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An Entitled Society

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Just a general question for our steps here with you get the feeling that our significant others and their ex's are just breeding a whole new generation of extremely "entitled" people? Does it sicken you as much as it does me? It is sad...out country will further be weakened by people afraid to parent their kids. So many will not know the values of hard work, and pride in a job well done! They want to do the bare minimum, if even that, and expect everyone else to pick up the slack! What happens when there is no one left to pick up the slack, because a majority of the people feel this way? It scares me to think that these spoiled skids we deal with now, will one day have the right to vote, and what do you think will influence their decisions?

Kes's picture

Yes, and yes, to your first two questions! SD19 and SD17 are two extremely entitled young women, and even my DH acknowledges that sad fact. We live in the UK - it is just as much in evidence here as anywhere. Instead of encouraging his daughters to get Saturday/part time jobs to help finance their ventures, DH just writes a cheque and away they go! I really fear they will suffer from "failure to launch" due to DH and NPD BM treating them like pampered princesses all their lives.

Willow2010's picture

Between our government enabling these young people and the way they were/are raised.....they are doomed.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

I guess I was one of the few exceptions from the boomers, but probably because my family wasn't in America that long. My parents were still raised with a strong work ethic, and the ideas that one is to respect their elders and things like I was raised the same way. I was an only child, and was still told no quite often, or told, "Okay, you want X...what work are you willing to do to get it?" Yard work, babysitting, chores...I was expected to earn money for things that I wanted outside of that which I needed! Only time I got extras was birthday and Christmas! My parents would provide me the basic clothes, and if I wanted the cool hip stuff, I had to find a way to earn money to get those things myself! I was one of those 80's kids that really learned how to use a sewing machine and stuff like that to modify what I had for less money to get the kind of style I was looking for...the whole "Pretty in Pink" thing...hit up the thrift stores, and see what I could make from my finds! Put together some really cool stuff!! And RIT dye and bleach were my friends to try to get cool looks to my clothes!

But too many parents these days don't demand respect, they don't teach their kids to work for things. It is scary! And kids are losing their imaginations!! I mean, how many girls do you know these days know how to sew? Know how to design something out of nothing? How to make things? Craftiness isn't about being cheap, but they think it is! Why make something when you can buy it? Well, because sometimes the fun is in the making of something! The pride of looking at a finished product and saying, "I did that!!" It is about innovation, creativity! Society is breeding these ideals out! Don't try to come up with something new...just buy stuff! A button comes off of a shirt? Oh, it's trash now...need a new shirt! How about replacing the button? Or if the button is lost, go spend $3 on a new set of buttons and change them all out?

CantKeepDoingThis's picture that..."But why do I have to ____?" Because I said so!!! Now do it, and quit being a pansy!

Drac0's picture


A local politician here got into a lot of hot water for daring to speak his mind on the subject. When asked what he thought of our growing (and alarming) increase in high school drop out rates, he said "It's simple. Parents are not forcing their kids hard enough."

When pressed to explain his reasoning, and what basis he was laying this fact on, he said "It's not fact. It's opinion. If a kid drops out of high school, I fault the parents!"

Oh man! The media went to town on this! Parents responsible for kids dropping out of HS!?!?! Say it ain't so!!! Oh no! It can't be the parents fault! Why it must be the teachers! Or the government! Or Hollywood! Or aliens! but holding the parents accountable for dropping out of high school!? That's CRAZY TALK!!!

CantKeepDoingThis's picture's like when the UIL here in Texas got the okay from the government to do random drug testing of student athletes! The parents went crazy!!! How dare you make their child pee in a cup to see if they are taking any kind of performance enhancing drugs or any other kind of drug! It is an invasion of privacy!!!!! Hello? I want to know if my kid is taking drugs!! Test away!

askYOURdad's picture

I can't speak for other places as I have only ever lived in America, and I don't have any intention of starting a political debate here, but look how much heat Mitt Romney got for pointing out that 47% of Americans don't pay taxes. 47 PERCENT!!!! Whatever your social beliefs, fiscal beliefs or political affiliations, 47% of people getting things for "FREE" is absurd and has nothing to do with the word "democrat" or "republican". The other 53% cannot carry that load, and the affordable health care act is making it even worse. When kids are growing up in a society where if you don't work you qualify for healthcare, food, shelter, daycare, a PHONE! or INTERNET! subsidies, than where is the motivation to work? The separation between poverty and rich is widening and the middle class is shrinking so I guess you should either do nothing and reap the benefits or be lucky enough to be rich so that you can afford the "taxes" (errr healthcare) It makes me sick to think about the kind of society that my grand children and great grand children will grow up in. I can only hope and pray that the pendulum swings the other way and very soon.

