please remind me
Hi everyone, I am at my wit's end. SD16 is flunking out of school. Not following house rules (there are only five) 1. no smoking on property 2. no stealing 3. go to school
4. clean up after yourself and 5. no drugs or alcohol in the house. So far this week number 1,3,4 and 5 are being broken again and DH is doing nothing about it except starting fights with me if I bring anything up. And now he has taken in SD16 best friend (who is also not following the rules) because her and her mother are in between houses and she has nowhere else to go. I tried calling mother of the best friend and she was very rude to me. This is coming to a head. Very stressed out about other things going on in my life regarding work and I can't even focus on that because of all this. It's obvious that the situation needs to change but I just need to get through the work stuff over the next few weeks and the holidays before I can make my move. I am either going to have to stay somewhere else or give an ultimatum but I cannot afford to do that now because I cannot deal with the repercussions until I get through the heavy workload. Please remind me that it is not my kid not my problem. I need to be able to let the rule breaking roll off like water on a duck's back until my work issues are resolved because if anything major happens between now and the end of the year I will really blow it at work and then I will have nothing left for myself.I am so angry at Dh and his lack of understanding and respect for me and my home. Sorry to always be venting on this site without much positive to say but I am really in a bad way. Thanks for being here.
I like Foxie's idea! Drugs in
I like Foxie's idea!
Drugs in your home should not be tolerated, regardless of if it is your kid/responsibility or not! I kicked my ex-husband to the curb for bring drugs into my house, leaving them in my car, etc. I still will not forget one day I was cleaning out my car...I was getting some trash out of the center console (ex had a bad habit of leaving gum wrappers and stuff in there), and I found two joints. I threw them away!!! When I told my ex I threw them away, he asked me what the heck I did that for. I told him flat out, "If I get pulled over for something stupid on some hot know, like a license plate light out or something...I am NOT going to jail for you when the car smells like pot and the cops have heard the 'it isn't mine' excuse 20 million times! I've never done drugs in my life, and I'm not going to jail for something I don't do!" His response? "Oh, then you don't love me enough to go to jail for me?" SERIOUSLY? the curb you go, buddy!
You help pay the bills in that house. You have the right to a drug-free home!!! Plain and simple! And you shouldn't be forced out of your home by a couple of punks! SD14 has used, and I swear, if I ever find pot or anything of the like in her room, FIRST, I will bring it up to DH and make SD14 watch as it gets flushed down the toilet by me! I will let DH know that if I find it again, I WILL contact the authorities have have possession charges brought on his princess, because I will NOT have this stuff in my house, and sending her back to BM's is obviously not the answer, because SD14's stepdad already doesn't want her back because of her pot use!
Thanks for the comments. I am
Thanks for the comments. I am pretty disengaged at this point however the lack of support from my DH and the problems going on in my home are encroaching on my space and my sanity so it has become more difficult. I am so disengaged at this point that I cannot go into her room or take anything away as I am not involved that much anymore and her phone is not in my name, etc. etc. I hate to say this because I am a strong woman, but at this point I have so many outside stressors with work stuff going on that I cannot even afford to have one fight or one dramatic event so as to preserve my sanity. So me going in and removing her things would not be a move that would be wise at the moment because I do not have the head space for the aggravation and the drama that will ensue if I do that. DH will totally flip out which will cause me more stress and more aggravation. DH will not enforce the rules of the house and sees me as the problem. Right now I just need to focus on getting through the next few very hectic weeks at work with no more drama or problems at home. Unfortunately I am working from home part of the time and cannot move anything or myself at the moment as I just have to keep plugging along with my work schedule. I think after the holidays work will ease up slightly and I can handle dealing with this home stuff but for now I am stuck. The main problem is DH's inability to be consistent with his parenting or back me up. I feel extremely outnumbered and disrespected and I suspect that if he will not start parenting his kid that we will end up splitting up. But right now, today, that thought is adding more stress to an already bad situation so I am just going to have to hang in there and get support on this site and from the few friends that really know what is going on until I can get my head out of work for a few minutes and make some calm decisions on how to move forward next year. Thank you to all who have been there today, and over the past few months as I have been posting. I really appreciate it and do not know what I would do if I did not have this safe place to vent.
