Step Kids way too old for this...
What's your opinion?
I have 2 step kids from a 2nd marriage. One is 25 and she lives in another state. She frowned in every wedding picture she was in of ours. She told me she didn't want her mom to marry me. The other one is 29 and lives with us. He loses his customer service jobs all the time and has made an excuse every time we've confronted him about spreading his wings and getting his own place. Even girlfriends dump him all the time because of this. He has two very yappy dogs who like to attack people at the door. We have also had to clean the carpets a bunch of times since they pee everywhere. All the stepson does is watches TV and plays on either his XBOX or iPhone. We have to PUSH HIM HARD to get him to do anything around the house. He claims he's saving to move but then goes out with friends and buys tons of stuff. We've been married for 7 years now and he keeps saying he'll move out next month.
My wife and I have been to counseling and it didn't work. She babies him. The counselor just shoved it back in my face if I married her, I married them all. I knew this, but thought they were more grown up.
Forgot to add, my wife is
Forgot to add, my wife is ALWAYS on her sons side. Or course...
I would like to see the
I would like to see the marriage license and certificate that says you married them all. Both the counselor and the mooch need to be kicked to the curb.
Oh, and as luck would have
Oh, and as luck would have it, tomorrow is next month.
Disengaging won't help with
Disengaging won't help with this almost middle aged man living in your house.
Find a inexpensive bachelor apartment and move into it. Yes you. Tell your wife that until the kid is gone you're not coming back. Tell her its not a divorce but a separation until she makes her kid stop acting like a 16 year old. Make absolutely sure you don't be angry when you tell her this - a simple statement of thee fact that you've had it and you're gone until she gets him squared away.
If after 6 months passes he's still there file for a Legal Separation which legally separates your finances. It might shock her into reality. If after another six months passes then get a full divorce.
Or admit defeat and move back into his house. Yes his - because he'll rule until Mama dies.
I'd say charge the grown
I'd say charge the grown adult some rent money that you put into an account and when it reaches enough give it to him and say "here is first months rent and security deposit" get out but if you can't get your wife on board, that won't work. The best you can do is get yourself out of there. I have no idea how you have lasted this long.
First, that counselor is not
First, that counselor is not objective. Did your wife find him/her? Did your wife go to this counselor for a time before you were invited? At any rate, you may need to go to two or three counselors before you find a good fit. They are NOT supposed to "take sides".
This guy will not leave. He has it great. He has NO motivation to leave and your wife has no motivation to get him out of there. So you have to develop options for your sanity and health. Some have been given to you on this forum.
Thanks for all the advise
Thanks for all the advise everyone! I should have thought before I wrote the 1st time. I forgot a bunch of stuff.
1. My 29 year old SS is a slob. You should see his room. He also leaves napkins, plates, cups and everything out after he eats. I've chewed his butt a ton of times, and he's slowly getting the hang of cleaning.
And maybe once a month he'll clean up our poop infested backyard if we push him. Usually he has to go run errands before he helps around the house. He is slowly getting better at this, too.
2. We did start making him help by paying the utilities ($200/month) a little while ago, but since he loses his job all the time my wife pays it. Whenever I bring it up to him that he's got one heck of a deal his mom gets mad.
3. Every other night he likes to hang out in out in one of our bathrooms for over an hour (including a nice hot 45-50 minute shower). Who knows what's going on in there.
4. The stepdaughter told me last time she was visiting that she is very disappointed with me since my wife makes more money than I. I'm a school bus driver for now while going to school. I graduate with my AS this spring in Public Relations. Then I have a year and a half to go for my Bachelors. She tells me I should quit playing around, quit school and work 2 jobs like her dad used to (until he found a lady he could bum off of).
Anyway, I've only put up with this for so long, because my wife and I have a 5 year old QT pie I love very much. If it weren't for her, I would have been gone a long time ago. I will tell you I'm not a little angel either. I harass my wife and her son all the time about things that bug me. The wife just gets MAD! MAD! MAD!
(No subject)
So what are the house rules
So what are the house rules in place for these adults living there? Was there anything discussed at all or was it just "move in and stay as long as you like"? If some expectations were set in place at the beginning, then it is time to talk to wife about it and set up consequences for these expectations being met. You should not have to tell this man to do each thing every time. To have the privilege (not the right) to live there, he should be contributing either $$, physical labor or both. He is using your resources ($$)FOR FREE. Do you live there FOR FREE? Is the problem really that because your wife makes more than you she feels she calls the shots? Is that equality in a marriage (i.e. partnership)?
