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Here's a chuckle for you all today

cmwolfe1264's picture

So youngest SS28 has been living at our house for the past 2 weeks waiting for his new apartment to be ready. It will be ready tomorrow so last night my DH said to me something like our houseguest will be leaving Friday or as of Friday we will be short one housemate or something. Sooooo my first instict is to say "HOT DANG, I'M SO EXCITED!!!" but I realize that my SS is in the living room and can hear me. So I try to make my voice as neutral as possible and say how great your apartment is ready, good for you. OMG I was pizzed at my DH that he would say that to me within earshot of his kid. I know my DH is sad but he knows very well I am not happy to have his son living with us. I only agreed to it this time because it had an end date. He was living with us from the beginning of July to the middle of August with no end date set but he moved back into the place he shared with his wife til their lease ran out which was the end of August. Sadly his wife came back from a month's vacation back to her hometown/state and told him she didn't want to be married to him anymore and proceeded to find a house to rent all by herself and left him to take care of vacating their present place. Soon-to-be EX-DIL is a piece of work!! I am SO HAPPY she is out of my life, wohoo. I feel bad for my SS and his little boy but not much I can do about it. All I can say is "Karma is a b----ch."

hereiam's picture

I think there is something kind of dysfunctional for a father (who's in his own relationship) to be sad about a 28 year old, grown ass man, moving out on his own. I could see it if they were both single and roommates/buddies and he was going to be lonely, but....

It's not like the three of you are having all kinds of fun and now that will end with SS's departure.

cmwolfe1264's picture

Fortunately my SS is somewhat educated, very employed and appears quite capable of moving on with his life. I don't think that is weird that my DH will miss him. I would think any parent would miss their child whenever and however long they were to come home and visit or temporarily live. I think my DH will mostly miss getting to know his son's 3yr old son who has lived out of state for most of his young life. I must admit I will miss the little boy too Sad