Jsmom's picture

I know kids are more entitled in this generation and for me, I blame my parents. My BS19 has no reason to get a job, when grandparent on both sides slip him money everytime they see him. I have given up arguing about it. I just quit paying for anything extra with him at school. I am paying his fees and housing, he has a scholarship and has to maintain that. He doesn't want to work fast food this summer, so my rule was you have to take classes then and live on campus. So he is. I can only do what I can do with this attitude since I don't provide much extra, I have nothing to take away. I can afford his expenses for college and don't want him to have debt, but I struggle with am I causing this entitled attitude, by not making him take out loans. Keep in mind, I do make him cover books and anything else.

I think we are all trying to do what is best for our children and not raise them entitled, but societal pressures to do better than our parents, has led to this. I don't want him to have college debt, because I did. But, lately, I think I am creating this. He is talking about his doctorate and I will not help with that. Frustrating as hell. We went and celebrated his birthday yesterday with all the family and the kid got at least 4oo from them in cash. Why work?

Jsmom's picture

Thanks for the link Draco...Hadn't seen that. I agree with him...Praying my kid doesn't become a liberal in college, like most do.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

My son isn't going away to a big university...he's going to a private Christian college! They really stress hard work there, and their goal is to get everyone an education! Oh, and even the other students that gave presentations at the college visit said flat out...if you are looking for a party school, look elsewhere, because this college is all about hard work! My son still wanted to go after all of that, so I'm hopeful that he will come out with the same values I've instilled in him his whole life!

Jsmom's picture

My BS19 is at a large school that focuses on engineering in the deep south. It is as conservative as it gets in the city, but college tends to make you more liberal no matter what. I have watched it with myself, my siblings and everyone I know. The get liberal out of college and then once they have kids of their own they change back to their roots. I am hoping that he continues to challenge his professors that I believe are the ones that push their agenda.

Best argument I have ever seen was between my conservative military parents and my liberal sister in the 90's. They decimated her on the war with facts and knowledge that most people didn't have and she has made a point to never have a political discussion with family again.

Anon2009's picture

I think so. Many parents don't parent their kids. Some try to at some point but it's often too late. A lot of parents let the kids play one house against the other without finding out what really went down. A lot of kids are being dragged into adult issues they don't need to know about. The movies they watch and music they listen to are scary. Don't even get me started on the video games.

askYOURdad's picture

"It has been my experience with my skids that they think everything is up for discussion and negotiation."

^^^Yep, and also to add, do your skids think that adult decisions are theirs? I was shocked in the beginning with my skids that they actually thought they got a say in what kind of car we bought, what house we bought, which room would be theirs etc. It has been a few years and they are not like this anymore (thank heavens DH is a good father) but I know they are still like that with BM and that she allows it/enables it, but she also has unhealthy co-dependent attachments to them and allows them to be part of adult conversations/issues.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Tell me about it!!! Like the thing with the boots yesterday...DH should not have to explain to SD14 that there is a budget, and that the boots are not in the budget, but that is the only chance you have of getting her to shut up about it! It is not a 100% definite, and she will still have the massive attitude as if to say, "Oh, you have the money! You just don't want to spend it on me, so you are using that as an excuse!" I didn't even buy anything for myself yesterday, but not that I should have to get approval from her to do so! I work hard for my money...she doesn't even clean up after herself...but I guess in her mind she has a say in this household's finances. Why? Because DH has always shared way to much information about money with her! He will tell her if I get a raise, if he gets a raise...she even knew how much child support he was giving BM, and SD14 would be all mad all the time because BM and stepdad would tell her no about things saying that dad gives them $xxx for her and that is her money...forget that money was supposed to go to ALL SD14's needs, which include the roof over her head, the utilities and water she uses, the food she eats, hygiene products, etc. No, she thought that money was just supposed to be handed to her each month or she should be allowed to get what she wanted with that money!

