BM texting threats and demands
BM called FDH on New years eve demanding he buy SD16 boots and pay $75 for her hair.
She also text him and said "You are getting old, I have some things I need to discuss about SD16. 2014 isn't going to be good for you, just keep that in mind"
He of course didn't respond or engage. UGH!! Old bitter heifer. WTF, I guess she's pissed he got a reversal ???????
Makes my blood boil that she texts him just to talk shit and he doesn't stick up for himself. I can't stand her
I believe your FDH did the
I believe your FDH did the right thing by not responding. By responding all he is doing is engaging a crazy person. You can't reason with a crazy person. Each time he responds to BM she will find it necessary to provide another demand or threat and then you and FDH will get more pissed off with each response you receive from her. IMO - FDH is better off ignoring her.
She was probably drunk
She was probably drunk texting...
what a stupid dumb crazy
what a stupid dumb crazy c**t.....that is all.....
Well, she can 'demand' all
Well, she can 'demand' all she wants. Doesn't mean DH has to jump. If SD needs boots, BM is just as capable as Dad in providing them. Same with hair. Unless the CS/CO says 'Dad must provide boots and hair-dos, all BM is doing is wasting her 'breath' in the texts.
Unless DH is now flying out the door on his way to the shoe store and than planning on a swing by the salon for the hair-do, I'd forget the texts came. Sometimes it's best to just ignore. Sure he could text back and set her straight, but it just feeds her BS. She can buy boots and hair-dos just as well as Dad can. I don't know what the CS/CO states, but I can pretty well bet it doesn't say Dad must provide anything and everything SD wants/needs when BM demands it.
I think Dh ignoring the 'you're getting older we must sit down and discuss' bit was a good choice. The girl is 16yrs old. Once she hits 18 and is a legal adult how and what Dad provides will be his choice, not a decision that he will sit down and decide with his ex-wife. The time to discuss with BM anything that would/will happen after the age of adulthood was to take place prior to divorce degree and parenting CO...not now all these years later when BM has a crazy up her buns over the thought of you having a child (congrats on the reversal by the way
Thank you!!!! They are
Thank you!!!! They are guilting him!!! He didn't run out and get anything but her demands are f'n annoying. He IS giving her $ again to get her hair done (ridiculous IMO) but he says he's not paying for it again until next year. We will see.......
Also there is no specific CO. He gives BM a couple hundred a month, gives SD16 some spending cash and pays for what SD16 needs on top on medical. I really don't know what BM pays for :?
OMG I hope not- Wouldn't
OMG I hope not- Wouldn't shock me though. SD22 was at 16. She's on birthcontrol, doesn't mean anything if she's not using it properly but I sure f'n hope not. I think BM is going to try and make our lives miserable bc she's SUPER jeaous. She says and acts like she hates him but is getting all psycho over a reversal?! I guess she thought she was the chosen one mwuahahahaha
A reversal?
A reversal?
vasectomy reversal
vasectomy reversal
I didn't even know that was
I didn't even know that was possible.
Really?! Yea, it's not cheap
Really?! Yea, it's not cheap and insurance doesn't cover but it's definitely possible!
He may be getting old, but
He may be getting old, but she's ugly, and his future children will keep him young, but she'll be ugly forever.
ignore ignore ignore. why
ignore ignore ignore.
why does she know about the reversal, that's creepy
Because FDH tells his kids
Because FDH tells his kids everything :? and they go and report everything back to their mom. He says he's excited and wants them to know- he asked if they wanted a brother or sister (ugh- stupid) WE have talked and talked about what topics need to remain private. I used this as an example of why I don't want his kids knowing our business- he said he understands.
UGH! Should be common sense!
BM is acting super angry about the reversal!!!
Same thing happened when my
Same thing happened when my husband and I started trying for a baby.
His ex just flipped as soon as she found out through the kids.... they mentioned it over the phone.
Same thing when we got married, engaged, moved in together, when she found out we were dating.
It's just what jealous exs do.