IF you and your wife stay together your kids will have plenty of good days together!
Read a bit further dtzy - he
Read a bit further dtzy - he does talk more about the ex. And she doesn't sound pleasant.
The Biomom I deal with is an
The Biomom I deal with is an absolute horror. And you know what? Her kids STILL LOVE HER. That's what I had to deal with and accept. So treating her as a pariah didn't really work out for me.
The thing is - you don't have
The thing is - you don't have to treat the BM like anything.
The BM is my situation does not exist in our family and day to day life.
She is the skids mother, and they speak of her and we are pleasant and never say ANYTHING against her, but she does not exist as part of our family.
She is high conflict and crazy. And hence she has no place in our day to day life, she occupies NO space in my head and my children will never be subjected to her again. If we attend school events and she is present we stay away from her. The skids are free to move between us and her and that is fine. She is their mother. Doesn't mean OH, my children and I have to have a relationship with the woman.
New Second Wife: What an
New Second Wife: What an awful thing for your husband to hope for! That you can get along with the BM! No one here is saying socialize or be friends with the BM. And I understand getting along is a two way street, and your DH's ex has probably earned her status with you, as my ex has earned her status with my ex. Obviously hatred is real and bad but it's my contention it hurts the hater more than the hatee.
You have the right to feel the way you feel, but I get all worked up when those feelings affect the kids, as they inevitably do. It's unfair to the kids, but no more so than the divorce situation already is. So our goal here in this unfair situation is to make it as fair as possible. And to me that means sucking it up here or there, biting tongue, etc.
This blog has given me some much needed medicine today and I'm thankful. But new second wife you have a long row to ho carrying around all that hate. If you're like my wife, you are otherwise a compassionate person. But "hating her voice" will eat you alive.
I'll take LadyFace's question
I'll take LadyFace's question one step further:
To the OP: Do you let your DW's ex feel her up a little sometimes? Maybe a little touchy-touchy, grabby-grabby on her back side? Nothing more. It's all harmless, and doesn't lead to anything more but just a quick feel once in a while?
That's sort of what it might feel like to me - if my DH wanted me indulge the BM by accepting her invitations or hanging out at her place - it's like letting the BM "invade" one of my most treasured and personal areas (making decisions for my bio kids). I bet the OP doesn't want his DWs ex invading his (OPs) "intimate space" (DW's back side) either.
Boundaries, dude
Emotional or physical. Good to respect both.
jhorne, I do not hate BM, she
jhorne, I do not hate BM, she doesn't have that much control over me.
In life we sometimes come in contact with toxic people. I choose to not build relationships with these people nor do I want to have them around my family anymore than absolutely necessary.
I have been around BM plenty of times to know what sort of person she is. At first I was more than polite, I would go to her house and visit at child exchanges and she came into our house and we had several sit down conversations. But gradually she started crossing the line. There was so many inappropriate things. I tried to tell DH what was going on but he had lived with her so long his eyes were blinded and he didn't see everything that I seen. She lied to DH. She has told several lies about me and DH to family and friends and has done her best to turn SS against his father and me. Unfortunely, she has managed to build a big rift between SS and his father that may never be repaired.
SS is 19 now and why DH still speaks to her is beyond me. I guess he feels like she is his only contact with his child, right now. It is so sad.
I still tolerate BM, I am civil and polite to her but I do not go out of my way to have any contact with her at all. As a matter of fact, I go out of my way to avoid her. When she calls I am polite and hand the phone to DH, DH talks to her. I am not saying by any means that I handled every situation with BM perfectly but I am saying I ONCE was one of those parents that wanted desperately to have a blended family.
All situations are not the same. You said your Ex has "earned her status" with your wife so I hope for your sake you and your family don't end like ours. But BEWARE of toxic people.
You say your wife has some
You say your wife has some legitimate reasons to hate your ex. I wonder what those are. Because considering my DH's ex has been violent, volatile, a screaming, berating, ranting mess that is unpredictable, and seriously crazy, I would make DH's life a living hell if he took our kid around his ex. I'm fairly indifferent about her, I don't hate her by any means. But I still would not let my child go to an event where she would be near my kid. She Does hate me. She does hate my husband. No in her twisted world that means she would feel justified in hating our child.