Understood completely! I
Understood completely! I often wonder if my marriage is going to survive the next 3 1/2 years with SD14 in our house. Especially when DH jumps on my case for things and he acts all sweet and calm with SD14 when she does or say anything that is much worse (like the whole "don't whatever me" crap last night, if your read my post from earlier). He will yell at me or my son for tiny things, but when SD14 flat out lies to his face, she gets a simple, "Do you want to answer that again?" and he brushes it off! DH calls my son lazy because when he actually is at home (considering he has school, athletic practices, and a job), he is legitimately tired, yet all SD14 has to do is go to school and spends the rest of her time laying on her back...doesn't even clean up after herself...but he doesn't consider her lazy at all! Now that football season is over, BS18 goes to school early to work out before school, then classes for 6 hours (he has the last hour off, because he is a senior, and they only have 6-hours worth of credits to take), comes home for about an hour to get a bite to eat, then heads to work for 6 hours. Because he works in the garden center at Lowes, he gets to be outside in the cold that whole time...and since he is the strong man out there, he's the one that gets to help customers lift everything. But he finally gets a day off from work yesterday, and is at home, and DH calls him lazy because he is sitting on the couch (happened to be in what DH considers his spot) watching TV, and DH didn't feel like asking him to please scoot over?
So yeah...I feel your pain completely! SD14 can do no wrong, yet anything BS18 or I do seems to be wrong! SD14 suddenly has a different excuse every day to not come straight home (the one who has a history of alcohol and pot and such), and DH is all trusting and believing. BS18 tells me he is going over to his friend's house after work on a Friday, and he is going to sleep over there because he and his friend need to go help his friend's grandparents on their property Saturday morning, and DH is all untrusting and thinking that BS18 is out and up to no good, even though BS18 has NEVER given us any reason to not trust him! And it's funny, they want you to butt out when they don't want to admit that you are right, but when it benefits them (like when they need someone else to play taxi for their precious), THEN they put guilt trip on you that you need to help them with the kid, that they want you involved, or like I get, that I don't treat skid like I do my own! Of course I don't treat her like my own, because if my own talked to me like she does, they would have gotten smacked!
It helps me for some reason
It helps me for some reason to just hear everyone else on here remind me to disengage and that it is not my kid, not my problem. I need to hear that everyday right now from all of you because otherwise I forget and fall into the trap.
Calling the cops will bring
Calling the cops will bring it to a head and they probably won't come anyway. Leave that alone.
Taken from:
In order to successfully disengage, you have to accept some realities. They are:
Your SKs are not your children.
You are not responsible for overcoming their previous "raising."
You are not responsible for what kind of people they are.
You are not responsible for what kind of people they become.
You are not obligated to become an abused member of the household just because you married their dad.
You are not responsible for raising your SKs.
All the responsibility belongs to your DH.
Your DH is not a mother.
Your DH is not going to raise his children the way you want him to.
Your SKs are not going to turn out the way they would if DH supported you.
What all this means is this: You must stop parenting your SKs. You must stop telling them what is expected of them. You must stop disciplining them. You must turn over all responsibility for them to your DH. You must allow DH to make whatever mistakes he makes.
But first, you must explain to DH and SKs what is happening. This is what you say: "Everyone is unhappy, our home is miserable, and I'm completely frustrated and angry all the time. You kids are angry and frustrated with me, and it's getting worse. Someone has to do something about this, and I decided that it will be me. I have decided that I will no longer be responsible for getting you to bed on time, or getting you up in the mornings. I will not tell you to wash your hands before dinner, and I will not tell you to brush your teeth or take a bath. (You must list all those things for which you have assumed responsibility, whatever they are). I am no longer going to do anything that will give you the opportunity to treat me with disrespect. In the future, if you need anything, you must ask your dad. I will no longer take responsibility for (whatever, getting your school supplies, shopping for your clothes, doing your laundry, taking you to basketball practice, etc.) What I hope to accomplish is for us to begin to get along with each other, and the only way I know to do that is to let your dad be the parent."
