Husband pays BM more than child support
Hi everybody, just looking for some advice.
My husband has twins from a previous marriage, we also have a baby boy together. He pays his child support every week, never missed a payment. However, BM expects him to pay half of everything. Half of their sports, Boy Scouts, school supplies, clothes, etc. We also buy their winter jackets and school sneakers every year, and pay for their cell phones every month. As I'm sure you can guess, paying all that on top of the CS, plus maintaining our household has made it so we are broke. The I feel guilty to buy my son a three dollar shirt at old navy kind of broke. BM and her boyfriend are having no such difficulties. My husband tried to stand up to her at first, saying that's why he paid CS, so she could take care of the kids. (He had custody of them up until two years or so ago and she never payed him a dime) She told him he was a deadbeat father and that he doesn't love his kids because he has a new family with me. When I have talked with him about it he says that he doesn't want the kids to think he doesn't want to provide for them (because that's what they're mom told them.) He gives her waaaay too much power, and I got that under control before we were married, but he is still scared of her and doesn't want her upset so he pays her constantly. We honestly can't afford it. I'm wearing clothes that are 3 sizes too big, and I asked my parents to buy my son clothes for Xmas instead of toys because we can't afford it right now. (This is so embarrassing to share!) I don't know what I can do to make him realize that he needs to stop and support us. If anyone has advice or first hand experience please please help. I would appreciate it so much.
what does the divorce decree
what does the divorce decree say?
my fiance's plan states clearly that he is responsible for CS, nothing more. i know soem agreemetn state that things like activities are 50-50, but absent that language, his only requirement is the CS.
not sure how old the kids are but my fiance is open with his 13 year old abotu how much money he gives her mother. from day one he told her the amount in response to her initial demands of "buy me this buy me that". it worked as she now knows not to ask for things as his standard line is "go as your mother, that's what the XX in child support i give her each month is meant for".
Agree with everything that
Agree with everything that you say! I was going to post the same thing
Do not let BM control your money. If DH is paying CS well that is enough. If he wants to pay for extras then so be it.
He needs to learn to not let BM make him feel like a bad guy.
If the skids are old enough, he can even talk to them about it. In a kid friendly way of course.
It just says how much he is
It just says how much he is responsible for each week and that he has to have insurance on them. His twins are 13 also. He is kind of open with them.
They are not allowed to bring anything from her house to ours, clothes, shoes, toys, anything. So they end up wearing clothes that are years old and don't match to our house. He always says how he gives her extra money to buy them clothes on top of the child support, but they don't seem to understand. His daughter (they are boy/girl twins) always tells him that he never does anything for them and never buys them clothes or anything. She just repeats everything her mom tells her. He always tells her that's why he gives their mother money but she doesn't get it. So then he ends up spending more money we don't have to buy her new clothes for here. It's just getting to be too much.
so if he must do somethign
so if he must do somethign extra, have him buy clothes that stay at your house. obviously giving her the money for clothes is going no where.
It really depends on what the
It really depends on what the court has decided to make him pay. My boyfriend has to pay CS, keep his daughter on his insurance, and pay for half of all medical, dental, and school expenses (things like school supplies or field trips). He does not pay for clothes that are at BM's house...that is why he is giving her CS. Cell phone bills need to be split 50/50. There is no way your husband should be paying for clothes, food, or anything else that is staying at BM house. Stick to the court order. I understand he doesn't want his children to feel he doesn't want to contribute to them, but he also has a young son who is getting the short end of the stick.
Is the extra stuff in the CS
Is the extra stuff in the CS order? Where I live you have to share those kind of extra costs and the percent you pay is based on your DH's income versus the BM's (the spouse's is not taken into consideration). My DH pays 80% of all extra's on top of CS, and he has joint custody. In some places that is the way it works and there is nothing you can legally do to change it, it doesn't matter to any judge that BM's household is actually better off then our's is because she's the one getting the CS and her partner has a good job. If you live somewhere were CS works differently then maybe you can change it, if your system is the same as mine it won't happen
I live in Maine. I'm about
I live in Maine. I'm about 95% sure that's not how it is here. I've honestly never seen any body in my state giving the BM more than the child support.
