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Pregnant SD20 making high demands

steppingon's picture

Hi everyone,
I have posted here before and made some friends and have success in getting some relief because I feel like I now have a place to go where people understand me. Thank you all for that! Smile
Now it seems like I need to start a new thread because the plot is thickening.

My DH has a daughter that lives in another state that has decided it would be a good idea to get pregnant. She is not married, and does not make a lot of money nor does her boyfriend. She is 20 and seems to think the world owes her and has an idea in her head that she will be able to have everyone jump on the bandwagon and support her once she has the baby. She does have a job now but is careless with her money and spends it on herself, new clothes, purses, presents for her boyfriend, cars she cannot afford, the list goes on.

She has been visiting us for the holidays and is leaving to go home soon. We see her about once or twice a year. Her father adores her and parents her out of guilt and sends her money whenever she gets into a jam of some sort or does not have enough to pay her bills. Her father does not make a lot of money and we live paycheck to paycheck. She has a very good way of manipulating him into sending her money and sometimes this is based on lies, like she will say she needs a new car or money for school even when she is not in school. She also has given these stories to her grandparents on BM side who live in her state and see her more often than we see her. They have found out when she is being dishonest and have exposed the lies to us from time to time and given us calls to warn DH not to send her money. Once this happens then Dh calls SD20 and then she somehow convinces DH that it is all the grandparents fault and then DH jumps on the bandwagon with her and starts badmouthing the grandparents along with her and then her part in the whole mess is never addressed.

Last night she mentioned that once the baby comes she will need a lot of help financially because she will not be working and her boyfriend is not ready to have a baby and is barely working. I have completely disengaged from helping her financially years ago when I first started learning about her manipulations. I am here for her if she needs to talk but I honestly have only met her a handful of times and her entitlement issues and schemes are very transparent to me but not to anyone else on DHs side of the family who all live nearby us. They are all rallying around her and pretending to all be happy for her pregnancy. This is what she has told me that she wants, that everyone loves her BF and that everyone be happy for her. Even though I am sure many of the DH family is concerned no one will come out and say this to her face. Because DH does not want to make her feel uncomfortable and she has laid this whole trip on him like no one helps her and on and on so DH wants to save the day and be her support emotionally and financially. She is counting on this.

I have no idea how my Dh is going to come up with money to send to this kid as well as pay his part of the bills in our household. He has another daughter as well, about to turn 16. SD16 lives with us full time and SD20 has never lived with us. I want SD16 to have a good life and a fighting chance. I have no idea how DH is going to put money away and help SD16 with school after high school and also support SD20, her deadbeat boyfriend and her new baby.

BM is not in the picture at all and is very sneaky and manipulative as well and also feels like her parents and the world owe her still to this day although she is in her 40s. She is mentally ill and not available to help with anything financially. I believe her views on the world have been passed down to these kids. My DH feels it is his sole responsibility to take care of his kids, which it is, and now he is feeling like he is responsible for his grandkid on the way. SD20 watched my DHs parents help him when he had a baby (her) too young and has been shown the example that the parents will bale you out. (At least on DHs side)

This pregnancy came as a huge surprise to us, (although I do think she planned it and also deceived the BF about not being on birth control) and we previously had plans to move to another more affordable state (not the one that SD20 lives in) and starting a new life once SD16 turned 18 and graduated high school. In my opinion SD20 got pregnant so that she could use the grandkid as an excuse for people to give her money and a handout and to give her more attention. She keeps going on and on about how she wishes DH lived closer to her and how she has no help in her state, etc etc. So I think her getting pregnant was a combination to get more money and more attention. My DH does not see this unfortunately. He thinks she got pregnant to fill a hole left by her mom not being there but it is obvious to me from the conversations that I have had with her that she is looking for someone to bankroll her. She is very angry at her grandparents on the BM side for not helping her out financially.

I am very worried now for my future. I fear that DH will either want her to move in with him when she is not able to support herself (I will never allow this to happen in my home) or that he will want to move closer to her to help her and to be closer to his grandkid. I do not want to love anywhere near this mess. I have no children of my own and do not have that biological bond with someone that makes me want to do anything to protect them. I understand that he loves his kids and that he feels bad for the way their lives were in the past but we do not agree on how this should be addressed because I want the SD16 that I do have to be able to care for herself and have a good life. This whole thing is making me very concerned because if she sees her sister getting handouts and supported emotionally for having a baby for the wrong reasons I do not want her to think this is a way to get one over on people and get them to give you money.

