This is exactly what I would say: "You are an unfit mother and an ugly person inside and out! I've seen dogs that pay more attention to their offspring than you. It's your fault that your daughter is 9 YO living in a 13 YO body. She hasn't had a good role model so she just decided to stay immature. And it's also your fault that your son is a spoiled brat and cries for ANYTHING!! You and your boyfriend are a worthless piece of crap and I'm sorry that your ex husband loves me and treats me better than he ever treated you. Guess he knew you were a slut and you didn't deserve to be treated any better. Oh and I hate that stupid eyeshadow you wear. Makes you look like a clown!"
All BMs are "psycho". All SMs are "bitches". All exDHs are "abusive" . All SCs are "mentally ill". Strangely, all current DHs are the "most wonderful man on earth" but to the BM they were probably abusive. All DDs and DSs are obedient and well mannered, but to their SMs they are mentally ill.
I would tell her off by saying how horrible a person she is, how much of a manipulative, pyscho, narcissistic, stupid bitch she is and how she should just go hump a cactus.
You are the biggest piece of shit mother I've met and I've met junkies who are better parents than you. It's a good think you got fixed, you should never be allowed to parent. I'd then spit in her face. I honestly can say I've met a heroin junkie mother better than her because that mother did the smart thing and left her children with their father and surrendered her rights.
This is exactly how I feel. BM has crossed so many line and done so much crap talking to the point SS was scared to even mention we went to my families today.
I'm sorry but I have way to many important things to think about or to say to people who could actually understand and listen to rational thoughts.
Sounds like ss13 BM. Claims to be a Christian because she attends church every Sunday. What is that saying? Going to church every Sunday makes you a Christian no more than standing in a garage makes you a car.
She goes to church on Sundays, because the other six days of the week she spends her time being an evil asshole and has to go to church to make herself feel better about being an oxygen wasting scum bag!
What if the services were being conducted in a garage?
I always wondered what POS meant.
"Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned, Nor hell a fury like a woman scorned,"
William Congreve (24 January 1670 – 19 January 1729
The fact that they've been scorned deranges their minds and they cannot be held accountable for their actions criminal as they may be. Being deranged as they are they should be placed in a mental institution for the first five years of a divorce with repeat session added as necessary. And no I'm not talking about the ones proven to be deranged, they all are just as soon as their ex find a new live-in married or not. It should just be automatic. Final decree also includes a commitment order to the asylum.
But in answer to your question there is nothing to be said as not one word of it will registered anyway.
You are disgusting excuse for a human being the fact that 2 children call you mommy is a tragedy. I feel bad for your new fiancé (whome you have been dating for 6 months) and your children whom have to deal with your random and equally disgusting choice of "men". I suppose its not that bad since you did have an affair with your fiancé 4 years ago. However, you should mostly likely stop accusing your exdh of ruining your marriage because he left and take a look in the mirror. While you are at it please go see a psychiatrist about your issues not to be mixed up with a psychologist who cannot prescribe drugs, you will need drugs. Right I forgot you did see one and decided against taking the drugs and now your children suffer... tragedy as I said. You are a liar, a theif, and an alcoholic. Stop stealing money from SO and therefore my family get a job and start paying your own bills. While your at it you might consider spending more time working and less time trying to continue callimg SOs family your own and treating them as such. Once again you are stealing from our family both emotionally and financially.
I hope that everyone who responded to this post got a little relief for a moment. I personally have nothing and everything to say to the BM in my life. Thing is... It would be a lot to type and simply put, ain't nobody got time fah' dat. Some people did need this question though... I just hope it helped in some way. Keep fighting that good fight as step parents. Next to being on the front lines in a war torn country, having this job is the hardest and each and everyone of you are strong. It does get tiring always having to be the bigger person tho, sometimes u just wanna kick a heffa in the face :).... Next topic.... What would u say to your SKs, no filter (yes even if they are 2 and can't understand a thing ur saying).... Oooooooo should interesting.
"You have no character, you have no honor, and you are not a man. You are a worthless piece of shit who perpetrates statutory rape in order to get young women who would have nothing to do with you if they were older to have your children. So far you have raped 3 of them to produce your 4 out of wedlock children. Fortunately the mother of your eldest is a woman of character who dedicated her young adulthood and all of her parenting years to protecting her son from the influences of your shallow and polluted gene pool.