I don't know what your ex is like, but I would be seriously concerned for my child's safety and it has nothing to do with what kind of man or protector my DH is. It just has to do with his ex being a total psycho. You don't say much about the situation, but to me it would have nothing to do with hating the ex or not thinking the sibling bond is important. It would be about feeling the need to protect my child from DH's ex's effing crazy.
Ok we're getting off the
Ok we're getting off the reservation here but I'll play along. My wife's ex and I are cordial and respectful. He's certainly done and said things to my wife that I don't approve of. I do interact with him a little when I have to coordinate with him every other weekend, its no big deal. SD has other siblings there too, so when I drop off or pick her up I always promote that side of her family. Recently SD had a dance deal that I wasn't able to make but SDs daddy was there along with my wife. I think that was how it should be, except that I wasn't there too. If they shared a few comments or had conversation about their daughter, so be it.
Hey we all acknowledge that lines exist. Ok we'd all agree that my wife's ex taking a little liberty to feel her up is over the line. Maybe going to the others house for a birthday party is over the line. Maybe its a bit different if the party is at the skating rink (and not the treasured living room). And even I would find some boundary for what I would not do in the name of sibling bonding. But the lines are going to be different for each of us I get that.
On the issue of safety, if it wasn't a safe place for my girls I wouldn't allow my son to go there either, and hopefully neither would his mother. But again, we were talking about a party at a skating rink that I also attended. I didn't drop them off at her house and say see you in a couple hours.
As to what the reasons are for why the wife hates the ex, that's a relevant question. They are the types of reasons that New Second Wife wrote above. Probably since I've insisted civility that hasn't helped.
One more question, would you
One more question, would you take all of the children to your wife's Ex's house for a birthday party or insist they all go to a party with THAT side of the "family"?
We usually have separate
We usually have separate parties...way easier,,,and quite honestly...Do not put the children before your wife...
New Second... Your last post
New Second...
Your last post was very interesting It hadn't loaded before. How old was SS when you married DH? I understand what you mean by toxic people. You said don't let my family end up like yours ...how is it? and how did it get that way?
No I wouldn't force myself or
No I wouldn't force myself or my kids upon any party. Remember, my son asked me if the girls could come to the skating rink after the ex had called. Son doesn't ask me about it and I definitely decline her invitation. He wanted them to go and I could not see how I could tell him they can't. If the party had been at her house, outside, and he called and wanted them over for his party, then I would have wanted them to go but I would not have pulled the stunt. I would've argued heavily about it and probably resented her for not allowing them this joy together. I would not have taken them to her house without her blessing for sure.
No I wouldn't force myself or
No I wouldn't force myself or my kids upon any party. Remember, my son asked me if the girls could come to the skating rink after the ex had called. Son doesn't ask me about it and I definitely decline her invitation. He wanted them to go and I could not see how I could tell him they can't. If the party had been at her house, outside, and he called and wanted them over for his party, then I would have wanted them to go but I would not have pulled the stunt. I would've argued heavily about it and probably resented her for not allowing them this joy together. I would not have taken them to her house without her blessing for sure.
I'm not understanding why
I'm not understanding why second wives are expected to "get along with" first wives.
Why do WE have to do that after our husbands got divorced because THEY themselves couldn't get along with first wife?
Sorry can't see how that makes any sense.
Ladyface, those are the most
Ladyface, those are the most obvious circumstances but there are far too many subtle ones to list here. Don't women always say it's the small things? It's the small things.
For SD's b-day last
For SD's b-day last year(which would've been the first year for us), my bio's and I were invited to her party. I felt waaaayyy too uncomfortable for that. Months before that, BM was standing outside in the rain in the middle of the night for who knows what reason, screaming obscenities. I didn't even ask my bio's if they wanted to go(well, one's to young to ask anyway) or even tell them. I politely said no thank you and said it would be uncomfortable. It was left at that and DH was just fine.
