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I told BM how I felt.

Igiveupsotornupinside's picture

If you need more please refer to my forums that I have written to give a better description if you wish.

BM texted me the other day letting me know that DH and I were right about SD19 and she can't handle living with her anymore. She is stealing her car, not working and mooching with her boyfriend. Says the cats (SD has 5 of them) are pissing and crapping all over the house. Told me they hold the unborn child over her head on everything. So I replied with "call me, I don't feel like texting, I have too much to say"

So she called when she was done with work. I let her know that since both SDs are now adults there is no need for us to have a relationship other then she being the BM of my SDs. I told her there is no need for co parenting anymore. I told her I would like to be civil at weddings or babies being born (unless of course its bad SDs life, as I have nothing to do with her anymore). There was silence on the other end. Mainly because I have never been the type to just stand up for myself like that, usually I am the nice person. I went on to tell her that I did not appreciate her treating me the way she did at bad SD19s graduation and as a matter of fact I didn't like the way she back stabbed me and was nice to my face for the last 12 years. I told her I cant trust her as far as I can throw her. I told her I caught on to the last time when bad SD called begging for 300 dollars to pay for a security deposit (which I never gave her) when in all actuality, BM needed the money. I told her DH is my HUSBAND and not hers. She left him by drugging and cheating on him. Not my problem she left a good man single. I went on. No response except "ok, I understand" from her Smile

My DH sat there with an open mouth stare at me during this conversation. When I hung up he shouted "Woohoo, look at you go!". I felt I could breathe again. Smile Bye bye BM and rotten SD19 and funny because we got SD22 and she will always be with us now, the one that BM tried so hard to get her to hate us and its us that SD22 comes to for life needs and advice. SD22 also ended up turning out like her father, hard worker, college, doing wonderful. SD19 turned out like her mom which is unfortunate but like I said read my other posts and you will understand why DH and I are disengaged from SD19 and her pathetic boyfriend/baby daddy.

I just had to brag because I am proud of myself.

AlreadyGone's picture

Good for you!!! You must feel so good to have finally been able to state your piece and I absolutely LOVE your DH's response to it. Keep up the good work!!! Smile

stepinafrica's picture

Smile Good for you!! She is an idiot. Why do you need to 'co parent' an adult who is not even yours?

sandye21's picture

BM inititated the dialog between you two but texting you. What the heck was she expecting? That gave you the right to inform her of your limits. Good for you.