Your own mother is an enabler who supports you only when you are fathering out of wedlock spawn and who paid your child support so that she could attempt to manipulate and control the only young woman who realized that you and your parents are all pieces of shit and not worthy of anything but contempt. Even your own father thinks that you are a waste of skin and a worthless piece of shit. If he only had the balls to get your mother in line maybe you would have had a chance at becoming a viable adult instead of the toothless moron that you are.
My son gets the shallow and polluted end of his gene pool from you but he gets his character, honor and intellect from his mother and from me. We have raised him to be a viable adult and a young man of character. We have also raised him with standards and accountability for his decisions, behaviors and actions with the ability to recognize that you and your entire clan are worthless pieces of shit and at 21 years old he has already outperformed you and every adult in your family .... combined.
Welcome to reality asshole. You will never be anything but a shameful memory to my son and to my family.
Do your children and the world a favor and FUCK OFF AND DIE ALREADY!!!"
I'd say "You should be ashamed of yourself. Posting online how your pussy sounds when someone is fucking you, all the while knowing that your 13 y/o daughter AND 21 y/o son follow you online is beyond disgusting and you should get your kids taken away from you for it. You should be embarrassed that you rock Gucci bags while your 13 y/o daughter has been telling you for MONTHS that she needs underwear & despite you getting 200.00 a week in CS you never seem to have money to buy HER what she needs yet have abundant funds to get drunk 4 days a week. You are as ugly on the inside as you are on the outside and THAT is scary, cause homegirl, your face looks like the crack of a camel's ass. I am sorry that despite you giving my DH TWO kids, he never had the inkling nor the desire to marry your ugly ass and instead walked down the aisle for the first time in his life with a woman that had 3 kids from a previous marriage. That must sting, I know. Sucks to be you bitch."
JustWow - yes, she is seriously a special breed of something that one.
I couldn't make this shit up if I tried. The best part is, that I have screenshot ALL of those posts. I have a feeling, I will need them some day.
To BM, you are the worst mother on the planet....You have royally screwed up your children and everything that has happened and will happen, is your responsibility.
Dear BM aka dipshit:
You are by far the laziest person I've ever encountered and the most fertile. I have had to put up with so much of your deranged shit that I don't even have the slightest inkling of pity for you. However I would love to be a fly on the wall to witness all of the bad karmic moments that you have on a regular 5 minute interval schedule. I feel sorry for your children but not enough to want SS7 in my life more to make up for your inadequacies as a parent. He's 7 and basically fucked for life because of the shitty job you and DH have done as parents. And one last thing, grow the fuck up. Quit living in your fake rainbows and lollipops world and be a functioning adult. You don't have anyone fooled but quite a few convinced that you are mentally deranged and a pathological liar.
I hate you. I have always hated you and wish unspeakable things to happen to you. I think the thing that I hate about you the absolute most, more so than how you've treated my SD13 over the course of her 13 years, is that fact that I'm jealous that she wants to have a good relationship with you so badly that she has dismissed me and thinks I've ruined her life. I hate you for the way things are with SD and myself. I hate you for the way I feel, like a little kid that throws temper tantrums, and can't suck it up and stick out in this nightmare of a life.
It pisses me off and scares me to no end that you say that you've changed and you make other (including my DH) think there is an inkling of hope for your pathetic life. You do not deserve to be on the same planet as the rest of human beings. I hate you for the fact that you have 3 illegitimate children (including a baby) and I cannot seem to get pregnant. I hate you for the fact that you take a lot of my energy and I cannot seem to let it go. I can't wait to NEVER think about you again. I can't wait for this nightmare in my life to be over.
The woman who has been raising your ungrateful brat for 7 years
Oh what a relief it would be to be able to say these things to this woman...
Stop being the town bicycle, word gets around in a small town and your kids have heard about your escapades. Shut down the pity party and start taking care of your kids. How about you spend the CS on the kids and not on beer and cigarettes. Comments to your kids about how you might as well die (when you don't get your own way) are unacceptable and will scar them for life. DH is not your personal bank role and saviour, get up, get out and take care of your own frickin life, set an good example, don't expect your kids to take care of you instead of the other way around. You suck!!!! (8 months until the youngest is 18 and then whatcha gonna do??)
