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So done with "ice" days!

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

School is closed today. No ice on the roads...just the 20% threat of precipitation and temps in the 20's. This means that AGAIN, SD14 is stuck at home, and DH is off to work! So guess who has to deal with her all day because I work from home! UGH! She's already out there slamming things around (she doesn't seem to know how to do anything any other is like she is trying to draw attention to herself by being loud). Instead of washing her cereal bowl that has been on the counter for 3 days now (and she has been told at least 10 times by DH to wash), she gets a NEW bowl for her that one is sitting on the counter next to the other one. Here's to a day of the TV blaring the dumbest shows on the planet (Teen Mom, and whatever other garbage she can find to watch), and her stomping around the house bored...for what? I get that the schools are trying to be cautious, but now they are just down right being chicken! No precipitation, and the kids are left at home! Way to go, schools! And it just isn't our started with the city, and all the surrounding districts (including ours) followed suit. UGH! Wish DH had just taken her to cousins or something, since they don't have school, either. Wonder if I could convince my MIL to come get her! Looks like I will be on my mobile access point all day, as SD14 sucks up all the bandwidth on the internet, since DH let her open up a new Facebook account yesterday. Gotta upload all those selfies, you know, to let the world know how bored she is!

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

I need cabinet! I just can't get past the level of laziness...I've seen lazy, but she takes the cake!! The condition of her room, the hallway bathroom, her trash in the hallway, the dishes, NEVER cleaning up any milk or crumbs left on the tables or counters after she gets something to drink or eat (and she is the messiest eater I've seen...if she didn't sit there an play with her food the whole time)...lazy, lazy, lazy! She wants everything done for her! Hope she finds herself a rich man to marry, because I'm not going to be her maid, and she surely is not ever going to make enough money to hire a maid of her own at the rate she is going!

CantKeepDoingThis's picture

Yeah...what is that? Like OUR dryer that we paid for is their other closet or chest of drawers or something? Why do we have to move their crap out of the way to do our own. She never has to move my stuff out of the washer or dryer to do her clothes...but I prefer for my clothes to not smell like mildew or be wrinkled beyond recognition, so I take care of it promptly. Nope, if DH doesn't make her come get her clothing, she will use the dryer as a place to store her clothes.

Today, as I was getting some lunch, I found an empty bread bag in the pantry. SD14 is really the only one to use bread in this house...I can't eat bread, DH typically doesn't have sandwiches, and BS19 prefers tortillas. Whenever SD14 makes a sandwhich, she just going into the pantry and takes two slices out of the bag in if the bag is empty, she doesn't bother to take the bag to the trash can. It is 5 stinkin' feet to the trash can!! Same with the cheese wrappers...just leave them on the counter next to the fridge instead of walking the 5 feet to put them in the trash. She has a trash can in her bathroom right next to her sink, but it must hurt too much to take one step over and put her used makeup wipe in it, so she leaves them all on the counter by the sink...or to bend down and grab her dirty clothes from the floor on the way back to her room after a shower!

I was actually shocked that the hall toilet wasn't disgusting the other day when we had guests...was cleaned like 3 weeks ago when BS22 was here. I guess since SD14 has gone from purging to starving, it is easier to keep the toilet clean.

The level of laziness is astounding!!! It's amazing she even gets up in the morning to go to school! I'm shocked she hasn't asked if there is some way she can just take her classes online from her bed!