This year, however, we will see what happens. BM just got a DIU and with SD's b-day in just 3 months, I'm sure at that time BM will be dumping all her money into getting her license back; maybe I won't even have to say no. lol
I wasn't talking about the
I wasn't talking about the safety of the skating rink or whatever. I was talking about your ex being a safe person. And your idea of what is safe and acceptable may be very different than your wife's. you procreated with the woman, your wife did not. She doesn't have to be ok with Her children being around your ex just because they are related to your son. Your super unspecific response to why your wife hates your ex makes me think that based on new second's post that your ex has tried to seriously undermine your wife as an authority figure, not only to your son but to Her children as well. Particularly since you did that yourself when she said no and you took not only your together daughter but Her daughter. And you really think this is about sibling bonding not being important enough? To me this wouldn't be just a "stunt", this is some incredibly damaging disrespectful behavior on your part.
Well one thing we agreed on
Well one thing we agreed on at the beginning since we started so young is that these are our children. I did the hers mine ours thing for the benefit of the readers here but we have 3 kids. She was just as angry about the little one.
Specifically my ex is a toxic person. Rotten to the core. Judgemental. Manipulative. Doesn't believe in anything. No sense of family. Its hard it wage a war with her honestly because she doesn't care about collateral damage. Fighting with someone who has no moral bounds is exceptionally difficult. I'm sure most of you know someone like that. My wife always wants me to fight but I refuse unless I have an absolutely unbreakable position. If there is a crack in the argument she'll find it, leverage it, and tork it to the maximum. I only pick battles with the ex that I can win. So I always win but there are very few battles, maybe 1 good one per year. There are many things she does and says that make me cringe, but I don't have jurisdiction over her. It's one of the consequences of divorce. So the wife hates her and dislikes that I won't fire bombs away everytime she gets out of line.
More specifically, name calling, rumor spreading, petty stuff like seemingly being late to exchanges on purpose just to get a rise. The ex knows how to get a rise out of my wife and can do so almost at will.
I'll accept a mistake made, Aeron, and I appreciate your insight. But damaging and disrespectful probably carries it a bit too far. I really had a hard time telling my son sorry, Mama (he calls her mama too, his choice) won't let them go. So I made a mistake.
So your ex wife is rotten to
So your ex wife is
rotten to the core. Judgemental. Manipulative. Doesn't believe in anything. No sense of family. Its hard it wage a war with her honestly because she doesn't care about collateral damage.
And you expect your current wife (as in the number one woman in your life hopefully for the REST OF YOUR LIFE) to be ok with HER daughters being around this toxic person?
My OH's ex is very much as you describe. The stuff that she has said about me and my dd's is just beyond comprehension - and she says this stuff to her children (my skids) and in front of me AND my children. I would not EVER want my children in the presence of that kind of toxicity and I go out of my way to ensure she has no contact with me or mine anymore. I am protecting MYSELF and MY KIDS. And you should be doing the same for your wife and your daughters. YOUR son is safe because he is the toxic person's child and she means him no harm, but you say yourself - the ex doesn't care about collateral damage - that means she WILL harm your daughters to win and score points. And as a mother your wife does not want them put in that position and you should have respected that.
Or maybe you should teach
Or maybe you should teach your children that not everyone they meet will be nice, and that family/profession/social needs will require that they occasionally interact with people that are not of their choosing. Doesn't mean their half sibs are not worth knowing.
Their half sibs are not worth
Their half sibs are not worth knowing????
What a completely ridiculous statement.
THEY are not the issue here, their mother is.
MY daughters to not need to hear their mother being called a fucking whore cunt.
Call me crazy but yes I will keep them away from that...
They see their step sibs all the time in OUR family. No need to invite toxicity from people OUTSIDE my family in.
Hmmm a member for 3 days,
Hmmm a member for 3 days, comes on and defends the BM and attacks steps?
Keep your opinions away from me MISSY and please do not ever lecture me again, do not talk to me, do not acknowledge me and I will do the same for you.
I find you offensive.
OP - learn to research WHO the responders are. This one is dodgy.
