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Do other members of the family see skid(s) if the bioparent doesn't?

ocs's picture

Let me explain that better...

There is very little visitation at the moment. Long story short, SD is PAS'd severely and refuses to be around me, so DH established his own boundaries with SD and Batshit BM.
Unless the nonsense stops, no visitation.

This has been on and off since March and bio grand parents understandably miss SD. My temper got the better of me a few weeks ago, because I was so tired of hearing about it that I blurted out, "Then you go pick her up and bring her here for a visit." DH agreed.

Grandparents did not because even they don't want to deal with BM.

Do any of you have no visitation, but other family members do?

Patsy's picture

How old is your SD? Mine is 17 and our batshit crazy BM likes to act normal to my inlaws so they will pick her up sometimes with no problem.

MamaDuck's picture

I'm not too sure about the states, but here in NZ grandparents don't have any "rights", it would come down to the 'goodwill' of the primary parent. However, in my SO's court order, there is a stipulation that his mother can have his contact days should he ever be unavailable b/c of emergencies (this would be the grandmother BM did not want around her DD b/c she classes grandmother as a drug addict, grandma smokes cigarettes, nicotine is a drug, therefore in BM's opinion, all smokers are drug addicts lol)

When my ex lived overseas for 2 years, I let his parents have the kids nearly EOWE, it worked out well.

ocs's picture

SD is 13.

It's not so much a 'rights' issue, more like, if the grandparents want to see her, then great!! Contact BM and visit all you like. BM probably would let it happen with the stipulation that I wouldn't be around. (I love my MIL, but she has NO backbone)

I guess I was just annoyed at the , "Sigh.... I wish we could see SD... sigh...... :O "

Even DH said, hey- call her and see her, but we have plans.

I had a little anxiety a few weeks back, because everyone was missing SD sooooooo much. She's 13 with her own smartphone. She regularly texts her cousins and aunts and her grandparents. She has not been bothered for months now to keep in touch at all- more resentment for me I suppose, because I see her younger cousins who idolize her, very hurt and don't understand why no texts, no messenger etc..

I was very frank about it to all involved. 13, almost 14 is old enough to be responsible for her behaviour.

not2sureimsaneanymore's picture

Yup. Our situation. BM is batshit so we don't.

But MIL and now BIL go out to see SS--and it's been used as a weapon against us (inviting them out--and BIL accepted and LIVED with BM and GBM--the debacle is in my blog--saying this was time only time, which was BD's due date they'd be available. So DH's brother missed the birth.)

DH made it clear to them that they can do whatever they want in terms of a relationship with SS but don't involve him.

ocs's picture

This may be where it goes with us.

Dh saw SD the other day, for some back to school shopping. They had a nice few hours together and he came home and said that they had fun.

Either he doesn't see that he is a wallet, or he won't admit it to himself, not sure. In any event, 'family time' won't be happening bc of how ridiculous BM is.

I would absolutely encourage the rest of the family to try to see her, maybe they can undo some damage before it REALLY gets out of hand.