My kids have always just understood that no was no...don't try to negotiate it. If anything was up for negotiation, they would be told up front, "Okay, you want X....what are you gonna do for it?" That told them that I was open to give them that special thing they asked for, but that they were going to have to do something for it...chores without being told to do them, pick up the trash in the yard....something. And I don't care what people say...there is nothing wrong with taking that approach with your kids! It teaches want something, well you are going to have to give in return, because nothing in this life you truly get for free! You want money, you have to work for it. You want things, you need money. It's a, get money, get things you want or need, work some more, get more money...

Calypso1977's picture

SD has always gotten whatever she wants, and the world has always revolved around here long before the divorce ever happened.

elle94's picture

all i can say is that my eyes have been totally opened since marrying my husband. i was raised in the 80s & 90s and taught that hard work is what it takes to have nice things.....then i come into this family of divorce and it just disgusts me to no end that DH's kids suffer NO consequences for their crappy actions. and if either of them are not getting along with a parent, then they get to make their own choice of where they want to stay. THEY ARE NEVER GROUNDED OR FORCED TO WORK FOR ANY EFFEN THING! it really annoys the piss out of me and makes me fear for the future. my opinion is that all these crappy kids are going to have a very rude awakening when their parents and grandparents die off and they blow thru their inheritance only to find they have no money left or people to take care of them. can't wait to laugh my ass off!

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

THIS ^^^!!! DH found out a while back that SD14 was not a beneficiary on my life insurance, and he seemed a bit put off by it. He said that BD22 and BS19 were beneficiaries on his, so why wasn't SD14 a beneficiary on mine? I kindly explained to him that he adopted BD22 and BS19...therefore, according to the law, they have the same rights to his estate as SD14, because their birth certificates show him as their father...he is LEGALLY responsible to them. DH and I are the two parents they have. On the other hand, I have not adopted SD14...and I will never be given the opportunity to, because it will be a cold day in hell before BM ever allows that. Therefore, I am not LEGALLY responsible to SD14 at all. BM and DH are her two parents, and the only one's who's estate she is entitled to! I told him if he felt like sharing his half with SD14, that was his choice...but the way the law is written, if I die before DH, half of my estate goes to DH and the other half is split between BD22 and BS19, and I'm not taking away from their share to give to SD14...he can take away from his share if he feels so strongly about it. If DH passes first, his is split 50/50 between me and SD14...and if BM passes, her estate is split between her husband (50%), SD14 (25%) and her other child with her current husband (25%). Now, BM doesn't really have an estate, because she doesn't work. Not to mention, I do NOT want SD14 to end up with any of my family heirlooms...sorry...nope! My will specifically states those things go to BD22 and BS19. Sorry...if I'm not allowed to have any say in the upbringing of this person (SD14), I shouldn't be required to leave her any part of my estate.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

You know...SD14 is even more screwed, and that is probably why DH got upset. For a moment, when I said his estate would be 50/50 between me and SD14, I was wrong now that I read that again. If DH passes before me, I get 50%, and the other 50% is split 3 ways between BD22, BS19, and the law. Not my problem, though. If DH will not even stand up for me against SD14, why should I even care!

elle94's picture

Yes, she is screwed. but why should you work hard all your life only to have all the benefits go to SD14 (and others). personally, i have no grandparents left, no inheritance, and when my parents pass, i'm not expecting to get anything bec. they really don't have much and never had. i've always had to earn my own money. and i'm working hard now to save for my own retirement. if your DH and his Ex aren't teaching their kids the meaning of hard work and being self-sufficient, then those kids are doomed. plain and simple. -- anyway, sorry to be so opinionated, but watching my own step shits go thru their self-entitled little lives gets me fired up. lol