Beat me up, I don't care.
Beat me up, I don't care.
Tried to paint a true picture
Tried to paint a true picture of the ex but maybe went to far. I don't fear for their safety. She's not going to say ugly things to any of my children. I'm not asking for anyone to back me while I take my children hear a bunch of nastiness. It was a birthday party at a skating rink with other parents there and so forth. Calm down folks, I didn't marry and have a child with the wicked witch of the west. But you can be in a skating rink at the same time with a toxic, manipulative, judgmental person with no morals and sip a coke and watch your 3 children play and giggle and eat cake etc. I talked to a few of the dads in there and it was a very simple deal. Some of the dads I'd not seen in a few years since , cough, she got them in the settlement! lol
>>>More specifically, name
>>>More specifically, name calling, rumor spreading, petty stuff like seemingly being late to exchanges on purpose just to get a rise. The ex knows how to get a rise out of my wife and can do so almost at will.<<<
This is a person you want your wife to have her children around during a party? How odd.
See that's where everyone has
See that's where everyone has it wrong. I want my girls around my son on his birthday! The ex is a tough nut, i'll grant you, but she is a functioning person with a good job and no criminal record. My son is around her a week at a time! She is not going to magically instill her lack of morals on my kid during a 2 hour skating party. Heck I'm holding my breath I can keep her from doing it with my son during a whole week. That's why I may be a little overboard - I may be guilty of overcompensating for the time the girls miss with him.
This post is not about how badly I need to get full custody because the ex is putting my son in harms way, negligent or what have you. She's not the kind of parent I'm thrilled for my son to have, but by societal standards its probably average or above. My son's Step dad is a good guy. Takes up time with him. My son likes him and I'm thrilled my son likes him. I don't hunt and fish, never have. His step dad does that stuff with him and I think its great. Every boy wants to learn how to fish and hunt. I'm going to teach him other stuff.
Also why does it matter so
Also why does it matter so much that she hates your X?
It almost sounds like you find this to be extremely hurtful on her part.
If you and Xare really done does it really matter if your wife doesn't like her?
It almost sounds like you're a teensy bit defensive of X in this regard.
I could be reading too much into it though.
If so, beg pardon.
It bothers me because it is
It bothers me because it is not healthy for anyone involved! Her, the ex, me, the kids. I'm a big believer that harboring ill will is bad bad bad. I forgive and move one easily. It's not easy for everyone, I get that.
I've been clear here that the ex is a force to be reckoned with. She has earned her status with my wife. But thems the breaks. The hand we're dealt. That's our mountain to climb. Out of analogies but you get it. I can't just say oh well I wish I had chose better the first time around I could have had a decent family. No. It will be that much harder but I will have a great family.
Hey I screwed up here. But does anyone understand what I'm trying to do here?
Yep. And what so many people
Yep. And what so many people here forget is that the adults are supposed to be the adults while the kids get to be kids.
And when ONE of the adults in
And when ONE of the adults in question has proven herself to not be able to conduct herself as one then it is the parents responsibility to protect their children from that so that the children get to remain children and not have to witness offensive and nasty behaviours?
Yes of course we understand
Yes of course we understand what you're trying to do. What has me flummoxed is the way you went about it. Very strange in my opinion.
The strong, unbreakable
The strong, unbreakable family unit is something I want so badly. It has been so good for me. I look around and I don't see it too much. And with the early decisions in life I didn't start out on the right path. But I was lucky to have found a woman I could build a life with. She really is a compassionate person. When this stuff first started coming up I was completely blindsided.
I believed not taking those girls to the party is absolutely counter to what I'm trying to do for them. I have not been convinced otherwise today. I went about it the way I did because I was fiercely guarding against anything in the way to tear them apart. Small of a deal as it is. A birthday party. Everyone here would fight for their kids and that's what I did.
What I discover today is that by doing that I risk something else tearing them apart, divorce. So I need to respect my wife enough and let her know that I wont run over her, and live to fight another day.
>>>Everyone here would fight
>>>Everyone here would fight for their kids and that's what I did.<<<
Your wife is as well. But why all the fighting? It goes against what you really want, isn't it?