I'm starting to think we have
I'm starting to think we have the worst CS in the world lol. I'd definitely stop paying the extra's for BM if you don't have to by law, she is being given the money for the kids so she should spend it on them, otherwise CS is just making her richer.
I don't have really great
I don't have really great advice for you regarding your CS issues, however, I can say please don't be embarressed about having to ask for help from your parents. Most of us have been there before.
My husband had the same
My husband had the same worries yours has...that the kids would think he didn't want to provide for them. That's what BM told them and everyone else. It took having a lawyer look over his decree and telling him to not pay one single dime more than the CS he already paid.
There are a lot of people in here who think CS and other adult business should not be discussed with the kids. In this case I highly disagree. He showed them how CS is determined, how he was already paying way more than the state requires, and that from now on he just couldn't afford to get the extras that were already included in the CS he gave their mom. She would have to use CS for xyz because that it's what it is for.
They were old enough to understand and I think it was absolutely necessary that they see evidence that he is not a deadbeat. This isn't appropriate in all cases, but with their ages and the extent of attempted PAS going on, I'm glad he showed them. He didn't bad mouth their mom (even though she deserves it). He just explained the way the system works.
This sounds like it actually
This sounds like it actually might help a lot. Thank you
I so agree with you! This
I so agree with you! This past Christmas he explained to them that because we had a new baby and money was kind of right that it wouldn't be a giant Christmas like they are used to. They're used to like $500 being spent on each of them at both our house as well as BM's house. His daughter had the nerve to say that my son didn't need presents because he is a baby. I was livid. They get to have 2 christmas' but my son doesn't deserve any? Anyway. Recently I was talking with my step mom and she wanted to join a baby yoga class with me and my baby sister. I talked with my husband and we couldn't afford it. Which is fine. You can't do everything you want. But how is it fair that he's willing to pay an arm and a leg to her so their kids can do tooooons of extracurriculars, while I can't do one thing with our baby? Not cool.
The divorce decree just says his CS amount and that he needs to pay their insurance. That's all.
Then I would put your foot
Then I would put your foot down. The CS is suppose to pay for everything, they can go home in the clothes they came in and seriously that is way to much for Christmas. Maybe he is also not good at budgeting, and you need to take over, give him an allowance or something?? Or anything extra after bills needs to also be approved by the other. I don't know what else to advise except you probably have to be blunt and tell him in no uncertain terms, that you won't tolerate that anymore. Sorry I know that is difficult, but he is financially bankrupting you because his ex is holding his feelings hostage.
As for her having full custody, be grateful because I think that is what is probably keeping you sane. So I wouldn't want more visits etc. I already see these kids causing trouble for you, and your child.
We actually just started that
We actually just started that this past month! Mama's in charge of the money now
Thank you for the advice. I think that is how it will have to be. Just honesty. I'll just say we can't afford it. The judge picked that amount for a reason, because it was a good chunk of his income but not too much. There's a whole formula to it for a reason. It's not you pay this amount, then whatever else your ex says too. It's so frustrating.
Take a look at their divorce
Take a look at their divorce decree. He shouldn't be giving her any more than he's court-ordered to give her. Also look up your state's laws on CS, and CS guidelines. CS is supposed to be used for the stuff he's giving her extra money for.
If you work and help pay the
If you work and help pay the household bills, the quickest way to get him to stop giving her money, is to start withholding your money. It won't take him long to figure out he can't support two homes. It's pretty easy to hand over extra money when you have someone at home to pick up the slack.
If don't work, get a job so that you will have the funds you need for yourself and your son. Refuse to use any of your money to help out with the bills until he stops giving BM extra money.
Convo to have with DH
Convo to have with DH TODAY....
YOU: I want you to just pay CS and no extras or at least split some of the extras with BM. Our child deserves to have US buy him clothes and essentials also. Right now, I am a grown, married, woman that is having to have my parents buy my kid clothes. Aren't you embarrassed by that DH?
