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Sd8 attitude problem!

SummerMomma719's picture

So tonight we went to mil to see sd. After dinner at some point dh and I were going to run to the store to get diapers for our dd. the. Go back for a little bit. when we realized the time we said we were just going to head out and go home after grabbing g the diapers cause we travel and hr home. Dh apologized that we were there for a short time an said "until we have a second car again things are hectic." And sd commented and said " yea and more organized" with SUCH a damn attitude!! I already don't like her to begin with but wtf it pissed me off. And when I mention it to hubby he just says " I'd like to know where that came from cause she wouldn't say that" ummm hello SHE DID say it. And I do t care where she got it from she learned from someone and all hubby keeps doing is saying she wouldn't say that. Instead of correcting it. Stop making the excuse "she got it from someone" no kidding all kids get there attitude from listening to those around them!!

Anon2009's picture

I don't know the whole story so my apologies if I am wrong. However, this kid doesn't live with you. And it sounds like she rarely, if ever, spends the night in your home.

I've read your previous blogs and it sounds as though you really resent bm. Much of that seems to spill over to sd. I understand resenting bm-btdt. I've resented the skids. Not proud of it but btdt. I can never understand resenting a child for their parents' shortcomings. Kids can pick up on how we feel about them. And I think they can sense when they're getting an inappropriate, disproportionate amount of resentment directed at them-resentment that extends beyond their misbehavior. Sd seems to be one of those kids. She has shortcomings but it's not her fault bm is an a$$.

Is sd living with mil now?

SummerMomma719's picture

Sd lives with bm. She won't come to our house. She says its new. Which yes its new to her. If we just try to bring her she breaks down in years an dh doesn't bother. So Wednesday we pick her up at bm an then go to my grandmothers house and spend time. Then every other weekend when it's his to have her mil picks her up from bm an we meet her there an that's where she sleeps. Saturday we go back to mil house to get her an then at night we bring her to bm

Disneyfan's picture

What the heck! :jawdrop: That kid has too much power.
No wonder she feels free to mouth off.

She's going to give you all hell when she hits her teen years.

Disneyfan's picture

Mouthy kids drive me insane. I would have called her on that.

It's a shame dad didn't think to send OP to the store while he spent more time with his daughter.

jumanji's picture

Why couldn't diapers have been picked up on the way there, or on the way home? Did you run out? Lesson for next time - pack extras.

SummerMomma719's picture

I could have gone alone its bit me that drags dh with me it's dh that is the one that is always going. I love my dh but he does t seem to show much interest in sd himself. He cares for her but is distant. The two of them never have anything to talk about with each other. When I'm in the bedroom feeding our dd dh is right in there with me. Even when sd is around. I don't ask or drag him in there with me he does it on his own.