No she's not. She's doesn't
No she's not. She's doesn't want the kids in the same building with the ex because she hates her. This about her feelings above the kids, and me putting the kids above her feelings. I know many will disagree with that characterization but she is only thinking of herself when she wouldn't let the kids go. Trust me on this, there was no danger at the skating rink ok? She hates her, and that's it. Doesn't matter if the girls would have a good time. Doesn't matter if my son is sad that they couldn't go.
Then I'll leave you with a
Then I'll leave you with a sincere "Good Luck" with no further opinion.
DTZY??? I love you.
DTZY??? I love you.
I have to digest all that for
I have to digest all that for a little bit. Thanks for the comment.
OK dtzyblnd ..... So I'm in
OK dtzyblnd .....
So I'm in year 5 of this. And you pegged the situation pretty damn accurately, although some of that stuff I have maneuvered around and is no longer an issue. Both my wife and my ex used to use my desire for peace against me. My desire for peace kept me in hot water all the time. I at one point decided that they didn't need to communicate, but then all the communication went thru me. Finally after a year of being bounced around like a pinball I'd had enough. I finally told them to have at it. Just call me if my son is hurt or needs a whoopin. That worked great for a while. They could say what they wanted, whatever. Truth is a great elixir sometimes , but being the peacemaker I can't stand bluntness and the like. These two pull no punches and I got blamed for none of it and they figured out how to get along. Get along. But hate still remained.
Point there is now I let my wife handle it like she wants. I don't tell her what she can and can't say. I've learned that lesson already and made the adjustment. I also learned to quit standing up for her whims on the subject when she convinced me to call up the ex (after an unfortunate pumpkin carving episode, really) and ask her if we could alternate attending events because my wife thinks that is how it should be done. Now, I'd be damned if someone is going to tell me I can't go to my kids baseball game because I went to the last one....but I gave in. I made a ridiculous argument just because my wife wanted me to and I'm trying to prove whose side I'm on. My ex devoured that garbage. So if you want me to make an argument from now on, it had better be born from the absolute highest possible ground. I made one last week for her - my little confrontation avoiding self called her aside and said hey do you have problem with my wife being involved in our sons school? she gets the impression that you do and I wanted to clear the air on that topic.
See the difference? My wife's feelings are sometimes unfounded and irrational, she'll admit so her self (a few days later). I'm have to keep credibility and high ground with the ex so when I do have a real problem I can get my way....I can't be picking up the phone or sending texts everytime my wife gets her feelings hurt, which happens quite frequently.
The daggers you speak of...you're right on. I ignore them because they don't do me any good. They don't do my wife any good either. She'd be best to ignore them too. She can't for whatever reason. Her instincts are mostly right when it comes to the ex, but usually wrong when it comes to what can possibly affect the kids.
I wasn't asking my wife to play nice. I was asking her if I could take the girls to my son's party. I was not dragging her there. I knew she would never go so I didn't even bring it up. I'm completely fine with that. And she knows that. It doesn't have to be rosy between them, I just don't want it affecting the kids, not an inch!
You are close with your siblings because your parents made sure you were. They didn't concentrate on the unpleasant they focused on the good! It was important to them, right? Real dad or not, that man made sure you had a good deal with your siblings. That's what I want to do. It doesn't happen automatically and I know you've seen siblings that weren't close and its tragic.
ditzy, YOU hit the nail on
ditzy, YOU hit the nail on the head! That is exactly how I feel regarding DH's Ex/BM and DH done exactly what you said the OP is doing.
BTW, OP you think the Ex does not bad mouth you, your wife and your family to your son. Well, you better think again because that is exactly what my DH always told me and today his son will not return his calls nor see him unless he wants money.
It is such a sad situation...