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Oh, I get you completely! BD22 works two jobs, since she isn't going to school, so she can live without roommates. BS19 is getting ready to head off to college...partially to continue to play football, but also because he knows he can't make jack for himself out there in the real world without an education. He has basically worked since he was 14 so he could have extra spending money...worked as a bus boy for some friends of ours for a while who owned a restaurant, and when he got the opportunity, went to work for Lowes. We are just waiting to see what the financial aid will be before he decides if he will keep the job, but already said he will get a transfer to where he is going if he has to. But that is the way my kids were raised. SD14 always had dear daddy forking over a butt load of child support, and then BM demanding he and all kinds of other people buy SD14 what ever else she when she moved in here, she thought he was daddy warbucks! Wrong!!! She has been told no multiple times, and throws a huge fit every time because she thinks she should just get whatever she wants. Think again dear!

elle94's picture

cool. sounds like your children are on the right path. they are ambitious and hard working --> 2 very good qualities to have!

Modernworld1011's picture

Agreed! Not just divorced parents, but many parents seem to be afraid of hurting their child's feelings or having any expectations of them. One person actually remarked that it "breaks his heart to think the this children could have ever been unhappy because of him."It blew me away. It is a parents job to teach and prepare, and in doing both of those things you are going to make a kid unhappy more than once. It's like these people have their entire self worth wrapped in whether their kids like them or not. It is selfish to the kids they purport to love so much. They will be woefully underprepared for the realities of a world that does not think
twice about hurting their feelings or telling them the unvarnished truth. What will really be sad is when all of these super pal type parents are older and have no savings because they spent it all giving their kids the world, will come to their kids needing help, and the me generation will be too preoccupied with themselves to care. I come in part from the Asian culture and yes most Asians will give the shirts off of their backs for their kids, but it understood that the kid will be respectful and that the child has a duty and an obligation to take care of their parents in their elder years. My other half, selfish as the day is long and the more they are given the more they believe they are owed.

Delphi's picture

Yes - I believe it's called "Child Centered Parenting" and personally, I think it will be the ruin of our society.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Isn't it the truth? Even the kids today make me not want to leave the house! I do my grocery shopping early Saturday morning...even set my alarm so I don't miss that very specific window. DH doesn't get it, until one Saturday I couldn't go early in the morning because of a function that I had to work for the school. We went in the afternoon. Rude people who didn't care if anyone else got their groceries, only that they got whatever it is that they are there for. Kids, who when told no to something, would start screaming their heads off, and I do mean scream! This one kid...started screaming while we were in the same isle. We purposely went the opposite direction from them...from the complete opposite side of the grocery store (and this is not a small grocery store), over the music playing in the store and all the other talking, you could still hear that very same kid screaming!!! This was like 10 minutes after it started (and I recognized the scream very well)! There is no way it would have ever gotten to that when my kids were small like that! We would have a trip to the bathroom, or I would not hesitate to find an associate, apologize for having to leave my cart, and just leave! Luckily, it never got to the leave part with my kids...usually just the threat of going to the bathroom was enough. They knew if I was suggesting a bathroom trip, and they weren't telling me they really had to go potty, a spanking was in their future that they didn't want, and would instantly grow wings and a halo...LOL!

It is sad when you can't go to the store, sit somewhere and have a meal, etc. without some screaming kid. Too many times, just to shut the kid up and keep everyone else from staring at them, the parents give in to give the kid what they want, which only reinforces the as the years go by, the fits continue...they just change. When they are teenagers, they then stomp around and slam things, while raising their voice at their parents, until they get their way! And the parents still do nothing, but rather give in to make the fit stop. UGH! It sickens me!

