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QueenBeau's picture

I have a feeling a lot of these new posters are trolls. I really think we should stop feeding them.

idk y but it annoys me to think that we are really digging to give good advice & it's just some jerk making up something to make us all upset.

morethanibargainedfor's picture

Hey now! I'm new. I'm not a troll lol

I'm just a SM looking for a place to vent and for some advice.

When you google "I hate my SD" or "Step parent issues" this is the first site that comes up and honestly all of you on here have some great blogs and great advice and I was BLOWN AWAY by how many people on here have the same issues and feel the same way I do. I totally thought I was alone in all of my feelings.

With the divorce rate being over 50% and growing I think you will see a lot of new people on here, because lets face it, over the age of 25 its hard to find someone to date or marry who doesn't already have kids. And with all the entitlement the kids feel these days, I'm sure there is an increasing amount of frustrated SM's.

And if there are Trolls, well I feel bad for them lol. Spending your days messing with innocent SM's is a pretty sad way to live

QueenBeau's picture

I'm not saying you are but we have had a string of strange posts. Everyone has a stream of pregnant gfs they've known 5 minutes etc. It's weird. LOL

We get new people allllllll the time, heck I'm even a new member (been reading for years though) but when you're new & posting for advice & insulting everyone that responds... I kinda feel like maybe it's a troll.

morethanibargainedfor's picture

Yeah I did notice the pregnant girlfriend thing and thought that was weird. People are messed up! LOL

QueenBeau's picture

Yes. Like if he wanted to help his GF he could send her to this site, she's the 'stepmom' but even then she's only known the guy a couple months so she's not really a 'stepmom' to his child at all.

Disneyfan's picture


I'm so sick of kids becoming victims of the stupid choices adults makes.

Shaman29's picture

As I said to my niece when she told me she had an accident and was pregnant, "Hmmmm....I you slipped and fell naked on his dick?"

Shaman29's picture

That comment got me kicked out of my sister and BIL's house.

Unfairly I might ask, because they asked me what I thought and I said, you don't want to know. They insisted. I told them. I got kicked out.

Amber Miller's picture

My cheap, trashy SD fell accidentally on at least 5 dicks that I know of in 5 months with the goal in mind of getting pregnant. The lucky guy was #5; princess brat got pregnant. She did this all for attention. Told the guys that she was on birth control; damn liar. She now lives off the government, taxpayers and the child's father in the form of child support. What a winner.

lshiflet's picture

Me 2 . Grew up Duluth mn upper east side and had to explain to other kids what divorce is. Normal families are freakin cool. FERTILE PEOPLE are too. Unfortunately my mom and I neither been fertile. Raising other beefy dudes creations

Sparklelady's picture

Funny, I was thinking the same thing with a few of the newer posts. I thought, this person can't be for real! But then I thought, so many birth moms we deal with are total close-minded psychos, it's not beyond the realm of possibility that some stepmoms/dads on this site would also be close-minded psychos LOL

Oh well, I guess we can just consider them our entertainment Smile (you're right though, it is annoying to put genuine advice out to those who have no intention of taking it)

QueenBeau's picture

Lol yeah I feel like those posts are so shocking too that they get all the attention & like 100 responses where genuine, less 'shocking' posts may get passed over.

Disneyfan's picture

The SM/BM kept coming back the other day. She would never say what the SM did to her kids. All she would reveal was that SM wasn't white.

morethanibargainedfor's picture

Maybe she got scared off because basically everyone told her she was a racist and it shouldn't matter what race the SM is

Disneyfan's picture

She is a racist. SM's SM skin color should not matter at all.

Did you notice she never said one thing the SM did to hurt her kids. She was just the "wrong" color.

Generic's picture

There is no way that woman was NOT a troll. People don't spout off that kind of racist crap anymore. If there are any racists left, they know better than to put it all out there on a forum

Shaman29's picture

You know....I need to read that blog again, because I don't remember her specifying the race of the SM.

