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Is it true that step daughters are more wicked than step sons?

stepmom29's picture

My long term boyfriend has a bio daughter who is eight years old. We both want to get married someday. (Actually, we are engaged)

I have been asking my friends who are in the blended family situation, they all say that for stepmoms, stepdaughters are much more difficult to get along with. Majority of them behave like mini wives and they are very territorial. I have to say I agree with my friends.

My boyfriend's daughter is very spoiled. For example, every single time, she doesn't get her way, she screams and yells. She kicked me one time by accident and never offered an apology. My boyfriend told her to apologize and she never did. well, I simply don't care, she is not my kid and she is not my problem.

My boyfriend does discipline his daughter, but in my opinion, not enough. I am saying this not because I am jealous. I have two baby nephews and they are great kids. If my nephews screams, yells or kicks people, my whole family would discipline them and make sure they'd never do it again.

It looks like my boyfriend is a typical guilt dad whom I cannot respect. He's a great guy and he treats me very well, I wonder now maybe step daughters by nature just brings more trouble and dramas.

I don't recall my nephews have given anybody any grief. Any opinions on this topic? Thanks

Sparklelady's picture

I have to agree with catmom for my situation as well. SS can be annoying as heck sometimes, but SD took it to the level of total bitch.

But really, what she may or may not be like as she gets older is irrelevant. You already said you couldn't respect your fiancée as the typical guilt dad. You should not marry him in that case. At least not without a lot of premarital counselling and more time on this site!

Orange County Ca's picture

If you don't respect your fiancé, if you two aren't on the same page in raising children, discipline and such, then you've got the wrong guy. Find a fellow who doesn't have kids and start your own family.

Stop and think what you are doing. This kid and this guy will be your whole life.

stepmom29's picture

I agree. My boyfriend's daughter calls herself "I am the prettiest princess in the world." :sick: She acts like a princess too.

tired and stressed's picture

I have 2 SSs and I SD, I will take the SSs ANY DAY!!. Boys in general are more laid back, in my opinion. SS will always defend his BM, but they are never as bitchy as SDs. Boys are also a lot cheaper when you have to "buy" their love as most Disney dads do.
It will only get worse when she becomes a teen (any girl is worse, bio or step).
My SD was 16 when I got pregnant with 2nd. She would not speak to either one of us until my ultrasound showed I was having another boy. She sent my FDH a text when she heard, "Good, I am still the only princess." Then she started talking to us. BTW we had 50/50 custody so it was bad for a while.
So if at 8, she is already talking about being his princess, well, sorry not going to change and it will get worse if you have a girl

Goincrazy40's picture

My DH has two kids. Older SS (whom he worships.) SD is younger by two years. BM is an asshat and both kids know it. DH has coddled and spoiled SS, who is becoming an Asshat himself. SD is pleasant little girl in spite of all of this. I can't stand SS. I hope that as SD12 becomes a teen, this doesn't change. I'll have to move out for sure.

FedUpStepMomOF2's picture


Ssamantha's picture

I would say that I have more problems with SS than my SD. My SS is 11 and SD is 14. Everything is Daddy, Daddy....even when he knows Daddy doesn't know the answer to something, he will address it to Daddy even though I am in the room and just gave a 90 minute dissertation on it. Have no idea why he does it, but it annoys me and it annoys DH. Sometimes DH won't even answer him.

Southpaw's picture

SD's are more manipulative with the head games. The SS show more outward aggression which seems to be easier to deal with.


IAMGOOD's picture

NO. My SD is a sweetheart and my SS behaves like a jerk. He is sneaky & manipulative.
She is honest & sincer.

Maybe someday he will change. I am waiting. Smile

FedUpStepMomOF2's picture

Ohhh Yeahhhh love my step son (22) cannot stand my step daughter (18). Hyper sensitive, lying, snooping, stealing daddies girl (and she knows it). Fortunately for you his kids are little. At 8 years old you still have time to win her over. I came in when SD was just turning 13. Good times.