Can't talk to my spouse about SD10 without an argument....
Hello all....I have scanned the posts for something close to my situation but thought I would just post my own for some much needed feedback.
Here is my short story. Married less than 6 months but dating for 2 years. SD 10 acts like 4, attention seeker, manipulator, sucks thumb, scared of everything, never picks up after herself, bad hygiene, always having these fantom injuries and illnesses, interrupts constantly. 5 of her dolls are disabled. In a nutshell, she is a mental case. My spouse worships the ground she walks on. On more than one occasion has yelled at me in front of her signaling that she controls the household and won't let me discipline her at all. He is always lurking around the corner to see if I am saying something to her that might hurt her feelings. He shelters her from everything. You can't mention any news story of any type of violence in front of her. No stories of the real world. We have only fought in our relationship over his parenting style and her behavior. It has come to the point where I can't say anything at all. He is always on the defensive. Our parenting styles are different. He parents from the heart or off the cuff and I parent from the brain. There is something seriously wrong with this little girl and he does not see it and keeps making excuses for her. On one occasion he even told me that he will always take her side. She missed 29 days of school last year due to fantom illnesses/injuries. Several trips to the doctors only to see nothing on xrays. It has become a her vs me scenario. He has telegraphed to her that all she needs to do is break down crying and I am the bad guy. I want to go to counseling but he is dead against it. I am convinced that he doesn't want his parenting to be called into question. I have been told by friends that perhaps I should go on my own to better cope with my situation. We are moving to a new house ( not his) and I told him I wanted two basic rules for the SD10. 1) Don't take over the living room with her toys and hog the TV and 2) pick up after herself. He told me once that these were MY RULES ( impliedly not his). Are these things too much to ask?
How many of you out there have partners like mine? I would be interested to hear your stories. I wish I could just talk to my spouse but it always ALWAYS ALWAYS ends in an argument. Thx.
So why are you with this ass
So why are you with this ass of a man who totally disrespects you?
I have the same problems,
I have the same problems, recently in fact. With me there may be hope, we'll see. I jumped him later and told him he cannot scold me or disrespect me in front of SS16. He has a problem with something I say, he needs to tell me in private. I also told him that he needs to discourage SS from avoiding interaction with me. If SS is curious about something I've been doing, like what did I cook, then SO needs to tell SS, go ask Onefoot. SO said he will try to remember. So...we'll see how this goes, time will tell.
Also, SO does not worship the ground SS walks on. SO is very aware of SS' faults. What SO doesn't like is for someone other than himself to say anything negative to or about his baby boy. He can't handle it, he just gets defensive. That will probably never change. Comes with the territory.
Your guy, though, he sounds even more immature than my guy. I don't you really think your situation will ever improve? You can try standing up for yourself and talking to your DH, set some boundaries for him. See how he responds. Then you'll get a better idea of whether your relationship is salvageable.
Thank you for all your
Thank you for all your comments and AnaR thank you for the very long response. I would be lying if I said I wasn't scared about my future with my spouse. Funny how after the ring is on the finger things seem to creep up. It is not that I didn't see this before. The first time that he "scolded" me in front of the SD was after we got engaged. We talked about it. He just couldn't see my point that he had then and there set the tone for my authority in the household. He did not apologize. He thought that I was out of line for making his daughter cry ( basically she admitted lying about something I said and I wanted her to confess to my spouse because this had caused discord between us). Funny I thought that maybe as his wife I would get some sort of higher status to be respected as an authority figure. Yes, my spouse does have some issues. Very bad and abused childhood at the hands of a step father. Robbed of a childhood really. He is trying to heal his own childhood in the raising of his daughter, if that makes any sense. He is very defensive by nature. Quick to take offense. Arrogant about his opinions and how he parents. On the flip side ( kids aside) he is wonderful, funny and super sexy. He listens to my feelings as long as it does not involve my SD or his parenting. It has been so contentious with us lately that I hate to even re-open the subject. I have made declarations like " I am detaching", "she is your daughter so you raise her however you want", "what i care about is the relationship with you". I actually don't detest the little girl although she gets on my nerves with her bad habits and constant need for attention. My problem is with my spouse. Maybe I should suggest that we talk about things but that would just put him on the defensive. I just want to know what comes first, his marriage or his kid. Some on this site suggest that the spousal relationship should be primary. Some say the kids come first. What should it really be. Honestly I see them as maybe equal at least!