It could very well be the OP was of a different ethnicity and the SM was white. Doesn't change the fact she's racist.

farting_glitter's picture

and there are "new" posters that say they have been "lurking" for awhile but refuse to actually post a blog...all they do is post comments on others blogs and most of their "comments" are negative...shady....

Shaman29's picture

Yes and now we have to sacrifice a virgin in order to get the t-words to go back under the bridge!

Shaman29's picture

And now that I know.........Muuuuwwwwwaaaaahahahahahahaha.

tiggidy08's picture

I don't post much and maybe I'm biased because I've been reading for a long time but I like seeing the familiar people post. I like reading how you all are doing and when a new person comes on it's kinda weird (I know, strange coming from me).

kalinda's picture

I am new here and the last time i looked in the mirror I wasn't a troll LOL. I love reading and relating with all of the posts and have greatly appreciated the advice I have been given on the 2 occasions I have made a post. I am currently taking some of that advice and am reading Stepmonster and Divorce Poison. If it hadn't been for this site I would have never known about the books.

QueenBeau's picture

I'm not saying all new people are trolls, just some are blatantly obviously trying to pick a fight. Not those who are genuinely needing & listening to advice

mannin's picture

My favorites were the teenager offering advice on how to understand teens followed by the BM offering advice on how to understand BMs. Those were fun.

RedneckAngel's picture

Well I'm new to this board, I was dealing more with being a second wife, even after almost 6 yrs. I like it here and would like to feel welcome. I realize I have not taken an opportunity to blog and I want to, cause I would like advice or input...

QueenBeau's picture

I've seen your posts, you don't seem to be attacking people giving you advice & seem real lol

Shaman29's picture

ktq - you DID NOT just invoke that name. you just open the door to a whole new shade of crazy!!

farting_glitter's picture

I remember that one!!!!

Disneyfan's picture

She was a riot.

Making Christmas decorations about 6 month early.
Complaining about the CS her husband paid BM's parents. It was about $200 in over a two year period for two kids.LOL

How about the SM who had the boyfriend that left BM for her, then left her go back to BM, then left BM again to go back to her?? Then SM and the BF ended up moving into BM's house because they couldn't afford their rent or electric bill!!!

twopines's picture

Disneyfan, Is she the one who, after moving into the BM's house, was doing all the babysitting of the skids, as well as getting up with baby skid at night?I seem to remember the parents napping a lot, not working, in school, or some such thing.

Disneyfan's picture


While they were living in BM's home, theb parents would disappear for a bit and leave SM at home with the kids.

luchay's picture

OMG - she was a piece of work wasn't she!!

The poor helpless disabled twin who she wanted custody of so she could discipline him....

SecondGeneration's picture

Im half new, I had an account before but to be honest I first found everyone so damn negative I had a hissy fit and left.
I still think alot of people are negative but I also realise that I am very lucky with the sitation with my SDs BM since she hasnt "yet" caused any issues, however the same cannot be said for my sister.
I have just posted about it and yes it does sound like something out of a tv soap and it wouldnt surprise me if you thought it was a troll post but sadly its real

AmIWicked's picture

I wonder why of all places step talk would be a place to troll...but then I don't understand why people troll at all...
My nephew has admitted to me that he will troll sites (he does not know I'm on this one). But he is 16, without a girlfriend and lives on computers. When he told me this, my first thought was, "God please show him the light and get him away from his Damn keyboard" haha

But in really thinking about it, I can't imagine anyone past college age that would have enough time to troll. I mean it is amazing that I get the laundry of five people done and have time to myself at all let alone have time to jerk other people around for hours a day with made up stories.

Dizzy's picture

Hi! I appear to be new, but I accidentally posted SD's name when I first tried to post about obtaining an RO. I had to delete my old account, which was fine, because I didn't like my username anyway. Lol

(Glad my RO post wasn't one of the "suspicious" user posts discussed on this thread!)

luchay's picture

oh yes, I remember her too - she was pretty recent.

How many step/adopted kids and BM's were there again?