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What if someone SHOULD make more income but keeps it low intentionally

IAMGOOD's picture

My question is this:

What if a co-parent intentionally keeps their income low so they can collect more money?

They have the potential to earn much more money and they did so prior to the divorce.

BUT - they choose to sit around with two older children (13 and 16) and do nothing.

Will that be considered by the judge?

MEL1297's picture

I wish I had the answer, I would like to know this as well. Our BM doesn't work, and when she does her babysitting it's all under the table. I know DH's CS could be adjusted based on what she's capable of earning but not sure how to even prove it.

Newstep's picture

It's a toss up depending on the judge. In our case BM chooses not to work and gets every type of government aid but SO pays max CS because she has no income :?

If she isn't going to work I think they should count the aid she gets as income but it doesn't work like that. We are in CA and she lives off CS and aid.

TASHA1983's picture

I live in MA - I am also a BM (My ex and I are usually amicable so never had much issue with CSE on the court/Judge end) but what my DH has to go thru as a result of his POS ex makes my skin crawl.

It is disgusting that these "women" (not all just the shitty ones it seems) can get away with so much and the "decent" men are always getting shaken for every penny possible. :sick:

I just CANNOT WAIT for this CS/SKID/BM nightmare to be OVER!!!!

IAMGOOD's picture

funny because my x and I have been amicable and worked things out. He always pays respect to me and I do the same to him. We foster the kids loving each other's parents. THIS BM is just a nightmare. DH is a decent decent man and is such a kind loving giving person. THIS BM is a nightmare co-parent. No one will ever ever see the PAS that she has done but I saw it and heard it bit by bit how she worked at taking down the sand castle grain by grain and will not stop because she has a point to prove. The point to prove is she is insecure - jealous - and knows in her heart what she did was dishonest and wrong and USED her children at pons. SS is gone because he wasn't socially savy enough and confident enough in himself to get it - SD sees thru. We just want everyone to be happy and love all their parents!!!! It seems so simple. Just love & respect.

Pilgrim Soul's picture

Here is another twist. In our case, the BM is the sole proprietor of a business that grosses upwards of a million dollars a year. She cries poverty all the time, and claims she only pays herself a pittance. DH waived his right to have her business assessed or claim his share at the time of divorce. Wasn't his smartest move. Her income matters for the formula based on which the college costs are shared. The skids are all adults. I am in one of those pro-BM states mentioned above. The court hearings ended a month ago. No decision yet. It will be interesting to see where the chips fall.

Calypso1977's picture

it all depends upon the state laws.

BM in our situation chooses not to work more than one day per week. she earns about $10K per year.

we are in MA. CS is calculated pretty much on the non-custodial parent's income. for shits and giggles we ran the calculator both for the $10K BM earns and then we ran a hypothetical and put in $50K for her, keeping my fiance's income the same. his CS went down only by about $20 a week.

it drives me absolutely insane that here in MA (maybe other places too?) that expenses are not a factor at all in how much CS is awarded. BM has ZERO living expense but that doesnt matter at all. we still have to give her $1300/mo. no way does SD13 eat and wear that much food/clothing each month.