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Am I the one acting like a child?

rachthestep's picture

Hi, this is going to sound petty, but I'm just a bit stuck. If I am being petty, please tell me.
My partner has an 18 year old daughter by his ex. The ex hates me but I have managed to get past that and form an ok relationship with his child. We don't see each other very often because she is a busy girl and now drives so does not rely on us for lifts so much any more, but when we do see each other, we get on fine and have a laugh. She sees her dad every Thursday (hence me writing this now while he is out!) and sometimes on a Friday they go out for lunch (I don't go because it's in the same village and if her mum sees us together she may react in a way which is upsetting for the daughter).
A few weeks ago she asked her dad if she could borrow my bike to train for a charity race. I was a bit reluctant because she seems to get through bikes quite quickly but then instead of getting them fixed she wants a different one. But I said yes because I didn't want to seem mean and it was for a good cause. The race came and went and she has never returned my bike. The Thursday after the race when Dave saw her, she said that it was a great bike and hers was 'shit' and she was keeping that one. He told her it was out of order to do that and how did she think I was going to like it being given a 'shit' bike in return for my good one, but she just doesn't answer and he came away without it. Since then she has treated him with disrespect a few times and upset him, but he is her dad, and forgives her. I do not love her in that way and just feel mad. We have discussed it but Dave just says she doesn't give a damn about anyone. I think what I wanted is for him to tell her she was out of order and just swap the bikes out of respect for me. He hasn't and I haven't brought it up again because I don't want have a row over a bike. But secretly I am harbouring resentment and I don't know how to resolve it. I know Dave feels bad about it and he really is lovely and generally treats me with the utmost respect but I feel he has been weak over this and should have stood up to her. He says he will get me another bike but I think that's unnecessary. Just ask her to GIVE MINE BACK. She has told him she thinks I'm 'cool'. Is this how you treat someone you think is cool? Am I an idiot? Why has this got me so riled? I keep burying it but it keeps coming back up every time I look at her bike sat in our garden! Any advice please? P.S I just added this bit: He just saw his daughter at her home and when he returned I couldn't resist asking how my bike is (in a very smiley way!)and he told me that it was just leaning up against the wall in the same position as the last time he went round so she clearly isn't using it any more. Why did I ask? This just made me mad again as I thought he should have brought it home with him! Aaaagh!

noway70's picture

He is teaching his daughter she can steal!?!
Be harsh on him. This IS a hill to die on. He is showing her she can simply disregard your property, that whatever is yours is hers for the taking.
Be prepared to go to the police if necessary. Or simply tell HER you are going to the police. She is 18, not a child and she knows what she's doing.

OMG_Why_Me's picture

Do not buy a new bike, with anyone's money except the SD's. If she wants to keep the bike, tell her how much she owes you towards the purchase of a new one. If she doesn't agree to the money, then demand the bike returned. You still give her an option to keep it or not, but nothing is free and that'a a very good lesson for this young adult.

sterlingsilver's picture

You, after you've bought a shiny new bike, saying to DH who is appalled at the price tag, "you gave my nice bike to sd and I need one for myself so I thought it would be ok to buy a new one, that's what you meant by giving my bike away right, go buy a new one honey? Isn't it gorgeous? I LOVE it much better then my other one!!" }:)

Rambling Rose's picture

StepAside- I agree with you- wonder if I could schedule a sit down between you and MY DH?!?! lol..... You say what I think, yet better than I could.

luchay's picture

Yep - I agree!

Was thinking as I read all the posts about just letting DH pay for an expensive new bike "noooo"

But SA says it so much better - a new bike is a bandaid on a cold sore, it covers the problem bit but not the roots of it.

SD needs to learn quick smart that she can't steal and do as she pleases, she's 18 not 8. There are consequences and DH is NOT helping her to learn to live in the real world by allowing her behaviour.

NO-ONE else in the world would allow this girl to steal from them with no consequences.

rachthestep's picture

Hi, thanks for all your advice guys. The night I posted my story, Dave came home with a bike. Second hand but so was mine. He said to try it out and if I liked it better than the other one I should keep it but otherwise he would give that one to her and get mine back. I can see what you're saying about Dave. He is always trying to avoid confrontations and can't seem to see that you can't please everyone. But I feel some of you may be being a bit harsh on him as he is a lovely bloke just trying, however misguidedly, to do his best. It made me feel sad to see some of the things you said about him, however well meaning cos I love him and he treats me so well. I am currently unemployed and he is supporting me as well as paying money to his ex yet he never complains. He has made a big mistake this time but I guess I'll have to let it go. She goes off to uni soon and then we'll never see her and maybe she'll use that time to grow up. As for Date, let's hope he has learnt something too about how to handle things next time. Thanks for all your support.

Freshstart's picture

Hey that's ok. You have to find your own answers. These blokes of ours are trying and in many cases just lacked the kind care of a loving partner when it came to their children.

Your SD did something wrong though so beware of the lack of accountability. Not your fault but the message is not right.

The_Other_Mother's picture

I think the resentment comes from the fact that you guys had an agreement in which you were generous about, on which she simply said, "I like this better I'm going to keep it." And then Dave didn't have the spine to tell her no, which is what you feel he should have done in the first place. It might work to bypass and him and talk to her about it and say, "we had an agreement in place, and I would like you to return my bike." At least it would make her tell you no, and in that event you would have to decide the next step if any. Good luck.