SS11 is pretty similar to
SS11 is pretty similar to this except his quirk is that since he was about 4 he has been medicated for ADHD up until this last year. He has always been able to blame his lack of respect and poor behavior on his medication and never take ownership. I am currently engaged to my FDH and have set out a wedding date far from now for reasons like this - I want to see if over time our different parenting styles can somehow compromise.
I'm not sure if that's going to happen for you without some counseling or seriously sitting down with your DH and expressing how stressful this has become for you. IF he's not willing to make some changes to make this family work as a whole, there isn't much point in you staying and being miserable in their own little world.
If you want to stay married
If you want to stay married to him, it is going to be very difficult. Someday the skid will be 12, 13, 16 and those ages aren't easy, either-especially for the wreckage of a child you have living under your roof. You can ask about/read about "disengaging" here on Step Talk.
It saved my sanity.
Surfy, now I understand why
Surfy, now I understand why you understand my situation so well.It sounds that your SD also was allowed to turn into a mini-wife-brat with a daddy who thinks she is perfect.It is hard for me to give any good advice since I quit because I grew so resentful towards that spoiled kid and many other reasons.All I know is that you need to put your foot down and not give up your role as an adult in your own house for an entitled brat.Did you read the stepmonster book? That might help.Silly that SO never bothered reading it, otherwise he would maybe understood my point better!Good luck, you deserve the best.
Well, I like all the replies
Well, I like all the replies so far so I'll only add this..... it is apparent that your hubby is married to his daughter and not you. There is no amount of therapy that is going to change this situation. You are the Mistress, the outsider here. That is how he views you, and he is determined to make you the scapegoat in this shared madness. I seldom tell anyone to outright leave, but here I am..... RUN! Get the hell out before he damages you to the point of insanity. I don't believe that disengagement will work here. All that will do, is keep you further on the outside of a creepy family dynamic. You deserve to be cherished by your partner, not bullied and mind-f*cked. Seriously, what other good attributes could this man possibly have that make it acceptable for you to stay? Wow, I thought my Xh was bad. Just, wow!
Keep posting and please take care of yourself.
Thank you all for your
Thank you all for your comments. WOW......he has had some therapy but decided early on not to be a victim and left it at that. He does not want to return to therapy and only believes one should go to a therapist in a crisis situation. It just might get to that for him. ALREADY.......I am not at my wits end yet...but...I hope it does not come to that; if it does, I will wish I had taken your advice to get out.
Actually today we had a bit of a breakthrough. When we first got together he wanted me to co-parent his daughter, something which I thought was the ideal but as we went along I liked the idea less, especially when it was discovered that we parent differently and it just caused problems. He was finally able to talk about it today without getting angry or touching a hot button. I told him that I have been reading a lot on the internet ( something which he criticized since "most people even experts don't know what they are talking about" according to him). Anyway, I asked him what he saw my role to daughter as since we are obviously not on the same page with parenting. He gave me an honest answer and one that gives me a bit of a relief. He said he does not know right now; originally he thought I could be the mom and we would be like a family. He came to terms with the fact that he does not like to share parenting. THIS IS GREAT! I don't want to be a parent to the kid anyway and since I have disengaged there is no added pressure to fill a "mom" role. I told him that I was ok with that and that the kid has a mother and a father and does not need a third parent. I told him that I am comfortable with being an adult role model and making sure that the kid has a safe and loving environment to grow up in. I think this will defuse a lot of future problems to which he agreed. See I was feeling all this pressure to be a mom, to do all the grunt work but not have a hand in direction and discipline. I am hoping that we have turned a corner here.
As for the kid her annoying little habits are not as bad as some of the other kids' on this site. And she is actually sweet and is loving to me. I am thankful for that. Some of the things she could well grow out of but honestly I see a coddled child who is growing up with emotional issues that could get worse. That will be her father's problem. We have good insurance and will stay on an HMO so that her hypochondria can be financially manageable. I hope she turns out to be the kind of teenager that is in her room all the time or always sneaking out of the house. Someday I know that my spouse will be faced with undeniable truths about her, whether by a teacher, a social worker or a school psychologist. I don't see her being a danger to others or felonious. She will likely have few if any friends and might just hurt herself. Sad because she is a smart little thing.