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Court today.. nothing accomplished

stepmomsoon's picture

DH & her had the first hearing today - it was to address the motions DH filed: modifications to the existing shared parenting agreement, motion to begin child support, etc.

Nothing was solved - all of 5 minutes in the courtroom to say "it looks like you two are in agreement where the kids will live" and the rest needs worked out at a later date.. So now we have to wait another month and then there is a series of interviews with the kids and witnesses can be called..?

I don't get it.

Kids want to live with us.

BM doesn't give a crap where they live - she moved and is living the good life with hubby number 3.

She has bailed on them financially and we need support.

What is there to keep going back to court on?

Pretty cut and dry and there are no attorneys involved..

I'm so pissed.. another month of this woman keeping our lives in disarray and doing nothing to support her children..

Really having a hard time trying to cope with this..

step off already's picture

We had one judge that barely ruled on anything. Then we got a brand new judge who was new to the bench and she was just like boom-boom-boom. Making orders and finalizing things.

It went in for about 9 months with he first judge. The second judge said "this can be over right now if you like".

stepmomsoon's picture

It's just sooooo freaking frustrating.

She all of a sudden lost her job too.. perfect timing, right? This is a job she used to semi justify her selfish decision to move over an hour away from her kids - she said "my territory tripled and I need to be down this way more than up there".. whatever, more lies..

I'm just pissed.. she gets out of all responsibilities all the way around and we have to struggle to make ends meet while she lays out by the pool at her new house every day.

momto3's picture

Good luck! I know exactly how you feel. BM refuses to work and the judge here refuses to use her previous income. She knows if she doesn't work she won't have to pay more (minimum in this state is $65/mth) or contribute to medical bills. What she doesn't realize is she's only hurting SD15, who can't tolerate her lies or her refusal to be a parent.

So she'll continue to make a payment or two a year, not exercise visitation and live it up with hubby #4, spending his money & taking vacations. Real classy...