Well you've certainly got all
Well you've certainly got all the gals riled up here. Surely you weren't surprised at the responses. Personally my first thought was that since it was your ex and her kids extending the invitation to your other kids, that it was only the polite thing to accept the invitation. I mean its very confusing that it is the BM that is making this friendly family overature only to be rebuffed by the new wife. It sure makes the new wife look like she cant play well with others. But maybe new wife knows it wasn't an honest invitation. Maybe she thinks that crafty BM is up to some antics. Its obvious this is more about new wife's suspicions. If not, then new wife hasn't the same interest in blending as you. I would try to find out which one it really is since this will just keep popping up.
There are parallels there.
There are parallels there. I've done a better job of addressing those early i think. Im guessing your DH doesnt like for anything to end badly and never really severed the emotional connection to his ex. I had that problem initially until i woke up and saw the damage it was doing and cut it instantly then.
Im committed to do whatever it takes to end up with a good family. If that means backing up now then ill do it. I showed this thread to my wife and she of course felt vindicated. The important take for the day is that the relationship between kids is best addressed with a good relationship with my dw. Its a pretty horrifying picture you paint and when your ss grows up and the sun shines on the last 20 years i hope he will view you favorably.
Tell your dh that those extra phone calls with the bm destroy his credibility on the 'for the kids' argument. Thanks for sharing your story.
Thanks for the thoughts
Thanks for the thoughts MiserableStepMom. I agree, the best thing I can do is build memories with the 5 of us. We started this blend when they were so young (3 and 1) and we endeavored to carve out our little place in the world. We have my SD (now
most of the time and I cherish my relationship with her. She does with me as well so that part has been gloriously rewarding.
It has been the consensus today that what I did was wrong and I can accept that. I've already moved from the position. Let me ask, at what point is responsibility put on the wife to move past her own unreasonable positions regarding the ex? At what point would you be able to say, hey there's no real smoke here, hasn't been for a while, put your big girl panties on and get over it already? Is there ever a responsibility to move on? Or is a woman simply entitled to feel this way forever. To answer this question I think it is important for you to know that I have never allowed myself to be suspected of anything inappropriate. I've kept my nose clean always.
Oh, it's not the consensus.
Oh, it's not the consensus. And yes, your wife needs to get over it. This is about the kids, and it seems that you and Biomom are in a pretty good place. She has no idea how good she has it, frankly.
Thank you HikingZion. I don't
Thank you HikingZion. I don't know what else to say. I think I let my wife see the thread too early!
Thanks for this advice.
Thanks for this advice.
Generic welcome to the
Generic welcome to the island. I think it a little of both. New wife didnt grow up in a tight family like i did so she cant understand why it is so important. She also believes that the ex is up to no good. I keep my nose clean and my intentions are consistent with what i teach the kids. And dw knows that. She still cant let it go. She says she doesnt understand what she is supposed to do...so i say do what you would do if your number 1 goal was for your family to be strong. Short of that do what will cause the least damage. Does that position have value in this fractured world?
jhonrne, I'm going to
jhonrne, I'm going to disagree here, as usual. A party at a neutral site? Of course the girls should go. I'm impressed that you and your ex are working on building a courteous relationship, and yes, of course the kids should get to know each other. And they will take their cues from the parents, so yes, any kind of open antipathy on anyone's side is going to be a problem.
How in the holy heck people see this as putting the kids before Wife2 just befuddles me. I would love it if the Biomum in my world would ever consider any kind of mutual party, but she won't even acknowledge my existence.
I get that you see my
I get that you see my assessment of disrespectful and damaging as overboard, but honestly, I'm not sure what else you can couch it as.
Your wife said no, the girls can't go. You then unilaterally decided to take them anyway. Against her wishes. And one of those children as far as I can tell, isn't legally yours. I appreciate that you look at all the kids as "your babies" and that's super sweet and a nice goal. She wasn't ok, wasn't comfortable with this. And it's not about your ex being able to change their moral compasses or Whatever. But if she's been petty and mean and disrespectful in the past and doesn't care about "collateral damage" by which I imagine you mean she's happy to hurt her own son to "win" a fight, doesn't it make sense that shed have no problem saying something truly rotten about their mother to the girls if the mood struck her? The ex is "rotten to the core" but hey, let's go anyway.