When I got into this relationship I never knew in my wildest dreams that people are capable of this type of dysfunction and manipulations. It is so transparent to me but no one wants to address it or call a spade a spade.

Selfishly I am now wondering if my DH and my plans for the future will now be gravely affected by this. I posted here before when I was ready to give him the boot over his lack of parenting the one that lives with us but since then things have gotten much better between us as I have been disengaging and I am grateful to have him in my life. I can also see this situation may start causing some more riffs because it does seem like SD20 needs all of his attention when she is around and tries to test him to see if she will do what he wants her to do or if he will chose to do something with me. I don't worry too much about this and I can see this for what it is and I only have to deal with this a couple of times a year at the present. I have my own life and do not need constant attention from my mate, but I do fear that there will be nothing left of our relationship and intimacy and privacy if this girl does end up moving closer to us or something like that. She is very demanding and has unfair and unrealistic expectations of what everyone should or should not be doing. She is very angry at everyone that has not rallied around her or that has voiced their opinion about her pregnancy. (Right now it is only her grandparents on her BM side that have been disapproving to her face). I think this is why my DH will not tell her how he really feels about it.

I am just a little thrown off by the SD20 and her constant need for DH attention and now that I have spent some time with her listening to her talk about how she has no support where she lives and how she wishes we were closer and on and on about this it seems like she is really laying the groundwork to make DH feel bad for her and to somehow come to her rescue. When DH and I moved in together this girl was already living in another state and I barely know her. She made the choice to move to the other state to be closer to her BM's parents (because they have a lot of money I am sure) and now that they are cutting her off and not supporting her decision to have a baby she is running to us for help. I just don't know what that help will end up looking like and how much of it I will be able to take.

I guess for now it is a waiting game but I do need to become clear on what my DH plans are concerning helping his daughter and what this will entail. I know she will start putting more and more demands on him as the baby gets closer to being here and also once the baby comes. I am just not sure how much he will buckle and give in to her every need. Since I have never had kids of my own, I have no idea of how difficult of a time this girl will be having once the baby comes. I cannot imagine it will be too easy for someone that selfish and self centered to be having to think about someone else (her baby). Or maybe it will snap her out of her selfishness and self centeredness?
Has anyone ever had this experience? I am only 40 years old I was not planning on being a grandparent yet but honestly I do not know the Sd20 that well and do not feel like this will be my grandchild because I do not have a bond with her. Thanks for listening.

steppingon's picture

typo correction "I do not want to love anywhere near this mess. "
I meant "LIVE" not LOVE. Wink
Also, I just wanted to say again that I am getting good results by disengaging. But I do feel like I am not part of the family sometimes because if it. But it is better than being enmeshed in the mess. Because if I am going to be true to myself I cannot get involved too much because I really just don't need the arguments and headaches about "not liking his kids" and all the nonsense that goes along with talking to him reasonably about what is going on with them.
So I guess I am wondering now what is the bottom line that I will not cross with this new situation?
What am I willing to sacrifice once her demands start getting more common and once she has the baby to use to get what she wants?

hereiam's picture

Daughter or not, she is a grown woman and has made her own choices. He needs to realize that and get over the guilt, especially if he cannot afford to help her financially without putting your household in a bind.

I have had to constantly remind my husband that his daughter is responsible for the choices she has made. She will never learn if somebody always bails her out. In my case, the BM has had to do it because we will not. I'm sure my husband would like to help her more but he knows she would just be using him and he knows how I feel about it. She tries to manipulate him and guilt him, but now that pisses him off more than anything. She didn't even tell us she got married at first so we wouldn't know to have CS terminated (she's now divorced). Her true colors have shown through enough for him to not fall for her BS.

He would like to do more for his grandkids but the truth is, he is afraid to get too close to them (lest she use them against him). That's fine with me because I have no feelings for them whatsoever.