Dear BM (NOT!), I hope by now you have realized why you and my DH never made it, never got married and why he chose to NOT entangle himself financially with you any more than he already did.
Why would ANY guy want to be with someone like you who verbally and physically abuses them...and is a cheating dirty slut on top of it? Why would any guy want to be with a "woman" who values money more than anything else in life (but doesn't want to actually WORK to get everything paid for)? Why would your current victim choose you to have a child with him? Does he seriously think you are a GOOD mother? Too bad he wouldn't have talked to DH before getting involved with you. Of course, DH may have decided to keep things to himself because the more you have another victim to focus on (and another, baby), the more you'd keep your crazy out of OUR lives!
I hope someday you realize in your own mind (I know you'd NEVER admit to it!) that DH was so much of a better parent than you. Hell, I was a better parent to your kids than you. I had/have their best interests in mind. You had YOUR best interest in mind - no matter what the effect to your own children would be because of your selfishness.
Now the skids are living on their own and interacting with others - including potential future MILs. And they are starting to truly see you for the mentally sick and unstable person you are. Have you realized yet that they are no longer your "possessions"?
I sure hope that your sick experiment in PASing the skids and all your experience in getting bitched out by our judges during hearings have made you reconsider your past choices and that, for the sake of your newest crotch dropping, you will be a much better and less selfish mother from now on.
Oh, that also extends to you becoming a good foster parent instead of getting a bunch of them and then having the oldest pretty much babysit the rest. While you sit on your couch and collect the dough! Be a foster parent to HELP those poor kids...not to PROFIT from them!
You may think you have won by financially and emotionally bankrupting SO. But in reality, he has won because he is no longer tied to you - a nasty, emotional abuser. You think you won because the kids hardly see him or speak to him. But what you have actually done is taught the children how to lie, cheat and manipulate to get what they want. Neither kid can sustain a healthy relationship with anyone. They are both self centered. One child lies and then claims to have "stretched" the truth. The other one changes girlfriends like he changes his underwear. The kids have learned through you that you can "dispose" of people anytime you want. You can't even maintain a single relationship yourself for more than a few months. I know you tell everyone that this or that was wrong with each man you have been with, but the truth is, and everyone knows it, you are a screaming bitch.
You are a money hungry witch and the gravy will be ending in 7 months. Good luck to you and the self centered children you raised. The gravy training will be leaving the station......
Oh the things I would say...
You are by far the most pathetic human being that I've come across. You have to bully children to make yourself feel more powerful. You already lost guardianship of one child that you claimed you loved so much. You say you love your son the same and that scares me. I know the horror stories of what you did to that little girl and so help me God. If when he gets older I hear that you have laid a hand on him the way you did her I will come after you with a vengeance. You would feel and hear all the physical, psychological, and verbal abuse that you put those children through and then some. Be wary of this momma bear, bitch!
You are the definition is trailer trash... The thought of you makes me want to vomit. You are the reason I can't say, "I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy." Don't die until after your daughter is 18, because I will never be able to Undo what you have done to this awful, poor soul. You make me sick.
I've loved that reading these comments. It's been therapeutic even before writing anything.
I would tell her she's a small, and yet grotesquely obese, pathetic person. She has no business being a mother, and it is a tragedy that she ever was allowed to have kids. On my worst day, I am a better mother to her children than she could possibly be on her best day. That she has ruined what could have been two loving kids, with two loving homes, and turned them into cruel children who have no respect for anyone, including themselves. That she should start taking ownership for her decisions and stop trying to ruin anyone else's she can just because she can't sleep at night. I would tell her that she should crawl back to whatever hole she came out of and do the world a favor. Better yet, go to hell, and leave the rest of the world alone. The creepy crawlies in that hole deserve better.