And I Get that it was for your son. I do. He is the one you wanted the girls to be there for. Your Ex is the one your wife wanted to protect them from. And unfortunatly, they were in the same place at the same time. To you, it's all about your son and making him happy. Your wife can't keep your son from his.... interesting.... mother. Your girls, she should be able to protect from the crazy ex. You took that from her. You decided her concerns, her feelings, her authority and desire to make good choices for her Cildren was less important than you not having to tell your son she said no. I, personally, find that very disrespectful to your wife. If my husband did that, it would be a breach of trust, a breach of respect, and a blatant disregard for how I wanted to protect my children.
To me, to be so disregarded, would be damaging to the relationship. It would influence how I viewed him, how I viewed the relationship. It would make me trust him less. It would make me respect him less. I see that as damage to the relationship. But perhaps your wife views things much differently than I do.
There is some argument to be made that you have equal right to say no she's going about the 'ours' kid, that's why I focused on the hers kid. If you haven't adopted the older girl, then legally, you don't have the same amount of say. Legally she's the one that gets to make that decision and your 'stunt' would be interpreted as a breach of law if your wife had been pissed enough to go to the poli over it. /shrugs
Hopefully everyone is same enough it wouldn't get there, but that's why I sort of focused on that.
Yes, to every word of this.
Yes, to every word of this. Thank you.
I'm sorry, but that is a
I'm sorry, but that is a blanket statement. Grownups, even stepmoms can be wrong sometimes. She should be supported in everything? Even if it's wrong? IMO, SM says she's interested in blending families, but when push comes to shove, is not willing to do the hard work it takes. Frankly, why should she? Her interests are HER family first and foremost. She will never place blending HIS with hers as much as he will with blending HIS with HIS. He's the one with the scattered family. He's the one feeling the pressure to blend. SM should come clean about her real feelings- because they are normal. All this nonsense about the ex wife is just excuses.
It's become clear to me that
It's become clear to me that everybody's idea of toxic judgmental manipulative and rotten to the core is a bit different. While I would still say that's accurate, I don't think it was the best choice of words to explain to everybody what she is, and I seemed to have poisoned the well.
You've all done good work today and a marriage out there somewhere is the better for it. So thanks again. I may check back from time to time and try to pay it forward, if anyone thinks the opinion of this DH is worthy.
It's true, beaccountable that I thought only of what my top priority was. It is also true that I had the wrong priority on top. Just got off the phone with DW (shes out of town) and explained to her the priority shift as a result of today's discussions. Now I must go about the work of proving it, she says. LOL pray for me.
Your opinion is ALWAYS
Your opinion is ALWAYS welcome here, everyone's is.
Please do come back and offer it to others in need, share, just chat a while even.
Things get heated because family is such a huge and important topic for all of us, and being put first as the wife and partner is something a lot of us struggle for here.
Take care.
Best wishes to you and yours.
People here are outright
People here are outright rude. OP came to this forum to get clarity. What he got was hysteria. Everyone seeing his story through their own. His ex was vilified, the SM was freaking sainted. And the poor man, who constantly showed his ability to show humility was badgered. No, OP is obviously not welcome here. This was a case of someone braving the frontline - even with white flag in hand at times, only to be shot down. I'm sure everyone got through to him. Sounds like he made the "right" decision, his wife is enjoying her vindication and OP realizes now that families fractured truly cannot be mended.
*jhorne2000* I started
*jhorne2000* I started reading your blog last post first and assumed I would disagree with *Generic* calling you a "poor man", but as I went back to p. 1 and started reading, I found myself agreeing with *Generic* because you had not provided any information about your ex's character, so too many assumptions were being made that she might be toxic.
At first I thought perhaps your current wife might be acting like a future BM2 and how sad for your little boy not to be able to have his sisters attend his skate party. I would have loved to have the type of relationship with my SO's ex where we could all be civil and OCCASIONALLY attend the same events for my skids without confrontation (from her).
BUT, then I arrived half way down to page 2 and there it was, "Specifically my ex is a toxic person. Rotten to the core. Judgemental. Manipulative. Doesn't believe in anything. No sense of family. Its hard it wage a war with her honestly because she doesn't care about collateral damage. Fighting with someone who has no moral bounds is exceptionally difficult."