And every time they ask you for something, or ask permission for something, you say "Go ask your dad." Your SKs may end up missing out on some terrific things because of your Disengaging, but it was a choice they made when they decided to make your life miserable. Never give them the opportunity to treat you disrespectfully.
Many of you may be saying, does all this mean I have no rights? Absolutely not. You must choose your battles, and to disengage, your battles should be about those things that DIRECTLY affect you. For example, you have a right to keep your home with the degree of neatness and cleanliness that you desire (just leave the SKs rooms alone and concentrate on the communal areas). You can say, "From now on, I expect everyone to put their stuff away by bedtime. Since I will no longer be asking you to do it because I don't want to argue with you, anything that is left out after 9:00 will be disposed." Period, no discussion, just do it. If it's important to DH for his kids to keep their "stuff," HE will parent his children, or do it himself. "If you don't clear the table after dinner, I will not set a place for you at the next meal." Period, no discussion, just do it If it's important to DH for his kids to eat, HE will parent his children, or do it himself. "If you leave your dirty clothes on the floor in the bathroom, they will be disposed." Are you getting the idea? If DH chooses to do his children's chore, let him. The aim is NOT to straighten out your SKs deficiencies, it's to get your DH involved with his children, in whatever way he chooses, and to lessen your work load. If the kids are going to be unappreciative, let them be unappreciative of their dad.
You see, the REAL problem is not between you and your SKs, it's between you and your DH. These children are HIS responsibility and if he wants good things for them, he will parent them. If he doesn't care (believe me, he really does!), why should you beat your head against the wall?
My son ALWAYS had a bedtime, my SSs NEVER had a bedtime. Now I tend to my son and let DH tend to his. If he wants them to get a good night's sleep, he will parent them. If it's not important to him, I don't make it my concern.
My DH goes to work at 5:30 AM, which leaves me the task of getting everyone up and ready for school. It used to be a nightmare getting my younger SS up, he would growl and yell and scream and roll over and go back to sleep until I was screaming my lungs out, jerking the covers off. Every day started like that and I was miserable every evening, thinking about my next morning's task. So....I just stopped. I told DH to get him an alarm clock. And I told DH that if he wanted to help his son start his day well, he might consider making sure that SS goes to bed at a reasonable hour, but that I would no longer make it my concern. SS missed 2 days of school because he wouldn't get up and I refused to make a second trip to take him there. DH decided to parent his son. He did it without being home by using consequences if his son did not get up in time to get ready for school.
The point is this: DH must decide what is important to HIM. You must be willing to put up with some degree of inconvenience to "allow" him to parent his children. But whatever inconvenience you suffer will be minor compared to the conflict that might be part of your life right now. My DH stepped up to the plate. Your DH might not. But that's HIS decision. Don't expect him to agree with your "new position." He doesn't agree with your current position. Don't expect him to like what you are doing - or to be more precise - not doing. The less YOU do, the more HE must do and that will not make him happy. You must remember that he has no right to expect more parenting from you than he is willing to do himself.
You may be thinking, this is nuts! We agreed to be "parents" to each other's children. Yes, but he also agreed to be a parent to his OWN children. None of this means that you can't do ANYTHING. It's very likely that DH will need your help. That's OK. The issue here is that DH must ASK you for your help, instead of what you've been doing - assuming the responsibility and being unappreciated for it.
When DH needs something done that he can't do himself (a ride for one of the kids while he's a work, for example), first, you have already told the kids "Go ask dad." So DH is REQUIRED to become involved in his children's lives. He now must THINK ABOUT what's involved in raising his kids, and we all know it's a lot of work. And you can agree to help out, only if DH asks. BUT, to disengage, you must be willing to withdraw your agreement to help IF the kids, between now and the event, treat you disrespectfully! And you must refuse to assist next time if DH and the kids don't say "Thank you." You also have a RIGHT to have your efforts appreciated.
