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Second Wife's Confessions

fictionluv's picture

I am 25yrs old, a second wife to LB a 41yrs old, muslim.. We met and fall inlove deeply before I knew that he was unfortunately married, since he is a muslim, they can go for 4wives as long as they are capable in giving them finance support equaly for each my case, none of his family member go for a second wife, only him; and only me is the stepmom...the family doeant want to recognize me as their member...i left everything in my origin country, im staying here alone in singapore and I doesnt know anybody except my husband..he stays with me every other day, same with his first family...he have 4kids there and now Im pregnant for our first baby...I find it so hard living in a country without friends and relatives at all, and it sucks me more whenever his family diaturbs me..Though he cant do anything about it coz he cant fight his own family reached to the point that im feeling that he alwaya put me last in everything, he never seems so excited about my pregnancy...I have noone to talk and I cant tell my situation to my parents which are staying permanently in US, they are old and I dont want to keep me worried...any advice can make this weak girl stronger...

herewegoagain's picture

get on a plane and NOT live your life that are already regretting it and he lied to you...what kind of man did you marry? Walk out...please, please, please, get your parents now and have them pay for a ticket for you to get out before you have your baby...that way it's not TWO tickets they have to buy...they will be thrilled you told them.

mypassion's picture

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emotionaly beat up's picture

You made a mistake, we all make mistakes. We are supposed to learn from our mistakes. Learn from this. You are miserable, lonely and unhappy. You are about to have your firstborn, he however is about to have his 5th, he is not excited about this child, it is old news to him. Leave. Tell your parents, can you imagine how hard it is for them to know you are having your first child in a foreign country with no family members around. They will be thrilled to have you home.

Your first mistake, marrying him.
Your second, getting pregnant to him,
Now do not make a third mistake, get out now.

I wish you all the very best, I hope you tell your family about your problem. They need to know and you need them to know. Good Luck. I hope you make the right decision for you and the baby.

StickAFork's picture


Why do women make bad choices and then GET PREGNANT? Bring an innocent child into the mix??

We all make mistakes. It's how we pick ourselves up from them that defines us.
How will you pick yourself up from this?

Breezey's picture

If this were your child going thru this, wouldn't you want them to confide in you and ask for help? Trust me, your parents feel the same way. There is nothing I wouldn't do to ensure my children were safe. You are not in a good place and things will not get better - it is what it is. Call your parents, or someone who can help you.

Sunflower's picture

I hope that you were given some good information from Shouldi. They seem to be the best source for advice in your situation. I feel for you. My first engagement was with a Indian man and I am from the states. I had a few surprises of my own from him. I hope that your parents have the money to get you out of this situation. It is not healthy if your husband is not showing you the love that he shows his other family.

Starla's picture

Hey Echo I'm going to make Bacon Chocolate Chip Cookies this will be our first time! Blum 3

Sorry others that my reply is so O/T.

chokinonlemons2u's picture

Echo only pointed out its an old thread.

Sometimes when I first came here Id answer an old thread then people also pointed the date. Now I am careful to check date

uyiuyuismith's picture

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