You know, I just can't be bothered. She's so not worthy of my time, I can't even get worked up about her anymore. Might feel good to punch her though. Just for old times
I would say...You are the biggest waste of space I have ever seen. I have lived with a child molester who is a better person that you. You need to grow the fuck up, get yourself out of you mother's house and actually pay your own bills. How dare you buy yourself a a car that costs $50,000 yet refuse to get your daughter braces so that they wouldn't have to break her jaw when she is an adult. Get a real job already! part time work at 10 dollars an hour does not equal an income conducive to raising a child! Stop trying to tell us that your daughter has multiple problems that take more of our money to repair, yet you won't drop a dime to help out. Fuck you for telling your daughter that she ruined your tummy, and that she is getting to fat simply because she weighs 43 pounds. Your daughter is tall for her age and nothing but skin and bones. For the love of god, actually consider what you are putting your daughter through when you demand that she move from everything she is comfortable, to a city with the highest crime rates in California, simply because you insist on moving in with a man you know so little about. You are almost 30! You are not a saint for having given birth to a child, and you sure as hell don't deserve the title of mother either you fucking shit rooster. Lets make an example for you daughter and actually take care of business, while working with your daughter's father instead of demanding that he give in to all of your piss poor demands.
This is exactly what I would
This is exactly what I would say: "You are an unfit mother and an ugly person inside and out! I've seen dogs that pay more attention to their offspring than you. It's your fault that your daughter is 9 YO living in a 13 YO body. She hasn't had a good role model so she just decided to stay immature. And it's also your fault that your son is a spoiled brat and cries for ANYTHING!! You and your boyfriend are a worthless piece of crap and I'm sorry that your ex husband loves me and treats me better than he ever treated you. Guess he knew you were a slut and you didn't deserve to be treated any better. Oh and I hate that stupid eyeshadow you wear. Makes you look like a clown!"
Lol... I hope you getting
Lol... I hope you getting that out puts a smile on your face
Actually, it did! Thanks for
Actually, it did! Thanks for giving me the opportunity to share
I'd say, "please, please,
I'd say, "please, please, PLEASE seek mental help for yourself for the sake of your kids. You need help."
Lol.... I don't get what
Lol.... I don't get what makes them so crazy... Just cause they had a kid... We'll they were probably crazy before the kid came.
I think that in my SDs BMs
I think that in my SDs BMs case, she's got a real mental illness and has had one for years.
All BMs are "psycho". All
All BMs are "psycho". All SMs are "bitches". All exDHs are "abusive" . All SCs are "mentally ill". Strangely, all current DHs are the "most wonderful man on earth" but to the BM they were probably abusive. All DDs and DSs are obedient and well mannered, but to their SMs they are mentally ill.
I would tell her off by
I would tell her off by saying how horrible a person she is, how much of a manipulative, pyscho, narcissistic, stupid bitch she is and how she should just go hump a cactus.
I'd tell her to dread the day
I'd tell her to dread the day her kids have to do a family tree at school. Might get confusing
I would say "Mom, please tell
I would say "Mom, please tell me what I did when I was a teenager that was so horrible that you threw me out of your life when you turned 80?"
You wrote something very
You wrote something very similar to my blog????? Interesting.
You are the biggest piece of
You are the biggest piece of shit mother I've met and I've met junkies who are better parents than you. It's a good think you got fixed, you should never be allowed to parent. I'd then spit in her face. I honestly can say I've met a heroin junkie mother better than her because that mother did the smart thing and left her children with their father and surrendered her rights.
This is exactly how I feel.
This is exactly how I feel. BM has crossed so many line and done so much crap talking to the point SS was scared to even mention we went to my families today.
I'm sorry but I have way to many important things to think about or to say to people who could actually understand and listen to rational thoughts.
Sounds like ss13 BM. Claims
Sounds like ss13 BM. Claims to be a Christian because she attends church every Sunday. What is that saying? Going to church every Sunday makes you a Christian no more than standing in a garage makes you a car.
She goes to church on
She goes to church on Sundays, because the other six days of the week she spends her time being an evil asshole and has to go to church to make herself feel better about being an oxygen wasting scum bag!
What if the services were
What if the services were being conducted in a garage?
I always wondered what POS meant.
"Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned, Nor hell a fury like a woman scorned,"
William Congreve (24 January 1670 – 19 January 1729
The fact that they've been scorned deranges their minds and they cannot be held accountable for their actions criminal as they may be. Being deranged as they are they should be placed in a mental institution for the first five years of a divorce with repeat session added as necessary. And no I'm not talking about the ones proven to be deranged, they all are just as soon as their ex find a new live-in married or not. It should just be automatic. Final decree also includes a commitment order to the asylum.
