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Never again will I be used as an excuse!!!!!

SpoildBrat's picture

On Thursday SD14 decides she didn't want to come home from school and the whole time BD and I are worried something might have happened to her because she hasn't had a reason to run away lately except she hates me anyways we call the cops report SD missing around 8 pm we get a phone call from one of her friends saying I wasn't supposed to tell but I know where SD is we gave her a ride to her friends house she said she didn't want to go home because she is scared of me she has absolutely no reason to be afraid of me in any way shape of form. So come to find out she was hanging out with her friends all day getting high and running the streets doing whatever she wanted to do so of course we called the cops to let them know and to escort us over to where SD is hiding because she said she would run if we came to get her by the time there was an officer available it was t 10:30pm so BD goes with the cops to go get her and when they finally got home she said she had a bad day and didn't want to come home and take it out on us what a load of crap. So now everyone she talked to thinks I am a piece of s*&t once again all just because she wanted to get high. Then the next day she gets up goes to school and wouldn't you know it she doesn't come home again and we know nothing is wrong so we wait it out then at 10 pm SD calls from a gas station and says well I'm up here at the gas station hanging out if you want to come get me can you believe it all day long we get calls and texts telling us shes at the football game with a friend and all over some boy and she has the nerve to think we are going to jump to go pick her up when shes ready yeah ok so I told her you were running all over town getting high or god knows what you can walk home she says but its dark like I care so I told her you better hurry before I lock the door ad hung up well she was over half way home and got pulled over by a cop and he brought her the rest of the way and her reason for not coming home was well you guys said I would run away so I did. SD has had a habit of running away in the past less then a year ago she decided she didn't want to fallow our rules and didn't want to go to school and dressing slutty and getting high was more fun so she ran away well we reported her a run away and when the cops finally found her she told them I abuse her and when we talked to the cop he took one look at me and it was over he believed every word she said all because I am fat and have tattoos and thought I looked mean so cps took her for the night and the next day made my husband sign a paper saying he would keep SD safe from me and not leave us alone in my own house wtf. So now not only cant I have my own kids due to medical reasons I am going to have to fight if I ever want to adopt and I wont be able to go back to work at the schools or child care because or SDs lies and the sad part is she still to this day does not care one bit she just keeps throwing me under the bus I don't know how much more I can take she is so cruel the way she talks to me and the things she says and no matter what we do BD and I she just keeps getting worse and worse. What am I supposed to do now? I feel so broke down and I hate waking up in the morning just wondering what does she have up her sleeve today?

Bojangles's picture

Where on earth is this girl's Dad in all this and why isn't he the one tracking her down, dealing with her behaviour and calling the police if necessary? You sound like you're parenting this girl alone with no mention of her Dad doing anything? This girl has a problem with you for whatever reason and it sounds like she is deliberately goading and aggravating you, she's at an age where children start to challenge their parents authority, and often reject their steparents authority altogether. You should leave her Dad to deal with her - she doesn't come home after school - you send him a message 'SD is not home from school', then you get on with your day. She calls for a lift at 10pm you tell him 'SD wants a lift'. In an emergency you collect her so she's safe but you don't engage. Dad needs to impose a curfew and some rules and consistent consequences for this girl or she's going to get herself into a lot of trouble, but you can't do that yourself.

SpoildBrat's picture

Her dad is involved and he does punish her and he was the one to go with the cops to go get her my husband is a great man and always has my back but she has been so out of control she treats her father the same way just not as bad as she does me and he always agrees with every decision I make well we make together but he mostly handles his daughter because I wont

getout's picture

My step daughter is 19 and has totally destroyed me and my husband's reputation. She used US as a way to sneak around with men at night. She would work herself up when she was at our home and just "have to leave" because she couldn't "handle the stress" and then we would find out that she never went to her mother's home. She was spending the night elsewhere. The only reason we believe this is men related is because all throughout high school (we had custody of her)she was pursuing boys and very intense about it. She is sneaky, clever, has an awesome poker face and has over the years, destroyed our reputation. When we went to school events, parents of other kids would shun us and we never understood why. It wasn't until this past summer that we realized it was her. She is no longer allowed into our homes and lives until she changes. My husband is a school teacher and we cannot have her ruining his career over selfish lies that enable her sluttery. What feels good about our choice is that now, she CAN'T lie about us. There is nothing she can ever do. She will have to find someone else to blame now or someone else to hide behind.