SD10 Attention seeker
I really need a vent..... And some advice....
My SD10 seems to always need 100% of the attention to be on her. Whenever she meets someone new she is all over them. Cuddles them, lays on their lap ETC
We have 6 people in our family and in there are 11 month old twins and she still expects the attention to be on her. Always following me around, talk talk talk.
If she is with any friends she is the one that is talking and the other girls just watch her dancing and play acting.
I'm toooooo busy to be showing her this much attention. But if I don't show her attention she goes into her bedroom and sings at the top of her voice so she is still heard!
It's like the 'good ship lollypop act' all the time and then I find what she really feels when I stumble across some of her letters. One said she hated me and my son.... Another said she hated my son so much she wanted to k*l* him, off with his h*ad first she said, I would if I could.....
I know kids will be kids, but this is extreme and her father doesn't think any punishment is needed. Is it?? He thinks we talked about it and she was sorry so water under the bridge....
I know she has had it hard with her Bioparents split when she was 1 year old, as they still don't get along. But this is hard work. I need to split my time evenly between the 4 children and to know that what she says to my face mirrors what she writes about US all. The other 3 are mine biokids.
Anyway just a vent and after some advice on how to settle her down.
It's hard to disengage when
It's hard to disengage when she lives with us....
Thanks snow'sstepmom It's
Thanks snow'sstepmom
It's funny how I try that but she keeps asking more and more questions! She has no inhibitions at all. She tells everyone including her dad how her left nipple is swollen, but the other one isn't..... puts a pad into her panties and then comes out of her bedroom with it in front of my 6 year old son and says is this how you put a pad on your undies!! She is getting ready for her period I know, but there is no way I would have been so uninhibited about it at her age and NO WAY whatsoever would I have talked to my dad about it. Even if I didn't live with my mum I would talk to her on the phone about it instead of my dad!
What do you think about the notes she writes?
SD12 literally sits in front
SD12 literally sits in front of the mirror, admiring herself. Takes pics of herself in seductive poses. And to be blunt, she's not even that cute. I think it's great when a child has confidence in herself, but dayum. She's It's all about her. Everything. The grass is green, sky is blue, sun is hot, rocks are hard, snow is cold, why? Because of her.
I hate sounding so petty. But absolutely no one has called her out on this, other than mean ol' stepmom telling her that it's not a good idea to sit so long in front of the mirror (I mean literally, ya'll. A couple hours. Not putting on make up or fixing hair. Just sitting and looking.)
I used to love to sing a conceited sounding song. But now it reminds me of her.
"I'm special, so special, I've got to have some of your-attention!"
Ugh. That song used to be so fun to sing with the girls in the car....
SD sucks up to strangers as
SD sucks up to strangers as well.Not cool, has no idea about personal space.Mostly though she glues on SO,non stop- not cool.Extreme attention whore.