The kid is out of control, and the mom won't do anything about it! Help me please!
So, I am new here- and this is where I am. I am the step parent to a 12 year old boy who doesn't know how to shut the hell up! He pisses me off on a daily basis, so much so that I don't even want him in the same room with me anymore. This is the kid that was expelled from 5th grade for stabbing a classmate in the arm with a sharpened pencil. Oh yeah- his classmate said something to him he didn't like, so he grabbed a pencil, sharpened it, and then walked over and stuck the thing into the classmates arm. He has been suspended from school EVERY year since he started. Last year, he was suspended (out of school) twice and in-school 5 TIMES! Last year, he decided it would be a really good idea to throw rocks at the lunch lady's car, doing over $1700 worth of damage to it (that we had to pay for). Then he decided to bully and harass a girl with special needs to the point of her being TERRIFIED to come to school. Fine, he wants to be a delinquent, whatever, I don't care. (Clearly I care but that will be a law enforcement problem in a few years...) What I can't stand is his mouth, it's constantly running and it's constantly rude, sarcastic, snotty and he's damn lucky I haven't knocked him into the middle of next year. His bio mom is okay with this. She tells me last night, "I don't want to raise a child that is a mindless robot, who just does everything he's told without question." Uh, what?! He's 12! He doesn't get a say!!!!!!!! He doesn't get to "question what he's told!", especially with his history! He gets to shut the hell up and be happy he even has a friggin' bed to sleep in!
She lets him talk to her like she is a piece of trash! And when I have had enough (after hours and hours of hearing, "If you open your mouth one more time" from her to him) and I punish him, I get yelled at for "walking all over her". And then I have to hear, "Well, no wonder he doesn't respect me with you walking all over me all the time!" No, idiot! He has no respect for you because.... YOU DON'T DO ANYTHING! She threatens and yells and screams but never takes action, and if by some miracle she does take action, it's a light, light punishment. I grew up in a home where if I spoke to my parents even 1/100th of the way he talks to her, I would be getting my teeth pumped from my stomach.
So what am I supposed to do? I am trying to relax after work, chill out and watch some TV while helping to make dinner and I can't because he's running his mouth, arguing and she's screaming. So my solution is just to keep him upstairs and out of the way, but then I get accused of all sorts of things because I just want some peace! I shouldn't have to leave the apartment I help pay for to get a little peace and quiet! And she won't listen to me! She doesn't understand why I don't want to spend any time with him, it's because he is rude and argumentative constantly! We can't go anywhere without him arguing and ruining a good time! But that's my fault somehow, because "he's just a kid".
This is going to ruin our relationship and I don't know what to do.
...she doesn't want him to be
...she doesn't want him to be a mindless robot but she's okay with him being a piece of shit instead? I have no synpathy for someone who picks of other people with special needs and physically assaulting people.
I wouldn't stay with your partner because the next person he stabs may be you. Her precious son is going to go places--and not the good kind.
You do realize this is just
You do realize this is just going to get worse right?
The kid is 12 he is just starting to realize his mom isn't going to do anything. Wait until he is 15/16 and by then you WILL knock his block off... and she will take the kid's side of the story and your ass will be in JAIL and the kid will still be getting away with everything.
Get out. There is nothing you can do to change this dynamic, only your wife can and it is obvious she has no plans to change anything. You are supposed to sit there, shut up and pay for it all.
Unless that is how you WANT to live your life.., walk away now before the kid causes you a criminal history.
Time to hand DW a belt and
Time to hand DW a belt and tell her to either step up and discipline her hell spawn or you will. IF she choses not to deal with the problem then she can STFU while you do. If she refuses, light up the hell spawn's bare kid ass with a belt. If you are in any state except for DE it is legal for a Sparent to spank their Skid.
Look your state up here.
If he likes being a delinquent and causing pain then he can experience some painful consequences.
IMHO of course.