But in answer to your question there is nothing to be said as not one word of it will registered anyway.
You are disgusting excuse for
You are disgusting excuse for a human being the fact that 2 children call you mommy is a tragedy. I feel bad for your new fiancé (whome you have been dating for 6 months) and your children whom have to deal with your random and equally disgusting choice of "men". I suppose its not that bad since you did have an affair with your fiancé 4 years ago. However, you should mostly likely stop accusing your exdh of ruining your marriage because he left and take a look in the mirror. While you are at it please go see a psychiatrist about your issues not to be mixed up with a psychologist who cannot prescribe drugs, you will need drugs. Right I forgot you did see one and decided against taking the drugs and now your children suffer... tragedy as I said. You are a liar, a theif, and an alcoholic. Stop stealing money from SO and therefore my family get a job and start paying your own bills. While your at it you might consider spending more time working and less time trying to continue callimg SOs family your own and treating them as such. Once again you are stealing from our family both emotionally and financially.
That was really theraputic
That was really theraputic btw.
I hope that everyone who
I hope that everyone who responded to this post got a little relief for a moment. I personally have nothing and everything to say to the BM in my life. Thing is... It would be a lot to type and simply put, ain't nobody got time fah' dat. Some people did need this question though... I just hope it helped in some way. Keep fighting that good fight as step parents. Next to being on the front lines in a war torn country, having this job is the hardest and each and everyone of you are strong. It does get tiring always having to be the bigger person tho, sometimes u just wanna kick a heffa in the face :).... Next topic.... What would u say to your SKs, no filter (yes even if they are 2 and can't understand a thing ur saying).... Oooooooo should interesting.
Too bad she didn't "eat a
Too bad she didn't "eat a dick" - then you may not have your pesky step children. }:)
I would go as far as to tell
I would go as far as to tell her to eat a bag of dicks.
You are the reason there
You are the reason there should be mobile spay-and-neuter clinics for people, too, and not just for dogs and cats.
Oh, and I really wish you had swallowed those loads. All three of them.
I would tell the Sperm
I would tell the Sperm Idiot:
"You have no character, you have no honor, and you are not a man. You are a worthless piece of shit who perpetrates statutory rape in order to get young women who would have nothing to do with you if they were older to have your children. So far you have raped 3 of them to produce your 4 out of wedlock children. Fortunately the mother of your eldest is a woman of character who dedicated her young adulthood and all of her parenting years to protecting her son from the influences of your shallow and polluted gene pool.
Your own mother is an enabler who supports you only when you are fathering out of wedlock spawn and who paid your child support so that she could attempt to manipulate and control the only young woman who realized that you and your parents are all pieces of shit and not worthy of anything but contempt. Even your own father thinks that you are a waste of skin and a worthless piece of shit. If he only had the balls to get your mother in line maybe you would have had a chance at becoming a viable adult instead of the toothless moron that you are.
My son gets the shallow and polluted end of his gene pool from you but he gets his character, honor and intellect from his mother and from me. We have raised him to be a viable adult and a young man of character. We have also raised him with standards and accountability for his decisions, behaviors and actions with the ability to recognize that you and your entire clan are worthless pieces of shit and at 21 years old he has already outperformed you and every adult in your family .... combined.
Welcome to reality asshole. You will never be anything but a shameful memory to my son and to my family.
Do your children and the world a favor and FUCK OFF AND DIE ALREADY!!!"
I'd say "You should be
I'd say "You should be ashamed of yourself. Posting online how your pussy sounds when someone is fucking you, all the while knowing that your 13 y/o daughter AND 21 y/o son follow you online is beyond disgusting and you should get your kids taken away from you for it. You should be embarrassed that you rock Gucci bags while your 13 y/o daughter has been telling you for MONTHS that she needs underwear & despite you getting 200.00 a week in CS you never seem to have money to buy HER what she needs yet have abundant funds to get drunk 4 days a week. You are as ugly on the inside as you are on the outside and THAT is scary, cause homegirl, your face looks like the crack of a camel's ass. I am sorry that despite you giving my DH TWO kids, he never had the inkling nor the desire to marry your ugly ass and instead walked down the aisle for the first time in his life with a woman that had 3 kids from a previous marriage. That must sting, I know. Sucks to be you bitch."