Seriously. Tell your son that while your daughters (step and bio) cannot attend his skate party, you will all plan to go skating together as a family in about one or two weeks and DO IT!
I know you thought that your wife was being emotional and you were only thinking of your son, but that is the problem. You set aside too many realities, past, present and future, in regards to the toll a man can let a "toxic, rotten to the core, judgmental, manipulative, etc. ex-wife take on his nuclear family.
^^^So true *Mairin*! Same
^^^So true *Mairin*! Same here. Parents divorced when I was 4, I've got the whole shebang myself -- 1 bio, 5 halves, 2 steps.
While I didn't have a perfect little Disney life, I don't even want to imagine what kind of shit my life would have been like had the men ran around trying to kiss everyone's asses all the time instead of leading by example in their own nuclear. As it were, neither "father" was the best at that either. So what.
Just Wow!
I have a BD6 and SD6, and
I have a BD6 and SD6, and SS17 and SS19. Whilst BD6 and SD6 are fully aware that they are step-sisters, they still (for now at least) call themselves sisters if anyone asks them. If I say otherwise, I get scowled at (I s**t you not! lol)
OH and I are trying for a baby, our own, again the Girls know that they will technically be half siblings, however, both OH and myself were surprised that they have said they are looking forward to their "new brother or sister".....no half lark.
If they are specifically asked, they explain properly. They are aware at 6 the situation they are in, and I think thats how it should be. Trying to create a false hood will only end in disappointment and resentment
I think this has prompted me
I think this has prompted me to blog.
My H tries to force these
My H tries to force these things and the kids are old enough now to see how the other side really is.
They resent it. They can't stand the others. The others gossip about everyone else as soon as they leave the room.
They play games and cause all kinds of scenes and drama.
My kids want absolutely nothing to do with these people but they sometimes go anyway to keep H happy.
To add we all get bullied
To add we all get bullied with the "but it's family" card.
Even in nuclear families there are toxic people that are best left alone.
Anyname, You could not have
You could not have read much of the comments here. Be angry at me if you want to but I'm a conscientious husband and caring father. I wouldn't be here if I was interested in dragging kids through an emotional swamp.
I'm not forcing anyone to do anything. Remember the BS called and the girls wanted to go. I simply didn't find a great enough reason why they shouldn't be allowed to go, hence the error.
I don't lie to my kids either. All the kids are aware of what the deal is and nobody lies about it. My SD calls me by first name and its great. My BS calls DW mama and its great. My little 4 year old knows that every other weekend she has mommy and daddy to herself, and its great. I said earlier we raise them as blood siblings, meaning both parents show equal love and attention and discipline to all 3, with a constant emphasis for them to help and support each other. I place no boundaries on my DW with my BS, and she places no such boundaries on me with regards to my SD. That part has always worked very well. As a result, we both have strong relationships with all 3, and there is never any annoyance factor with the other's kids.
Beaccountable, building this blended family has been great fun, and a wonderful blessing. A snag like this here or there is to be expected! I'm proud to say that I'm very happy with my crew, gang, passle, flock, what have you.
This is my last post on the topic. Again I'm grateful. I'll give you all the last word if you want it.
Thank you ALL for your
Thank you ALL for your advice, encouragement and incite. It is much appreciated and hopefully has helped my husband to understand or at least have a little bit of perspective from my viewpoint.
Yes, that makes me the wife.
Yes, he showed me the thread.
Yes, he showed me the thread. He is very open, honest and communicative with me on all subject areas.
This (the ex) is the only topic we ever disagree or argue about. Hopefully this thread and a few of your pieces of solid advice will help us in that area. I'm looking for positive things to come from this. Again, thank you all.
I thinks its great that your
I thinks its great that your actually thinking about whats best for the kids!!
Your philosophy doesn't make much sense if your not in tune with your wife!!
If you have all the children 100% of the time? I can understand.
But what you should start realizing is
And respect her wishes.