Calypso1977's picture

it used to be there were just certain places you knew you could go that would be kid free, like an elegant restaurant or any restaurant after, say, 8pm. now the little darlings are brought EVERYWHERE at ANY TIME of the day or night.

its at a point now that i take the time to thank parents who have well behaved children at nice establishments. believe me, it takes little time because its so infrequent that i encounter such situations. and they are usually very grateful to hear that their hard work and discipline has not gone unnoticed.

fiance and i are big cruisers - i cant stand the kids that run wild and unsupervised. we are wise and never cruise in the summer and always make sure we avoid school vacation periods, but even then, kids galore. we're sort of at that "gap age" (we are 37 and 45) where we arent ready for Princess and Celebrity Cruises where its few kids but everyone is over 60 and no one gets drunk or likes to party and the younger cruise lines where theres tons to do and drink but kids are everywhere.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

That is my vacation of choice, too. So inexpensive! We were on one in January...there were a few kids, but yeah...pushing their way in front of you in line to get something on the Lido deck all the time (sorry, that piece of chocolate cake you want does not give you permission to be a rude brat). Luckily, it seems most of them were in the kids' camp most of the day, and we didn't see them most of the time, and our dining room table was in a corner away from most of the kids in our dining room. The safety briefing was the worst, though...and they started late trying to make sure everyone was where they were supposed to be...I was like, "Get on with it so I can get out of this enclosed space with these brats!" Of course, when you saw how many adults could not follow the simple instructions about going to the briefing, you kinda wasn't surprised at why kids are the way they are today! I don't like the safety briefing either, but come is required, and the sooner everyone gets to their stations and it gets done, the sooner everyone can enjoy the vacation!

Oh, and restaurants...a pet peeve of mine. One should be able to tell by the ambiance that people who typically go there do not expect screaming kids! When my kids were younger, the "fanciest" place they went to was Chili's or Applebees...seriously! Even then, we would go before 8:00 p.m., as we understood that after that, it was mostly an adult crowd wanting to drink and such. Anything higher class than that was reserved for date nights!

Calypso1977's picture

also, what is up with the damn mess people leave? it angers me when they bring kids and they leave food ALL OVER THE FLOOR under the table, high chair, etc. expecting the waitress to clean it up after they leave. do they allow this at home?

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

I know, right? Especially bad at fast food places! Don't they realize that it is NOT the job of the workers to pick up the trash? Sure, they will if it is there, but especially during rushes, the workers are usually kept too busy to go out in the dining area and pick up trash. What ends up happening is someone wanting a seat ends up picking up the mess of the person behind them, and that is surely not right! Then, those people yell at the staff that the table wasn't clean! Seriously? I worked fast food when I was in high me...those folks do not get paid enough to put up with that crap! And when there is a rush? Yeah, usually you have just enough people to man the counter, the drive through, and the food prep. They go out and sweep the dining room and such when things slow down, and they do not need all 2-3 people at the counter.

Or how about the parents that sit there and laugh while their kids are throwing food and stuff around in a restaurant! I've been hit by flying food as a patron, and it isn't fun. Sorry, I didn't wear my nice clothes out for your kid to fling a ketcup-covered french fry at me! Are you going to pay for my now stained shirt?

Ladybug55's picture

I have experienced this entitlement mentality with my skids for the whole seven years of our marriage. MSD is the worst offender. She thinks that she can have the rights as an adult when making decisions like what house to rent. The sad thing is that my husband allows it much of the time. I have been vilified when I point out the fact that she is only a child. Fortunately, my husband is listening to me, but only after I have strongly objected to being treated as if I was on the same level as his children.
Our newest drama involves the MSD thinking she deserves an allowance when she consistently complains about the one chore that she does on a daily basis. She states that if only we will pay her, she will not complain. I tell her that until she can do the chore without complaint; she will not get paid; period. It is offensive to me that she feels entitled to get paid for simple household chores like the dishes. I don't mind paying for extra chores and we have tried to implement an incentive program in the past, but the girls still begged their father to pay for things and the whole reason for the program fell apart.

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Yeah...what is that? So, is the government going to have to create a fund to pay people to pick up their own messes? I mean, that is basically what your MSD is saying! I'm sure the one chore she is asked to do is something she contributes to (trash, dishes, dirt on the floor), while others do other things that this MSD also contributes to the mess, but she is basically asking to be paid to clean up her own mess? SD15 is like this...thinks she should get an allowance to take out the trash, when she contributes to more than 50% of the trash in the house! So, you want to be paid to clean up your own mess, because you are being asked, "Since you are heading toward the trash can anyway, take the whole bag?"

Not the Brady Bunch's picture

Yes, yes and yes. Calling legal adults "children." Excusing the inexcusable, yada yada yada