I guess you need to discuss this with your DH so you know where he stands and he knows where you stand. Try to be calm (hard for me sometimes) and suggest she learn to stand on her own feet, become a responsible role model for her child, blah, blah, blah. There are plenty of resources in this country for women in her position. She needs to figure this out and he needs to realize that.

steppingon's picture

Thanks for the comments. I have already discussed my position on the matter with him and he knows where I stand. He says that she will have to figure it out and learn her own lessons but I am sure that he will still help her whenever he is able because he cares about what happens to his grandkid. But for now, I will just have to see if any of our bills start getting put on the back burner because of this situation. It has not happened in awhile, he has wised up somewhat about her but I am afraid of what will happen when the baby comes. And yes, saying that she wants what other people have earned is definitely an understatement. I just don't understand how people think it is everyone else's responsibility to take care of everyone else's responsibility?
I feel like I have stepped onto an episode of Jerry Springer with this one. I choose to not spend too much money on these kids because I do not have a secure financial situation going on at the moment and I do not want to instill entitlement issues in the one that I am helping to raise. I have my own business and have worked very very hard the past few years trying to keep it afloat and I am in no position to help out without compromising my present or future situation.

I just don't want SD16 to lose out in the long run because of this also. We have our differences but I do care for her and I am the only mom she has so I have more of a vested interest in helping her if she wants to get to go to college or do something after high school to help her get to where she wants to be. SD20's grandparents offered to pay for SD20 to go to school but she made this choice instead. I pray SD16 does not follow in her sisters footsteps at least while she is living with me!

steppingon's picture

"But I am sure that it is very hard for your DH to think of her down and out especially pregnant with his grandchild. Probably would be tough for you if the shoe was on the other foot.

for sure. I get this and totally agree. That is why I am trying the best I can to be understanding to his feelings and keeping mine to myself. I am much more concerned for that little baby than I am to the daughter, The baby has no choice in the matter while she smokes and drinks sodas and is not thinking of the baby at all. That part makes me very sad because that is the man I loves grandkid in there. Sad
She is clearly doing this for the wrong reasons if she cannot even think about the fact that she is in control of someone else's health right now.
Anyhow, I also think I need to pick my battles because I would rather have him be sending her money in another state than her coming and asking us to move in.
We actually dont have small children at home, just one, another SD from same mom as the one that is pregnant. She is 16 and enough problems without the other one's drama.
We live in a 2 bedroom so there is really no room for anyone else to come along. Thanks for all the comments everyone.

Amber Miller's picture

My SD also staged a pregnancy (got pregnant on purpose; lied about birth control). She went through 5 months and 4 or 5 guys and each month came to me asking for help because she "thought" she was pregnant. Of course she couldn't run to BM so she selected me not thinking that I would be hip to her game. Anyway, here we are 3 years later, baby's daddy kicked her out over a year ago because he couldn't take it anymore. Now we have a paranoid schizophrenic (who refuses to take meds) taking care of a 3yo with special needs. We have no idea how they are doing as she told her dad she wants nothing to do with us. This is a tragic case for the child. My DH is done throwing money at her and done with her abuse. I am 100% positive that she had the kid for financial security and attention. How selfish she is. Bringing a life into this world that she's not competent to care for. I hope for your SD's child's sake that the mother gets it together and takes good care of her child

toywas's picture

REPEAT OUT LOUD - SHE IS NOT YOUR PROBLEM!!!! over and over and over!

She's a grown adult - again, NOT YOUR PROBLEM!

Amber Miller's picture

Oh my goodness that is horrible. So sad for her children. Everything you said is 100% accurate. I'm grateful my DH finally saw through her and has disengaged due to her disrespectful behavior. The term "Golden Uterus" is hilarious. I'm still laughing

Rags's picture

This entitlement breeder mentality is exactly what is wrong in this country today. Breed'em and then collect. It truly is prostitution on the installment plan. If it is not the NCP that is paying then it is the taxpayer.

Time for daddy to let his little girl, her deadbeat BF and their crotch dropping starve and suffer the consequences of SD's and BF's poor decisions. Fixing this by sending money is just enabling yet more of SD's bullshit.

Instead of sending her money send her a list and pictures of cheap food like 10 for a dollar topramen, generic powdered milk, day old bread, etc....