DH: But BM will tell them I dont' pay for them and ect.
YOU: Then you tell them the truth. All of these kids need to be treated the same and our son is being treated like a dog because of you.
YOU: No buts!!!!! I do not want a divorce and I am not saying that I will do this, but what do you think will happen if I can't take anymore of this and we have to divorce? I guess I will get the same sweet deal BM gets and then I can afford clothes for OUR son.
DH: I will tell BM to jump in lake.
"I will tell BM to jump in a
"I will tell BM to jump in a lake"
I just laughed so hard at that. Thank you. I really needed a laugh.
This is actually good advice. My son deserves to be treated equally. Mama bear has come out a few times because of this, but then he always turns it into that he is depressed that she has custody of them now and that he wants to make sure they get to do whatever they want. (Apparently our son doesn't deserve that though)
Of course he is going to do
Of course he is going to do this if it has worked in the past.
I also agree, that you should ask him if you have to divorce him so you can buy things for your son.
She's going to tell them he's
She's going to tell them he's a deadbeat who does nothing for them even if he pays for EVERYTHING including her car and home!
He needs to STOP IT RIGHT NOW!
Pay the CS, pay for whatever he's ordered but NOT A PENNY MORE!!!
Why is he scared of his ex
Why is he scared of his ex wife? What is he afraid she will do if he upsets her?
Keep the kids from him. Make
Keep the kids from him. Make them think that he's a deadbeat. Make them think they don't want to see him. That kind of thing.
She can't keep the kids from
She can't keep the kids from him if he has a CO and he's going to have to get over the rest. Or she will own him forever.
Maybe he needs to be afraid of YOU.
I said that just the other
I said that just the other day. I'm naturally a calm person, and she is exactly the opposite. I told him that if he wants me to be like her and blow up all the time and guilt him into things that's fine, it's obviously what he responds to, but that's why he divorced her and we'll probably end up in the same boat.
way better to combat the PAS
way better to combat the PAS that BM will unleash than to let her lead your family around on a leash forever
He needs to put YOUR
He needs to put YOUR household as priority too. He pays his court ordered responsibilities but nothing else unless you guys decide TOGETHER that you can afford it. Otherwise, he will soon have ANOTHER BM to pay CS to!
Separate your finances he
Separate your finances he wants to throw his money away fine, but it is NOT your responsibility to provide for his and BM's kids. He pays cs for fucks sake he's doing his kids no favors in life just to shut up his ex. What makes a deadbeat here's an example. A man with 2 intelligent well raised children a boy a girl (the girl just turned 18) he quits his job just before court to modify cs and gets it abated doesn't have to pay a cent. Lives 2 blocks from said kids, they pass his home daily. He gets angry if they ask for rides, or to come for dinner, or homework help because "Well obviously your mother is failing at managing you kids." That, that is a deadbeat. Those are my kids. Do I tell them he's a deadbeat? No. Do I tell them he doesn't provide for them? No. Do they know it though. They sure do cause the moment he got his cs abated he stopped asking for them extra (which I always gave him) They know why. what they'd want more than anything, if he wanted them, fought for them, gave up pot for them. He made his choices.
Being there, being involved, giving a damn will always mean more than throwing money at them. I wouldn't even care about the cs if he wanted them.
TIME OUT!!! How many years
TIME OUT!!! How many years did he care for them and had custody when BM did NOT pay CS? I can see him also carrying insurance. As for anything else,BM needs to assume payment of NOTHING! As for paying for cell phones...NOT NO...BUT HELL NO!
YUP, what everyone else is
YUP, what everyone else is saying... "what is on the divorce decree?" because it does clearly indicate whether he has to pay half of kids expenses on top of child support. I know my husbands divorce decree states that he has to pay CS and half of expenses (medical, school clothes, etc). Unfortunately him and his ex do not follow the decree b/c he pays her CS and pays for everything! She refuses to work and doesnt spend one dime of her CS on the kids expenses whatsoever.
Sorry you are broke and your husband is exhausting all the money on his other family. I hope you guys can figure it out and come to an agreement about these things.
