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H's Daughter at it again

Disillusioned's picture

So further to my previous post about the dreaded annual birthday dinner (lunch) for H's eldest and I, H receives a call on his cell phone from his daughter saying there is an event for SGS that day (the day of course that she already choose for us to do the lunch) and asking H about us all going to see SGS's event or not, do the lunch or make it a dinner, yada yada

First of all, this lunch isn't being held for H and his daughter it's been held for H's daughter and me. So it's irritating of course that H daughter calls him about it, rather than me. And she makes sure to only speak with H about it by calling him on his cell, not the home phone of course

This may seem minor but believe me it's H's daughter's way of trying to play the little mini-wife 'it's between me and my dad' trip on everything, including anything related to me. For example, one of the last times H's daughter pulled this was when H and I were thinking of purchasing a new stove for our home. The company H's daughter worked at then sold this so H called his daughter asking if she could get us a deal

H's daughter comes over to our place for dinner shortly after that, and she has a print-out of a few stove options. She and H discussed them and his daughter didn't once so much as consult with me on them as well. H and her decided and then H asks me about going to see them. I told H after she left in no uncertain terms that he and his daughter were not deciding what stove to put in MY home. Especially since I would be the one using the stove - and often to cook the dinners his daughter ate when she was at our place. Grrrrr!!!

Another time H wanted a new vacuum (he likes to vacuum what can I say LOL) however obviously we both would use it. H went through his daughter and she pulled the same crap. H and her decided on the vacuum and she brought it over to our place. H had a bunch of questions which his daughter and SSIL answered. I was half paying attention as I was cooking everyone dinner. But I had a question and walked over to ask H's daughter and asked her. She said to me "I've already talked to my dad about that" and completely brushed me off. Did I want to slap her face?!!! Oh ya

Then there was the time she was living with us and flipped out when I mentioned to H I would like to put a nice black throw-rug on our light hardwood floors. I had been talking with H sort of thinking out loud and his daughter, then a teenager, started rudely demanding why on earth I would do something like cover up the beautiful hardwood floors. It was a ridiculous comment from her just based on the fact it wouldn't cover up the floors but merely accentuate them but more importantly, none of her business what I put on the floor in MY home. Especially since she didn't so much as lift her plate from the table after dinner let alone actually contribute to the mortgage. Grrrr!!!!

So yes this latest little call/question to H from her is small. But I know it's just her irritating way of acting like the only request that will matter to H is hers of course :sick: But I really don't know why she doesn't give it up already :? H doesn't make the same mistakes he made in the past with excluding me and giving her all thIS power. She gets shown this from H time and time again. It must make her feel upset that H isn't falling for her crap. Yet she continues to pull all these little things, even minor like this

As we were just leaving a restaurant with friends when H's daughter called asking him about going to SGS's event, etc..etc... and H knows not to make plans effecting me with her without consulting with me first, H told her he would have to phone her back

So far I don't think he has...

Orange County Ca's picture

Let them plan all they want.

Once they've decided on a vacuum you go and buy the one you want.

Once they decide on a restaurant you tell them you're going to a different one and they can come along or not.

When she says "why put a rug there" don't answer - just do it.

What this girls says is irrelevant in your life providing you believe that.

Disillusioned's picture

True...but this seems a little too passive me to

I won't let H's daughter, or especially H treat me with that disrespect either

Next time H's daughter rudely says something like "why put a rug there" I will say to her face "that is none of concern nor will you speak to me in that rude tone again - until you actually contribute something in this house let alone to the mortgage - then you have no say, got it?"

And then Orange County Ca I will do as you said and just go buy the rug and put it where I wanted in the first play which hilariously is exactly what I ended up doing Smile

Every single time H's daughter comes over she see that very rug on the floor

And even better, she doesn't talk to me in that rude tone these day either Smile

sandye21's picture

Like you wrote, she wants to be the mini-wife and sees you as a threat. I'd just tell her it's none of her concern, "No, WE really don't want that." By stressing the 'WE' you will tell her that you are DH are a unit - not she and DH.

Disillusioned's picture

Yes I agree StepAside that H is mostly to blame for this but his adult daughter is too. When she had the discussion with H about the oven for MY home, she did it right there in front of me, in my home BUT did not address a SINGLE word to me - it was as if I wasn't even there and she and HER FATHER were deciding what would go in his home

It was a bitchy rude brush-off and meant to infuriate me, which it did. She accomplished this well. Especially since the home is equally mine and which I pay half the mortgage not to mention the one who would be using the oven, not her OR H for that matter. Rude and inconsiderate on her part. You had better believe that nothing SHE chose would end up in MY home, that's for sure

I have disengaged from H's eldest and she certainly pretends to be disengaged from me but she is still stuck in the past, still wakes up every day full of jealousy and insecurities and conniving for ways to get at me

I would love not to be part of the whole birthday celebration thing but it means the absolute world to FIL and I wouldn't think of letting him down. Unfortunately it also is a means for H's sister and his eldest daughter to find wasy to exclude me, make sure I understand they don't consider me part of THEIR family and that I don't count in their world...of and that they hate the ground I walk on too

I would pity them if I didn't actually find their behaviour totally entertaining at this point, now that I've had years to step back and see it from what I am - an outsider's point of view LOL