When you begin to value yourself in this whole relationship by expecting to be treated with respect and appreciation, you'll feel a lot better. When I say "to value yourself" I mean that if your efforts are not appreciated - don't do it! Sometimes the SKs will think, "Well, we're in the car on the way to the ballgame, now I'm home free to be disrespectful!" BAM! They smart off to you! Well, turn that car around and take them back home - don't raise your voice or act insulted or point out how ungrateful they are. Just say "I'm sorry you've decided to treat me disrespectfully. I must withdraw my offer to take you."
BTW, these are also good methods of getting your OWN children's respectful behavior!
I know, from my own experience, just how hard it is to "let go." But it's up to you to make the choice - "Am I going to continue to live in this awful situation, or am I going to do something about it." While you fear what will happen to everyone when you "disengage," as if the family will fall apart, you will be surprised at the change in your own life. I can't guarantee that everything will turn out the way it has for me, but I can guarantee that you will no longer feel angry, frustrated, resentful, and hurt. The HARDEST part is giving up the need to straighten out these kids and "change" them into the children YOU want them to be.
Thanks Orange County. Now I
Thanks Orange County. Now I will have that bookmarked again. I have already disengaged to the point where I do not drive the SD anywhere or lend her anything. I do not clean up after her. I do not do anything of this sort for a long time now and DH doesn't dare ask.
The problem is that I am not trying to parent her when I tell her she has to smoke off the property or clean up after herself. It's because they are MY dishes in the sink that I bought myself before they moved in and if they are not clean, I can't use them. And if she is smoking near the house then it comes inside and I have to smell it. I am very sensitive to smoke because I battled with Nicotine addiction for years and when I am stressed my first thought is to pick up again. Dh knows this and is not supportive at all and will not address it at all when she is doing it and tells me that if I have a problem with his kid I have to deal with it directly with her. Isn't that convenient that when it is something that makes him uncomfortable or something that would actually require some discipline he doesn't want to be involved. I have really had it today. Something inside me has changed. I am not sure if I can ever look at this guy with anything but disgust from now on. This week has put the icing on the cake because I see now that he does not have any interest in making sure that I am respected. Sorry I keep ranting but I just came home and saw him and came straight into my room because I can't even look at him. It used to be that I wanted to talk and work things out but something has really changed. I am not sure what is going to happen after I get through this work load and the new year starts. If I keep feeling this way they will definitely have to start looking for a place to live. I am not sure if there is any love left in me to give. I know that sounds horrible and it may just be in the moment of the current situation but that is the truth. And the truth is all I have at this point. Thanks for listening.
You know, crazy thought...if
You know, crazy thought...if DH isn't going to stop her from smoking, maybe you should get her an e-cig! There are lots of inexpensive ones out there, and the stuff that can be put in them can be of any flavor. She may think it "cool" enough that she will stop with the cigarettes...and yes, I've seen somewhere that they even have pot flavor! DH started on an e-cig two years ago. After I quit smoking, couldn't stand to smell it on him, and since the e-cig, he can walk in the front door and I dont instantly feel like gagging.
he just went and bought her a
he just went and bought her a pack of cigarettes when she was whining to him that she wanted him to. he kept saying no and then she just whined and begged and then he got in his truck and went down and bought her a pack. i guess they have been hiding this behavior from me for awhile because he always told me that he wouldn't buy her cigarettes and i guess he is now adding dishonesty to his list of awesome personality traits. he bought her an e-cig before and she didn't use it. i guess why should she if he is so willing to go and buy them for her. this keeps getting worse and worse.
thoroughly disgusted at this point after watching him buckle after her begging and whining. so gross. i am doing everything in my power to not bring this up right now but it is hard. i am in bed and he is on the couch and i swear i dont even know if i will be able to look at this guy again. i have never once felt like this about him.
What are the laws in your
What are the laws in your state? I know here, you have to be 18 to buy cigarettes, and anyone caught buying for a minor (even a parent) could face stiff penalties. Yeah dad...just show your kid that the laws mean nothing!