Our attorney told us to make
Our attorney told us to make sure not to pay not one dime more than the CO required. Anything over that amount is considered a gift and in doing so continually it can be brought to court for a CS change that he can afford to pay it because he already does and the CS can be changed to add those extra amounts. And she will still want more on top of that.
We rarely pay out any extra. It so far has never been asked of us but once in a while we have tried to do extra like the time we had the YS16 in the winter and she had no coat. Told me she didn't have one. I went right to the store and let her pick one out. That was Dec 2012. I have not seen that coat once since.
Or the time had her and went to town. Her sneakers were rubbing blisters on her feet. Said BM got them at the thrift store. Took her right then for new sneakers. I saw her wear them that day and then saw them again in a pic but not since.
We also bought a few school supplies this past year but they were minimal as the SD16 couldn't or wouldn't tell us what she needed.
I'm not going to allow our hard earn money to go to someone else's household if it is not required.
As for the shoes and coat, I'm not sure if the SD16 just doesn't wear them or does so when she is not with us or if her mom did something with them.
The only times you have to pay for extras is when it is written in the CO. If the kids question it or say things about it then sit them down for a talk. If they are big enough to question an adult then they are big enough to hear the truth.
It really ticks me off that most people think only the father or only the mother pays child support. That is not correct. They both pay child support. The reason one pays to the other is because of an income difference.
Yes yes yes yes. This is
Yes yes yes yes. This is exactly my thought.
We buy them clothes a lot, toys, electronics, daddy spares no expense for them, but then they bring it all to BM's house and we never see it again. Because everything is at her house, and the money comes out of her pocket, even if daddy put it there, they think she does everything and we do nothing. They are old enough to have a sit down about it I think. I just need to make DH realize. I'm sick of her being in charge of our household. When our son was born she told hubby that I had to nurse our son in the bedroom because she didn't want her kids to see that. He tried to enforce it. I laughed in his face and told him that this was my house, if he wants her to make the rules he's free to get back with her.
She has her own house to
She has her own house to makes rules in. Tell her if seeing you nurse your child is so traumatizing then she would just need to keep them at home.
It sounds like she had him whopped while they were married and neither one of them know how to stop. She does it and he allows it. He needs to cut the strings to her totally.
Make a rule that they can't take what you buy them to her house. Explain that you hate for it to be that way but it is what it is. She is always going to try to make him look bad. Just let go and they will see what is going on. It may take a while but it will happen.
New rule to him-Tell him to retrieve his balls from her hands or there will be no more baby making going on in your household. We wouldn't want sensitive ears to hear that now would we. }:)
I told him that if he doesn't
I told him that if he doesn't stop acting like their still married and she's the boss he's gonna be paying me CS too. That stopped most of it
She won't even talk to him anymore anyways, (unless it's a text asking for money of course) hasn't talked to him in ages, I don't know how he's still so whipped! I told him I'd like to take lessons from her! He didn't think it was that funny.
I know your husband feels
I know your husband feels like he doesn't want to rock the boat and doesn't want his kids to feel any less of him but he has to stop bending over backward to provide extra. How does he think your bio is going to feel years down the road when he finds out that his dad made him do without so the others could have their hearts desire.
How does he think this is fair to you his wife? He needs to worry about you and keeping you happy. The BM is in the past. She needs to put her big girl panties on and provide more for her household if she needs it. I hate hate hate greedy people who want to do nothing for themselves.
If BM has them in activities that they both agree on then what would it hurt if he helped if he could? If he has no say so in the activities then he needs to tell her to kiss is butt.
Ultimately what he is teaching the children is that all they need to do is say "jump" and he will say "how high". He is setting them up for failure. Not to mention but you can't buy your children's love. That is earned. So is respect and they are old enough to know that they aren't really respecting him by saying some of the things they have but he is umbling to their mom and they see that as a weakness.
As long as he allows this, it will continue and it will at some point start to break you down and you will start to feel resentment. I would hate to see it come to that. Tough love is needed here. That and to tell BM to kiss off with all her extras.