JustWow - yes, she is
JustWow - yes, she is seriously a special breed of something that one.
I couldn't make this shit up if I tried. The best part is, that I have screenshot ALL of those posts. I have a feeling, I will need them some day.
To BM, you are the worst
To BM, you are the worst mother on the planet....You have royally screwed up your children and everything that has happened and will happen, is your responsibility.
Dear BM aka dipshit: You are
Dear BM aka dipshit:
You are by far the laziest person I've ever encountered and the most fertile. I have had to put up with so much of your deranged shit that I don't even have the slightest inkling of pity for you. However I would love to be a fly on the wall to witness all of the bad karmic moments that you have on a regular 5 minute interval schedule. I feel sorry for your children but not enough to want SS7 in my life more to make up for your inadequacies as a parent. He's 7 and basically fucked for life because of the shitty job you and DH have done as parents. And one last thing, grow the fuck up. Quit living in your fake rainbows and lollipops world and be a functioning adult. You don't have anyone fooled but quite a few convinced that you are mentally deranged and a pathological liar.
BM, I hate you. I have always
I hate you. I have always hated you and wish unspeakable things to happen to you. I think the thing that I hate about you the absolute most, more so than how you've treated my SD13 over the course of her 13 years, is that fact that I'm jealous that she wants to have a good relationship with you so badly that she has dismissed me and thinks I've ruined her life. I hate you for the way things are with SD and myself. I hate you for the way I feel, like a little kid that throws temper tantrums, and can't suck it up and stick out in this nightmare of a life.
It pisses me off and scares me to no end that you say that you've changed and you make other (including my DH) think there is an inkling of hope for your pathetic life. You do not deserve to be on the same planet as the rest of human beings. I hate you for the fact that you have 3 illegitimate children (including a baby) and I cannot seem to get pregnant. I hate you for the fact that you take a lot of my energy and I cannot seem to let it go. I can't wait to NEVER think about you again. I can't wait for this nightmare in my life to be over.
The woman who has been raising your ungrateful brat for 7 years
Oh what a relief it would be
Oh what a relief it would be to be able to say these things to this woman...
Stop being the town bicycle, word gets around in a small town and your kids have heard about your escapades. Shut down the pity party and start taking care of your kids. How about you spend the CS on the kids and not on beer and cigarettes. Comments to your kids about how you might as well die (when you don't get your own way) are unacceptable and will scar them for life. DH is not your personal bank role and saviour, get up, get out and take care of your own frickin life, set an good example, don't expect your kids to take care of you instead of the other way around. You suck!!!! (8 months until the youngest is 18 and then whatcha gonna do??)
Dear BM (NOT!), I hope by now
Dear BM (NOT!), I hope by now you have realized why you and my DH never made it, never got married and why he chose to NOT entangle himself financially with you any more than he already did.
Why would ANY guy want to be with someone like you who verbally and physically abuses them...and is a cheating dirty slut on top of it? Why would any guy want to be with a "woman" who values money more than anything else in life (but doesn't want to actually WORK to get everything paid for)? Why would your current victim choose you to have a child with him? Does he seriously think you are a GOOD mother? Too bad he wouldn't have talked to DH before getting involved with you. Of course, DH may have decided to keep things to himself because the more you have another victim to focus on (and another, baby), the more you'd keep your crazy out of OUR lives!
I hope someday you realize in your own mind (I know you'd NEVER admit to it!) that DH was so much of a better parent than you. Hell, I was a better parent to your kids than you. I had/have their best interests in mind. You had YOUR best interest in mind - no matter what the effect to your own children would be because of your selfishness.
Now the skids are living on their own and interacting with others - including potential future MILs. And they are starting to truly see you for the mentally sick and unstable person you are. Have you realized yet that they are no longer your "possessions"?
I sure hope that your sick experiment in PASing the skids and all your experience in getting bitched out by our judges during hearings have made you reconsider your past choices and that, for the sake of your newest crotch dropping, you will be a much better and less selfish mother from now on.
