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Trying to conceive

christinen's picture

DH and I decided we are going to try to have a baby! We have both been wanting this for a while but it seemed like the timing was never right for me to get off the pill- I had changes going on at work, I had a medical issue I had to deal with, we moved into a new home.. But now all that is over and we are ready.

I got off the pill at the beginning of this month & luckily started my period right away (I had heard it could take a while) so now I am just waiting to see if I miss it next month.

I know a lot of you are already bio parents and might not think this is a big deal but for me it is huge! I just wanted to let my feelings out because I really have no one to talk to in real life! None of my friends planned their kids and none of them are stepparents. They just don't understand anything I go through!

PeanutandSons's picture

The 2ww is nerve wracking g as can be! Good luck and I hope you have a nice sticky bean in there Smile

christinen's picture

It is very nervewracking!! I tried texting my friend about it last night but her only reply was "when you're pregnant you'll know without having to take a test"! I wanted to say "what, like you did??" - because she has 3 kids and didn't find out she was pregnant with any of them until she was 3-4 months along! It's different when you're planning.. you want to know asap!

SMof2Girls's picture

Congratulations! I'm not a biomom yet either, but DH and I are planning to start trying later this year. I'll be keeping an eye out for your updates Biggrin

christinen's picture

Thank you!! At least I am not the only one! Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one in my age range who doesn't have kids (I'm 27).

christinen's picture

Thank you. & wow that must be insanely hard to go through. I hope you get your wish of starting a family soon!

ocs's picture

sending baby fairy dust your way!!

I'm not maternal in the least, but always so happy to hear other people trying!!

christinen's picture

Thank you guys, I really appreciate the support! It's so hard when you have no one to talk about things with in "real life"!

christinen's picture

Haha I know, I thought about that as well. We are just not preventing pregnancy. At the same time though, I do have an app on my phone that will show you the days you are most likely to conceive (it's called Pink Pad) so I did make sure to do the baby dance on those days! Good luck to you too! Smile

lil_lady's picture

hey there I am 27 and we started trying in december im now 3 months... Try not to get to worked up into trying. For me I got obsessed then gave up on it and whamo pregnant that month! I know its so different when your trying And every time I thought I was pregnant... except the last few months when I was giving up. If I could give any advice though just have fun having lots of great sex and keep ur ovulation dates in the back of your mind ;).

fakemommy's picture

Congratulations! I remember having so many different feelings when we decided to ttc. You'll love the fact that your baby is 100% planned after you become pregnant, especially with knowing so many people with unplanned pregnancies. My cycle was weird when I went off bc, I was just a little bit later every month. You def find out EARLY when you are TTC, you know when your period is supposed to come and you are looking for the "symptoms" all the time. It didn't take me long to get pregnant, I was very lucky, but don't get discouraged or think about it too much if it takes longer than you planned. I did not calculate my ovulation dates at all, we just enjoyed ourselves. Good luck!

christinen's picture

Thank you for sharing your stories! I have been on birth control for about 10 years now so I am a little nervous although I have been told by my dr that should not affect me being able to get pregnant. I'm so glad I have this site because I honestly have no one in real life who cares haha my own best friend doesn't even think it's a big deal. I'm used to finding out friends are pregnant and their reaction being "oh shit what am I going to do"- not excitement. Even SD was not planned. So it is very different! I am trying to just enjoy "trying" but deep down I can't wait to see that little line light up on the test! Smile

clydella's picture

I have heard people say that your supposed to be 'fertile myrtle' when you come off the pill, hope that's true in your case, Good Luck!!