Instead of giving her the money that he knows not where it goes, maybe he should buy them things to keep at your house such as clothes. But don't pile it on. Make them earn it.
That's exactly it. She signs
That's exactly it. She signs them up for all these things. Then calls and says yeah I needs $100 for this ones softball and this ones karate. And I need it tomorrow. When we didn't even agree to pay for them to do those things. Granted I want them to do fun activities, but we can't afford it right now. Granted we are not in debt at all. But we definitely don't have a bunch extra.
How about what she signs them
How about what she signs them up for near her house she pays. What you guys sign them up for you pay. That's how we did it because she had the child support which was suppose to pay for all that. This is not making sense to me. This woman is double dipping, lol!! Sorry to hear all that, but I guess it's something you have to change with your dh, he's allowing it, so of course she is going to take advantage.
She wants them to play then
She wants them to play then she needs to pay or ask in advance if he can help and then he needs to discuss it with you. You all have a partnership and discussion goes along way.
I divorced my first husband in the mid eighties. I got $300 per month CS. My kids were 3 and 5 at the time and I never had that amount changed. I figured he needed money as well to move on in his life and why did I deserve to get it. Yes I am a very good ex wife if I say so and he will tell you that as well.
Anyway, my children were in boy scouts, girl scouts, baseball, football cheerleading etc. Guess who paid for all of that? I did and at the time I also had 2 stepsons that did they same things. Who paid for that? I did. Why? Because it was what I chose for them to do. $300 went no where so it all came out of my pocket. I never once asked there other parents for anything except for when both my kids needed braces so I asked their dad and of course he paid.
Just another greedy entitled BM raising her kids to be the same.
Whoa, whoa. I'm not sure f I
Whoa, whoa. I'm not sure f I miss wrote but we are in no way financial dependent on my parents. I stay home with our son, and he provides for us. I appreciate him greatly for that. What I meant to write if maybe I didn't was that he didn't leave us extra money. She's always asking and he's always paying. So I don't have money to spend and things I want vs need. He does okay favorites bad, and we've talked a few times about it. The thing with his ex has only started since we had our son. She thinks she's entitled to all kinds of money now for some reason? And he does piss me off greatly by giving in. We have discussed that he needs to get his manhood back from her if he wants to keep the ring on my finger. His response was that he only does it for the kids. He wants them to have the best and be able to do everything they want to do.
Time for you to give DH some
Time for you to give DH some clarity and show him where to reach between his legs and grab a big old handfull of man sack.
Pay CS and only the CS. If it is not in the CO, then it is on the CP/BM to pay it. End of discussion.
The problem is that these breeding for dollars prostitution on the insallment plan BMs need to live within their means and actually be accountable for contributing to the support of their own children.
Your DH needs to man up and realize that he owes his XW nothing beyond the CS for his children. PERIOD!
He has a wife and child to support at home. They take precident over his XWs wish list for money.
I'd pull out all the
I'd pull out all the cancelled child support checks he paid their mother since day one. Add them up and put the checks in a pile on the dining room table. Set the girls down and tell them to look through the checks and ask them to guess how much it is. My bet is they'll underestimate the total but whatever it is I'd then tell them the actual dollar amount and tell them they're welcome to add them up themselves.
I'd then tell them that the State of XXX has carefully worked out how much it costs for parents to raise their children and that amount includes housing including heating and water, school expenses such as pencils and yearbooks as well as food and clothing.
Then he tells them that what he has paid represents one half of the cost of taking care of them. Then I'd pull out the extra checks and tell them that I have paid this extra money because I didn't want you two to think I was neglecting your welfare but now I'm finding out your mother is lying to you about this so I told you the truth here and I'm going to stop sending your mother this extra money.
From now on if you feel you need something extra you talk to your mother about it. If she thinks its not included in the weekly check she can discuss it with me and if I think its a true extra I'll pay her half.
I'd say to them that "You girls are old enough to know the truth and its time your mother stopped misleading you". Then ask if they have any questions.
This is absolutley the right
This is absolutley the right thing to do and the best way to address this situation with the Skids.
IMHO of course.