11 y/o SS becoming overweight and will only play xbox
I have a good relationship with my SS, I have been in his life since he was 2, he is now 11. He lives with his mother. My husband and I are both active, healthy surfer-types that are still in touch with our inner-child!
My SS is allowed to play xbox games that are 18-rated since he was 7-8 (COD, GTA etc..) which I think are unsuitable. He used to be an energetic, funny and active child, but over the past 3 years all he wants to do is play xbox, he doesn't show much enthusiasm about coming to stay with his Dad and me, because we only have a PS3, not an xbox.
His mother and I have tried to encourage better eating, fun activities etc, When he is at our house I try very hard to keep him stimulated without the use of screens, such as painting, drawing, playing music, bike riding, but he'd rather look at his iphone. I try not to be a pushy 'mum', but he acts up by being very fussy with his food (he only likes bland junk food) we grow our own veg etc and he won't eat it.
I am really concerned for his future health, future social skills, and I feel he's wasting his life looking at screens 24/7. I know he has so much potential, and is smart, and funny, except when he's not getting everything he wants! Advice? Sorry for long intro xxx PS. his Dad is also v.concerned bu is getting very upset. also.
Thank you, I will talk to my
Thank you, I will talk to my DH about that, sounds like a positive start x
unplug the modem! My DH is
unplug the modem! My DH is unplugging ours b/c bs18 is home all day playing WOW. It bugs him to he unplugs. I plug it back in when I get home and it's in our locked bedroom!
Thank you Steelie x Also a
Thank you Steelie x Also a viable option, but there's the games on the PS2 and his iphone... I feel sorry for him as I feel he's missing out on his childhood. Any suggestions for the unhealthy weight gain?!!
totally agree!
totally agree!
I am having the same problems
I am having the same problems with SS10. Sigh. Lemme know what works for you. Sometimes I wonder if fighting it is even worth it.