Oh, that also extends to you becoming a good foster parent instead of getting a bunch of them and then having the oldest pretty much babysit the rest. While you sit on your couch and collect the dough! Be a foster parent to HELP those poor kids...not to PROFIT from them!
You may think you have won by
You may think you have won by financially and emotionally bankrupting SO. But in reality, he has won because he is no longer tied to you - a nasty, emotional abuser. You think you won because the kids hardly see him or speak to him. But what you have actually done is taught the children how to lie, cheat and manipulate to get what they want. Neither kid can sustain a healthy relationship with anyone. They are both self centered. One child lies and then claims to have "stretched" the truth. The other one changes girlfriends like he changes his underwear. The kids have learned through you that you can "dispose" of people anytime you want. You can't even maintain a single relationship yourself for more than a few months. I know you tell everyone that this or that was wrong with each man you have been with, but the truth is, and everyone knows it, you are a screaming bitch.
You are a money hungry witch and the gravy will be ending in 7 months. Good luck to you and the self centered children you raised. The gravy training will be leaving the station......
I have no use for you. I do
I have no use for you. I do not like or hate you. You are meaningless to me. You are but a flicker in my life.
You suck!!!!!! Just because
You suck!!!!!! Just because you gave birth to those children that does not make you a "mother".
Oh the things I would say...
Oh the things I would say...
You are by far the most pathetic human being that I've come across. You have to bully children to make yourself feel more powerful. You already lost guardianship of one child that you claimed you loved so much. You say you love your son the same and that scares me. I know the horror stories of what you did to that little girl and so help me God. If when he gets older I hear that you have laid a hand on him the way you did her I will come after you with a vengeance. You would feel and hear all the physical, psychological, and verbal abuse that you put those children through and then some. Be wary of this momma bear, bitch!
You are the definition is
You are the definition is trailer trash... The thought of you makes me want to vomit. You are the reason I can't say, "I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy." Don't die until after your daughter is 18, because I will never be able to Undo what you have done to this awful, poor soul. You make me sick.
I've loved that reading these
I've loved that reading these comments. It's been therapeutic even before writing anything.
I would tell her she's a small, and yet grotesquely obese, pathetic person. She has no business being a mother, and it is a tragedy that she ever was allowed to have kids. On my worst day, I am a better mother to her children than she could possibly be on her best day. That she has ruined what could have been two loving kids, with two loving homes, and turned them into cruel children who have no respect for anyone, including themselves. That she should start taking ownership for her decisions and stop trying to ruin anyone else's she can just because she can't sleep at night. I would tell her that she should crawl back to whatever hole she came out of and do the world a favor. Better yet, go to hell, and leave the rest of the world alone. The creepy crawlies in that hole deserve better.
You know, I just can't be
You know, I just can't be bothered. She's so not worthy of my time, I can't even get worked up about her anymore. Might feel good to punch her though. Just for old times
I would say...You are the
I would say...You are the biggest waste of space I have ever seen. I have lived with a child molester who is a better person that you. You need to grow the fuck up, get yourself out of you mother's house and actually pay your own bills. How dare you buy yourself a a car that costs $50,000 yet refuse to get your daughter braces so that they wouldn't have to break her jaw when she is an adult. Get a real job already! part time work at 10 dollars an hour does not equal an income conducive to raising a child! Stop trying to tell us that your daughter has multiple problems that take more of our money to repair, yet you won't drop a dime to help out. Fuck you for telling your daughter that she ruined your tummy, and that she is getting to fat simply because she weighs 43 pounds. Your daughter is tall for her age and nothing but skin and bones. For the love of god, actually consider what you are putting your daughter through when you demand that she move from everything she is comfortable, to a city with the highest crime rates in California, simply because you insist on moving in with a man you know so little about. You are almost 30! You are not a saint for having given birth to a child, and you sure as hell don't deserve the title of mother either you fucking shit rooster. Lets make an example for you daughter and actually take care of business, while working with your daughter's father instead of demanding that he give in to all of your piss poor demands.
That she is a fat, toothless,
That she is a fat, toothless, methadone addicted, white-trash loser! Awww.....feels great just typing it lol!