Long story short BM was trying to raise support bc SD17 has not been spending overnights, just visits. We have different rules at our house so SD17 rather take advantage of a later curfew and BM supplying alcohol for her and friends when she is at BM's house. BM has told SD and DH that SD doesn't have to come to our house if she doesn't want to because she is over 14.
Husband just finished his appointment with county prosecutor this is what he had to say in a nut shell
His office will allow my DH to take the parenting time credit for the days that are outlined in the current CO. BM will have to modify the CO in order to take the credit away. That being said child support may go up or down but the outcome of the new CS order will not be because you haven't had overnights. Our office handles child support and not child custody if there is a need for your parenting time to be adjusted it will need to be handled in the courts not here.
*I have to think it helped sway the prosecutor's judgement that my DH took in pictures of alcohol in SD's room at BM's house and pictures from FB of SD's parties where alcohol is served showing rules are different in our home and that
I feel the same way. I am
I feel the same way. I am not against raising support when it is warranted, but to try to pull some stupid crap like this at the age of 17 is just ridiculous. To think we were going to pay an attorney thousands to stop this. I am so overjoyed today! I just question how many NCP have had to get an attorney in my state instead of going the route we did? I have to thank this board for giving me suggestions!
My thoughts exactly!
The sense of entitlement of
The sense of entitlement of some of these BMs is astounding!
She probably doesn't want to go out & get a job like the rest of us.
In my case I don't even know
In my case I don't even know if it is truly about money with BM. I think it is all about losing control of my husband's life. She hates that DH and I are happy together. If what my SD says is true about BM and her husband's relationship BM is miserable with him but he has money. The old saying misery loves company is true.
Wow...that's even worse than
Wow...that's even worse than if it were about the money. Not long to go, Patsy.
((((( hugs )))))
Sperm GrandMa played the 'you
Sperm GrandMa played the 'you are over 14 you can pick where you live and how long you visit' card with my SS when he was that age.
My Skid knew better because we have always kept him informed on the CO and any supplemental county rules or state regulations regarding Custody/Visitation/Support.
As for going to court for more CS when the kid is 17, if there is no chance to get the CS order back dated or get the CS extended while the Skid is in college then it is a waste of time for BM to even try.
Good luck.