What got the point across to my Skid was when he failed out of the top 20 in the country boarding school his mom and I provided for him was a trip up to a homeless camp under an overpass in Philly in the middle of winter. We told him he was not going back to Military School following Christmas break but was going to finish HS at our local HS where he knew no one. We had moved while he was at boarding school. We were either going to his graduation in May or we were dropping him off at the homeless camp. His choice.

He pulled his head out and graduated on time and with honors. That was not the end of his clarity sessions but it was the one that made the biggest impression.

Daddy needs to drop SD at a welfare office where she can wait in line with unwed serial breeders for hours on end to meet with a social worker. She needs to experience every miserable little step of the path she has chosen. That just might pull her head out of her entitlement breeder crotch.

My DW was a single teen welfare mom when I met her. She had SS when she was 16. When we met she was 18 and SS was 15mos. She was a single mom working two jobs and going to college full time. She was getting WIC, subsidized $1/day daycare, health insurance for the kid and a few hundred a month in other welfare benefits. She was walking to and from the grocery store several blocks, riding the bus to and from work and daycare for an hour or more a day and walking to and from campus to her apartment. She was getting $110/mo in CS from Sperm GrandMa who was paying the Sperm Idiot's CS obligation for SS.

She ultimately finished a dual major BS with honors, an MBA with honors and has had a very successful career as a CPA. She was a teen welfare mom but she was not a serial entitlement breeder. Your SD needs to learn this lesson the hard way and not have $ handed to her just because she can drop a kid out of her crotch.

If daddy does not force some sense in to her head you will never be rid of this breeding POS.

BadNanny's picture

HAHAHAHA you just gave me brilliant ideas: instead a Christmas gift, I will take the skids to a visit to the welfare office and donate her money toward some diapers and formula. God Bless YOU!!!

Amber Miller's picture

I feel like these irresponsible individuals see having a baby as having a new accessory. They expect their parents to feel sorry for them and therefore subsidize their lifestyle. My SD was cut off before DH and I got married. Of course princess is mad as she thinks it's my fault that daddy is no longer her personal ATM. she's stupid; daddy cut her off after blowing over $50,000 trying to salvage her useless a$$. He finally learned after 5 years of paying her rent, giving her $500 a month cash for her to do with as she pleased, paying for her car, insurance, and tickets that throwing money at her only deepened her entitlement. She got pregnant again and lost the baby (BTW, baby's daddy kicked her out because he couldn't deal with her anymore but they can still create more babies). She gets nothing from us. Now she has cleaned out her mother and one of her siblings. Good job princess; you can only blame yourself. I guess she won't be wearing designer clothes and carrying designer handbags anymore. Poor princess. Guess she will try and get pregnant again to drum up more sympathy. She won't find any sympathy here.

BadNanny's picture

Stop talking to her. Period. Block her number, no invites into your home. She is a bad seed and a bad influence on her sister. She'll get the message that your boundaries are up. No way will she get ANY money from you, and if DH wants to give it to her, he is welcome to move out and file for divorce. If he didn't do the parenting, he will now do the grand-parenting. Be firm. If she cannot afford a baby, she can give it up for adoption. That is exactly the talk DH had with my SD11 who is planning on crotch-dropping young.

Amber Miller's picture

She needs to get one if those dolls that screams until you feed it, change it's diaper, etc. I saw it on a talk show about teens who want a baby. By the middle if the night, the "parent" of the doll inevitably gave up the idea of having kids. One night without sleep listening to constant screaming should do the trick. A doll with severe colic would be a good idea.

BadNanny's picture

BTW- this scenario is very familiar to me- dysfunctional BM raising more dysfunctional droppings.

steppingon's picture

Thanks for all the comments everyone. I cannot agree more. Unfortunately there is a clueless dad (my husband) who gets very defensive and crazed about anyone saying anything "negative" about his kids. They can do no wrong. Our finances are now separated and he is on his own with this one. He just can't understand why I don't want a full house of this mess. As long as he is sending HIS money to her and she is not staying in our home I will just watch and cringe until I can't take it anymore. Maybe he will wise up once he sees he cannot afford it.

Amber Miller's picture

It took my DH 5 years to see that his DD is a liar and a manipulative brat. Then another few years for him to see that he needed to disengage which he finally did after she had a temper tantrum because he doesn't support her fancy lifestyle anymore. Thank goodness he finally saw her for what she is.