Maybe a talk with your wife about marriage and partnership expectations and money distribution within the marriage is in order first before SS is brought up. So often, one partner is supported monetarily by the other while the former is getting more education. Most of the time, one marriage partner makes more money than the other. However, the one with the higher salary can assume they have more power than the other, and that is not healthy in the relationship. It appears you are working and bringing home some money and contributing as much as you can to the household. It sounds like you are also doing work around the house, it that correct? But being expected to clean up after SS is not something you should even be doing. I feel your frustration with this.
You may need several calm objective conversations with your wife about how this situation makes you feel and what you can do together to keep you home environment enjoyable and clean and motivate SS to get a better life on his own. "Harrassing" your wife and pointing out every thing that SS does causes her to get defensive. It is totally normal to want to do that, to try to make her see that he is not perfect and is basically a parasite, but her automatic response will be to defend her "kid". A better approach is in order so that SHE is the one who wants him out on his own.
Your step daughter should mind her own business. It is not her marriage, her opinion does not count.
Yeah, I've set up rules. He
Yeah, I've set up rules. He goes by them when he wants to. He's a big cheapskate, too. His car is up for licensing and he told me it won't pass because he needs brakes and has been driving that way for a while. Plus he won't by new headphones for his iPhone. He says they keep shocking him. There is loses wire showing.
please tell me his dogs are
please tell me his dogs are well over the age of 11, and leftover from this kids childhood. because i cant see why anyone would allow someone to adopt/buy 2 dogs when they cant take care of themselves.
And the consequences for
And the consequences for breaking the rules are?
The dogs were handed down
The dogs were handed down from his sister. She doesn't want them anymore. And I've tried consequences for him, my wife only gets mad! I even came up with a plan the other day to raise his rent from $200 to $400 and she exploded. I was thinking of using it towards getting him a down payment for a place. Not taking it...
There is no hope. I've thought right after I get my bachelors degree (about a year from now) I'm looking for a better job and then my own pad. I just feel bad for my daughter (in the middle of this).
Stepson is getting a little better. He just picked up the dog poop without me asking. It's been months. Also he did the dishes. But I still feel he's a free loader. He's lived with us our entire marriage.
The tiniest studio apartment
The tiniest studio apartment sounds better than living like you do. I wouldn't be able to wait all that time for a degree and a better job. I would get what I could afford now to have a peaceful life and work up from that. There must be something you like about the way you are living now that keeps you from making a move now. Good luck.
Time to evict your bride and
Time to evict your bride and her leaching spawn. End of problem. And I agree with the others that said your therapist is a moron. One of those who got a pseudo science degree because they could not get a real education or tolerate a real job. Idiot!!! Not you, the therapist. You married a woman not her toxic spawn. Since they were adults when you married you accepted no responsibility for her spawn. That your bride tolerates and enables this crap tells me that she is the cause and the true problem.
Call a locksmith and have the locks rekeyed then put your brides and gthe spawns crap out in the snow the next time they are out of the house.
You owe your daughter a quality childhood not this crap. Congratulations on the looming completion of your Bachelors. I would give yourself and your daughter an early graduation gift and get rid of the wife and her leaching toxic spawn. Unfortunately in your situation it sounds as if the shallow and polluted end of your Skid's gene pool was contributed by your wife.
Good luck and take care of yourself.
Well, back again and
Well, back again and frustrated. What's new right? Today I asked my SS if he could watch his little sister while I went on my 2 hour afternoon bus route run. He is in between jobs and is working on a new job right now and went to go do the paperwork to finalize it. However, he did say yes. I asked if he'd be home at a certain time today and he said he would make sure of it. Then, the wife steps in and texts me...
"My son is busy! You can't just push him around and make him come home early! Take our daughter to the baby sitters, like you know you should!" She works, too(Clarifying).
My point here is even if she's right (and I didn't know since her son said yes), she is ALWAYS running his poor life, and he likes it that way. Sad in my opinion.
Oh and to answer your question any name, yeah I pay the rent.
sounds like the stepson is a
sounds like the stepson is a mini wife. sons can be mini wives too.